LOL! Sorry EM.
I don't know if you ever heard/read how I got my Evo. I didn't pre order. I thought I could just waltz on into Sprint launch day and get one. They wouldn't sell me one no matter what. Told me they only had stock for those who pre ordered (I have a rant about that but that's for another thread).
I went home and called EVERY Sprint store in PA, NJ, DE & NY. Feeling defeated I decided to go to BB and spend money (on nothing important).
As I'm exiting BB a SUV with Sprint on the side pulls in.
I approach this woman and say I have a "complaint".... as I'm sharing my Evo woe is me story, she pulls hers out (the nerve), makes a phone call and 10 min later I got my brand new Evo from one of the very stores who told me they were all sold out and wouldn't have any inventory for a couple of weeks due to backorder.
The End.

Ok, you're going to love this.

Long, boring story, read at your own risk -
One night, I'm calling Sprint support - again. And after lots of clicking, this voice comes on and says with great boredom - "You complain a lot. Nothing personal, but I have your record here."
So - we get to chatting - he's Sprint Tier 3 support not far from me and we get to talking. Then he laughs. "Oh wow, lightning storm. We're mostly down and I'm here with nothing to do. Got time?"
So, we chat a while, nothing better to do - he tells me about the Evo. I tell him I lurk here at AF, heard about it. He lurks here too, and has been on Tier 3 support testing it. We discuss it in detail. Much later, I discovered that I'd been given a lot of insider info, but at that point, it was just two old tech dudes shooting the breeze and laughing it up.
He convinces it's what I want, almost hangs up on me if I think he's a salesman. Laughing like heck, I tell him he screwed up and sold me in spite of himself. That was like - very late April or May.
So, being ever so top of things, I stroll in to my Sprint store wearing my typical Hawaiian shirt and pony tail (and they are not happy to see me, convinced I'm returning my phone again) about 3 days before launch and say I want the Evo.
The rep just GLARES and calls over her manager. She comes over and says, "NOW what do you want?"
"An Evo," smiling.
"We don't have that."
"You will soon. And I know that you have some kind of sign-up for it. I talked to this guy...."
Out comes a clipboard. "Fine. But I'll tell you right now, you're not getting one. This list has been filled for weeks."
"Wow. I shoulda come in four weeks ago when I talked to him."
(Language infraction avoided by not repeating what she actually said to that.)
So. June 4th rolls around. No call. I'm disappointed, figure I'll call them later.
End of the day, Ms. Mgr calls.
"I can't believe this - but here goes. We've called everyone on the list after ending up with only one left. You have to get here first thing in the morning or you may not see one for weeks."
"Thanks. I'll get right on that."
"Any chance you can make it here before we close?"
"No. I'm watching TV now. Ok if I let you go?"
And plus, I blew off the next day and waltzed in on the 6th. Mgr appears, steaming.
"Got my Evo?" all smiles.
"Yes, but I want one thing out of you. I want you to admit you don't deserve this."
I'm cracking up. "I'm old, wearing a Hawaiian shirt and I have a pony tail. Tell me something I don't know."
She finally breaks a smile, starts laughing, and we became friends.
Three and a half weeks later, they got their next one to sell.
By the morning of the 7th, I was never so thankful for an electronics purchase in my entire life.
That's why I hang out in this thread.
That's what I want to feel again.
So - we get to chatting - he's Sprint Tier 3 support not far from me and we get to talking. Then he laughs. "Oh wow, lightning storm. We're mostly down and I'm here with nothing to do. Got time?"
So, we chat a while, nothing better to do - he tells me about the Evo. I tell him I lurk here at AF, heard about it. He lurks here too, and has been on Tier 3 support testing it. We discuss it in detail. Much later, I discovered that I'd been given a lot of insider info, but at that point, it was just two old tech dudes shooting the breeze and laughing it up.
He convinces it's what I want, almost hangs up on me if I think he's a salesman. Laughing like heck, I tell him he screwed up and sold me in spite of himself. That was like - very late April or May.
So, being ever so top of things, I stroll in to my Sprint store wearing my typical Hawaiian shirt and pony tail (and they are not happy to see me, convinced I'm returning my phone again) about 3 days before launch and say I want the Evo.
The rep just GLARES and calls over her manager. She comes over and says, "NOW what do you want?"
"An Evo," smiling.
"We don't have that."
"You will soon. And I know that you have some kind of sign-up for it. I talked to this guy...."
Out comes a clipboard. "Fine. But I'll tell you right now, you're not getting one. This list has been filled for weeks."
"Wow. I shoulda come in four weeks ago when I talked to him."
(Language infraction avoided by not repeating what she actually said to that.)
So. June 4th rolls around. No call. I'm disappointed, figure I'll call them later.
End of the day, Ms. Mgr calls.
"I can't believe this - but here goes. We've called everyone on the list after ending up with only one left. You have to get here first thing in the morning or you may not see one for weeks."
"Thanks. I'll get right on that."
"Any chance you can make it here before we close?"
"No. I'm watching TV now. Ok if I let you go?"
And plus, I blew off the next day and waltzed in on the 6th. Mgr appears, steaming.
"Got my Evo?" all smiles.
"Yes, but I want one thing out of you. I want you to admit you don't deserve this."
I'm cracking up. "I'm old, wearing a Hawaiian shirt and I have a pony tail. Tell me something I don't know."
She finally breaks a smile, starts laughing, and we became friends.
Three and a half weeks later, they got their next one to sell.
By the morning of the 7th, I was never so thankful for an electronics purchase in my entire life.
That's why I hang out in this thread.
That's what I want to feel again.