Android Expert
I've noticed two contrasting groups on the forum lately. Some state getting only a few hours of battery life, others find the battery life to be much more reasonable.
I easily found my phone to last all day with moderate to sometimes heavy use with battery to spare. I'm not doing anything special either, no task killer, stock battery. I generally use wifi when around a hotspot, GPS while navigating and using location based services, and bluetooth to my car stereo while driving.
I'm not saying I wouldn't love a battery that lasts longer. Of course I'd take two million dollars over one million also.
Do we really use our phones so differently which battery-life has that much variance?
I believe so.
It's like cars. Some people get better mileage for the same car. Other's like to see numbers on 0-60 and still others like to see how much farther they can stretch a tank-full of gas. At highway speeds, some like the windows up to conserve gas, and some like the top down and feel the breeze.

For me, I would rather get the best the phone can offer. I have aspare battery if I needed it. Some like to prove their phone is efficient and would stretch everything to prove they can last 18 hours with a single charge.
I say it's your phone, use it the way you like to. But don't complain of mileage if you use it like a race car.