Extreme Android User
I am starting to actually enjoy this phone now! Is it possible for me to change the boot splash screen? The alien creeps me out lol. Also I usually use ifont to change the font but it doesn't seem to work. Is there another application I can try or is it not possible in this rom?
This rom is amazing! Thank you for all your hard work.
I always use ROM Toolbox for that kind of stuff, and the boot splash screen.... I remember there being another one lying around here somewhere on AndroidForums... LilBit knew where it was, I forgot where I had it on my laptop though. And thanks, really glad to hear that you like the ROM!
And I see that you're a new member so...
Welcome to AndroidForums!
I'm always happy to see appreciative new members coming in![]()
Look in here for some Boot images, or how to make one.