i had what i would call an average use day yesterday, some you tube, video podcast, web browsing, some showing off apps to a co worker, etc and my battery lasted from 0630 to about 2000. i have most features turned off when im not using them, I dont feel like the features are pointless either, I dont need to have my hotspot on when not in use so i disable it, live wall papers really are not that useful so I disabled them, location is for when im navigating, and my bluetooth headset broke so i disabled it.
IMO if you want your cell phone and manufacturer to do the thinking for you, get an iphone, and thats cool, to each his/her own. I like being able to control my phone the way i see fit.
oh yea, the OP, no thank you, i dont want to bash this great phone. I am pretty sure its just in fun but still, no thank you.