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Root [Boost Mobile] [ROM] CTMod 3.80 (04/11/13)

I have a couple questions to the devs and any users of this rom ?

1.Does the from randomly reboot?
2.How long does the from take to boot from the device being completely off?
3.How responsive is the from?
4.How is the battery life?
5.How is the audio in thus from?

1. Not really, been running in since the night 3.80 came out and I'be never had a random reboot.
2. Probably about 5 minutes at the most, it can be less by adding two lines to build.prop
3. Very responsive, light and speedy. It does get a bit reduced when you load it up with nearly 80 apps :D
4. Depends on governor, I've had the best with sio/SmartAssV2 with 122-1804 as the frequency, and also Merc's PowerNap script. Lasted me 10 hours with data and auto sync on all day and after 10 hours I had %30 left over
5. Wouldn't know about that one, with AC!D audio add on it sounds great though! I always flash this when I flash a new rom to my warp :D
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1. Not really, been running in since the night 3.80 came out and I'be never had a random reboot.
2. Probably about 5 minutes at the most, it can be less by adding two lines to build.prop
3. Very responsive, light and speedy. It does get a bit reduced when you load it up with nearly 80 apps :D
4. Depends on governor, I've had the best with sio/SmartAssV2 with 122-1804 as the frequency, and also Merc's PowerNap script. Lasted me 10 hours with data and auto sync on all day and after 10 hours I had %30 left over
5. Wouldn't know about that one, with AC!D audio add on it sounds great though! I always flash this when I flash a new rom to my warp :D

:ditto: :rolleyes: :):thumb:
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1. Not really, been running in since the night 3.80 came out and I'be never had a random reboot.
2. Probably about 5 minutes at the most, it can be less by adding two lines to build.prop
3. Very responsive, light and speedy. It does get a bit reduced when you load it up with nearly 80 apps :D
4. Depends on governor, I've had the best with sio/SmartAssV2 with 122-1804 as the frequency, and also Merc's PowerNap script. Lasted me 10 hours with data and auto sync on all day and after 10 hours I had %30 left over
5. Wouldn't know about that one, with AC!D audio add on it sounds great though! I always flash this when I flash a new rom to my warp :D

Thanks just might switch today.
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1. Not really, been running in since the night 3.80 came out and I'be never had a random reboot.
2. Probably about 5 minutes at the most, it can be less by adding two lines to build.prop
3. Very responsive, light and speedy. It does get a bit reduced when you load it up with nearly 80 apps :D
4. Depends on governor, I've had the best with sio/SmartAssV2 with 122-1804 as the frequency, and also Merc's PowerNap script. Lasted me 10 hours with data and auto sync on all day and after 10 hours I had %30 left over
5. Wouldn't know about that one, with AC!D audio add on it sounds great though! I always flash this when I flash a new rom to my warp :D

Any chance you could link #5? :D
EDIT: Also, I did attempt to find it using the search function, I think I'm having a problem finding it because of the exclamation mark. Thanks!
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Here's a screenshot of my battery graph in case you wanted some hard evidence of the great battery life. Remember this is SIO/SmartassV2 122-1804 w/PowerNap

Now I can go a full day on one charge just like when I had my little Rumor Touch with Virgin Mobile... ahhhhh I miss that phone it made a great brick to attack people with since you could never break the damn thing
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Here's a screenshot of my battery graph in case you wanted some hard evidence of the great battery life. Remember this is SIO/SmartassV2 122-1804 w/PowerNap

Now I can go a full day on one charge just like when I had my little Rumor Touch with Virgin Mobile... ahhhhh I miss that phone it made a great brick to attack people with since you could never break the damn thing

Running the same specs here.:)
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I have been on this rom for about a month now and I love it. One thing I notice tho is alot of apps I open up stop responding or whatever that message says ( I forget) and I have to force close. Facebook happens alot and file explorer just did it as well.... these are just 2 but majority of them I will have to force close every once in a while.... anyone have an idea????
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We were all noobs at one point :p
You can use MIUI file explorer and navigate to /system/etc/init.d and drop in the script (90_powernap, rename and remove the .txt extension if it has it). After that, long press on 90_powernap, and look for set permissions or something like that. There will be a 3x3 grid of check boxes with 3 at the bottom, it'll look something like:




Check everything in that grid ONLY and permissions will be set to 0777 or -rwxrwxrwx. Confirm everything and then you should see a cute little toast notification at the bottom that says "success" :)
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We were all noobs at one point :p
You can use MIUI file explorer and navigate to /system/etc/init.d and drop in the script (90_powernap, rename and remove the .txt extension if it has it). After that, long press on 90_powernap, and look for set permissions or something like that. There will be a 3x3 grid of check boxes with 3 at the bottom, it'll look something like:




Check everything in that grid ONLY and permissions will be set to 0777 or -rwxrwxrwx. Confirm everything and then you should see a cute little toast notification at the bottom that says "success" :)

Thanks I got it done I really appreciate it.
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