Off charger at 5AM Sat. Everything except WiFi turned off (GPS, autosyncs, 4G, email, etc...) In other words exactly like my iPhone is set-up. Checked phone only twice since then. At 5PM 88% (Ok, not bad), at 6 AM this light flashing and 5% battery. WTH?
Sorry, I'm just not going to jump through hoops to basically turn into a dumb phone. Esp. not with the 'premium data fee'. Sorry...maybe next time around. For now it's back at Sam's where I picked it up Friday.
How is your signal strength? My Verizon droid INC sucked thru a battery very quick like that, but the verizon signal at my house was always between 0-2 bars. That's the only reason I can come up with why my EVO seems to last about twice as long as my INC did.
Good luck to you.