People that are new to android/ smart phones do not realize that they need to leave things off, for example 4g, wifi. Most also do not understand that there is a need for task killers, though some do not like to admit it.
I feel this is an inaccurate statement. I've had every platform of smartphone there is, sans WebOS.
Even my Verizon 6700 PocketPC when overclocked got better battery life then this EVO is getting and I left bluetooth, 3G, and WiFi on at all times.
This is the first smartphone I've ever owned that can't have all of its features left on and make it through the day.
It saddens me greatly, but I am likely going to have to go with a different phone. I'm not a troll either.
For the record, my wife is having the same issue, and she CAN NOT use her phone throughout the day, she's a pharmacy tech and there is a strict no cellphone policy at work. She is leaving her phone in a locker and getting it at the end of the day to find that its got 20% or less life left - and thats with ATK.