Each of us can remember how much fun we have with our cell phones, because:
1) A developer like our man Shinru, is building custom Roms for it.
2) It's exciting to try new thing's, it's like getting cools toy's under the tree.
3) Each of us get's to share, IF, we respect each other and play nice.
4) No question is stupid, (if asked humbly, with an honest desire to be answered).
5) Yes there's a place for each different topic, and that can be suggested with humor and respect.
6)Moderators will stop abuse, and abusers will lose their privilege to play with others.
I think that when there's examples of disrespect or pushy behavior, that reverberates in any community, and shakes up, what was trusted and maybe taken a little for granted, that here, in these forums we're friends, (we just haven't met each other yet).
We, each are responsible for maintaining the fun, and the mood and tone of mutual and willing trust, in each others motives and worth. It's the same thing you'd want given to you.
When it's gone. That's something to mourn.