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Are you a vegetarian?

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I am a vegetarian (not vegan) & have not eaten any meat or chicken or fish. Just wanted to know how many people are out there like me?
although im not a full vegetarian or vegan, there are very few meats I actually will eat. basically chicken breast, sushi, and bacon. and even then its very rarely, most of the time its salad, pasta,or other random concoctions I come up with. though I do need a complete diet overhaul since i've recently been diagnosed with a bunch of stomach issues. so I was looking into a full vegan or vegetarian diet.
Are Vegans & Vegetarians the same? I thought the only difference is Vegans would consume fish whereas Vegetarians would not ? I could be wrong.
Vegetarians cut animal products out of their diet and vegans cut animal products out of their lifestyle & diet.

I'm not either however. I love meat, dairy, and fish.
Nope, I love me some poultry, and the occasional cheeseburger. It would take a chicken visiting me in my dreams, and begging me to show mercy on it's brethren, for me to give up meat.
I used to be vegetarian for about 3 years and vegan for 2 years. There are major differences and terminology to describe them.

Meat reducer: Anyone who calls themselves a "vegetarian" but eats meat once in a while, perhaps once or twice a week. A meat reducer is never a vegetarian simply due to the consumption of meat.

Pesco-vegetarian: Anyone who calls themselves a "vegetarian" but consumes seafood, like fish or crab. Seafood is commonly mistaken as an acceptable food for a vegetarian because of the idea that fish isn't meat (I don't understand that).

Lacto-ovo-vegetarian: A vegetarian that consumes egg and dairy products, like yogurt, cheese, and... eggs.

Lacto-vegetarian and ovo-vegetarian: (self explanatory I hope)

Vegetarian: Vegetarian who doesn't consume egg or dairy products.

Vegan: A vegan is someone who does not use or consume animal products and animal byproducts at all whatsoever. Anything from an animal is completely (or as completely as possible) taken out of their lives. This includes any ingredient that is from an animal, like casein, gelatin, whey, etc.

Examples of vegan foods: Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, Froot Loops, Fritos, Lay's, Oreos, Nature Valley Granola Bars, Cracker Jacks.
Nope, I love me some poultry, and the occasional cheeseburger. It would take a chicken visiting me in my dreams, and begging me to show mercy on it's brethren, for me to give up meat.

I had a chicken visit me in my dreams once ... I ate it before it could say anything.

Try a slingshot if it's moving too fast but looks yummy.

I draw the line at weapons, them's reserved for people.
I could never be a vegetarian. I wouldn't say I eat a ton of meat, but if I go a day or so without eating meat I start craving it hardcore. I look at the meat puppets walking around me and start drooling.
Nope, not at all!

However, my neighbors are. We all hang out all the time and eat together all the time. So, when I grill I grill them fake meat or veggies and my wife and I the real stuff - but whenever my wife cooks or the neighbor does the cooking, (which is more often than my grilling) it's fake meat for us!
Nope, not at all!

However, my neighbors are. We all hang out all the time and eat together all the time. So, when I grill I grill them fake meat or veggies and my wife and I the real stuff - but whenever my wife cooks or the neighbor does the cooking, (which is more often than my grilling) it's fake meat for us!

Now that's something that irks me a bit....they expect us to make special foods for them BUT we have to eat their fake stuff?? :confused:
Now that's something that irks me a bit....they expect us to make special foods for them BUT we have to eat their fake stuff?? :confused:

In my experience, they don't hardly expect it at all.... they would just simply choose not to eat the meat stuff and eat the other available food. However, I know if I'm hosting a meal and some people are vegetarians, I'll take some extra steps to provide food for them so that they're not left out.... basically being a courteous host for everyone.
In my experience, they don't hardly expect it at all.... they would just simply choose not to eat the meat stuff and eat the other available food. However, I know if I'm hosting a meal and some people are vegetarians, I'll take some extra steps to provide food for them so that they're not left out.... basically being a courteous host for everyone.

I've eaten with some vegetarians that were truly and honestly offended that I was eating a burger. The fact that they had a salad meant nothing. I ended up spending the entire meal (or a good portion of it at least) being shamed for being a carnivore. Strangely enough I've not had a meal with them since. Very weird.
In my experience, they don't hardly expect it at all.... they would just simply choose not to eat the meat stuff and eat the other available food. However, I know if I'm hosting a meal and some people are vegetarians, I'll take some extra steps to provide food for them so that they're not left out.... basically being a courteous host for everyone.

