If your signal is weak it will destroy your battery. Sunday at work I left mobile network on, and I had to recharge twice over 9 hours. Today I kept it off while I was working,(Calls and texts still come in, just not data) and snapped it on during breaks and lunch for much needed internets and e-book readan. My battery was at about 40% when I got off. MUCH BETTER.
I've been using WiFi where I can and that seems to help. I don't use task-killers though.
Thanks for pointing this out.
The phone boosts transmit power when it detects a low receive signal. This sucks a battery dry. I was bummed to see low signal when I got home w/my EVO knowing that it would cause fast drain. But it really wasn't as bad as I thought. Plus... I'M HOME! So I can just plug in.
EVO is so far beyond all others that dealing with the power issue is a very minor and I suspect temporary inconvenience.