Good news! Remember how I said I wanted to make the rom zip smaller??
I did it!
Its now a WHOLE MEGABYTE smaller!
EDIT: Found out its only smaller cuz I forgot to include Lightning Browser haha... tested myself, running fine, but first boot has a low bench of 7397... I'll test second boot, if its past 8.1k then I'll keep building on this. I need others to help me test battery life, in other words run it for a few days and then give me reports while I boost the speed and add in lost fixes since I used 4.3 as my base.
EDIT2: Second boot takes about 40.814 seconds, so thats one goal reached.
EDIT 3: I need people to flash each and every version of HaloBean/HaloJelly and take benches in Quadrant Standard. I want them done like this:
After a full wipe and flash, and after the phone starts up the first time, install Quadrant. Reboot, and then test the second boot. Then take a screenshot of the results and post them in this thread.
Until then, I will continue trying to boost the current release and add in fixes and stuff, so they can be added to the fastest release of HB/HJ. I'm sick in bed so I'm gonna be working on this all day, so hopefully after a couple of benches, we can have HaloBean 5 ready within a few days