I play the courteous hostess route as well - it's just an observation.
As an ex-vegetarian and vegan, I always made sure that I had stuff to eat on my own. I never wanted to bother others at trying to provide something for me. I am thankful for those people who are considerate enough to want to make something for me because it shows that they care, but it really isn't necessary. Any restaurants we went to, I simply got a non-meat option.

You have to expect vegetarians to not cook meat for you because that would be very offensive to a vegetarian. It's like asking a Hindu to cook beef for you... or is it pork... I'm not sure. hehe :p
I've eaten with some vegetarians that were truly and honestly offended that I was eating a burger. The fact that they had a salad meant nothing. I ended up spending the entire meal (or a good portion of it at least) being shamed for being a carnivore. Strangely enough I've not had a meal with them since. Very weird.

Thankfully I haven't experienced that yet, but the way I see it, we're all welcome to choose what we want to eat, and i respect others choices... but I also would expect the same given to me.

I play the courteous hostess route as well - it's just an observation.

Fair enough :)
My culinary dream in life is to build a large ground level BBQ, walk a cow up to it, push him over on it, and sit there with a couple of forks. Sure, sure, I know what you're all thinking!! "He's going to need a knife." Not so quick! If you've ever seen a man salivating for perfectly seasoned medium rare steak, holding a fork in either hand... trust me, we can handle ourselves.

Never been able to cope with the whole mindset that seems to go along with the majority of vegans (I said majority). That driving force that pushes them to inform everybody of the fact that they're vegan, and how many animals they've saved... as they drive away in their ridiculously low mpg SUV, tossing smokes out the window and buying more plastic disposable products for their houses and bottled waters that wind up more often on the side of the road than in a recycling bin.... not that I'm much better. :)
Never been able to cope with the whole mindset that seems to go along with the majority of vegans (I said majority). That driving force that pushes them to inform everybody of the fact that they're vegan, and how many animals they've saved... as they drive away in their ridiculously low mpg SUV, tossing smokes out the window and buying more plastic disposable products for their houses and bottled waters that wind up more often on the side of the road than in a recycling bin.... not that I'm much better. :)

I am neither offended or opposed to veganism (?) and if it is done for health, dietary, financial, or other justifiable reasons, it's no different than a diabetic avoiding sweets. However if it's done for philosophical or moral reasons, I find it a bit silly.

We are animals. Animals have to kill or eat dead things to survive. Plants are capable of maintaining life from the elements in their environment. Animals must take something alive, or recently alive and consume it. If the objective is to protect the innocent, then protect plant life, after all it is alive, too and it doesn't need to kill you to survive.
As an ex-vegetarian and vegan...
Why did you leave the club if you don't mind me asking?

I'm not a vegetarian myself but 3 years seems a long time. I'd think that someone would be used to a meatless life after that much time.
I've eaten with some vegetarians that were truly and honestly offended that I was eating a burger. The fact that they had a salad meant nothing. I ended up spending the entire meal (or a good portion of it at least) being shamed for being a carnivore. Strangely enough I've not had a meal with them since. Very weird.

that would bug me... to no end.

I respect they dont.. and it is good for them..
dont ever push yours on to me.

food, religion, politics, sex... i understand yours and respect it, what ever you choose.
respect mine!

i can go 1 day.. without meat. just one. then I got to have it.
I've eaten with some vegetarians that were truly and honestly offended that I was eating a burger. The fact that they had a salad meant nothing. I ended up spending the entire meal (or a good portion of it at least) being shamed for being a carnivore. Strangely enough I've not had a meal with them since. Very weird.

I experienced this once as well. They decided I was a lost cause to them after trying to guilt me by asking if I knew how the cow came to end up on my plate....cruelly killed....yadda-yadda-yadda........I then got to explain very nicely that yes, I did know, had actually been to a slaughterhouse due to my ex-husband having hauled cows and while it was not a pretty thing to witness that it was, in my eyes, a necessary evil because I love meat.
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