I've rooted my warp and installed Alien kernel. Have had warp over a year now. a few months ago in a another discussion was recommended to try your ROM. Just been waiting for you to say all is done and finalized. Hopefully warp will last until then. Been having various issues.. stock messaging app acting flaky getting messages the next day started using Handcent ....Just found out that MX player wont work any more even after reinstalling. I use K-9 mail...and have had NO Lock app installed since the beginning and now that s not always working correctly. I feel the phone is slowly deteriorating.......Bad enough I can hardly hear some people on phone volume...of course maybe I should just use my hearing aids
I realize all the work your putting into this also wish you the best in school and for a Happy Thanksgiving ..
Should I attempt to first to put the phone back to stock before flashing final ROM or just go straight to what ever final version is.?
What would really be nice if someone could make up a comparison chart of all the most current ROMS that are being worked on so the average user may compare features of each to see which one would be suitable for them.....
The ROM itself is finalized, though I'm not quite done

I'm going to make some add-ons to add more customizability to the rom, and if I can do more, I'll release a major update later on. But not right now...
I've had that "my-phone-is-slowly-deteriorating" feeling before too, it does seem to get a bit laggy after some time. This can usually be fixed and/or helped by booting into recovery mode and wiping cache/dalvik cache, though I only do it like once a month, as the phone will not work if cache/dalvik is empty (it rebuilds on boot, if I did my research right). The late text thing happens to me on any Sprint-powered company (Boost, Virgin Mobile, and Sprint itself), but it can usually be fixed with a custom rom. Those apps will probably work in my rom, if not definitely work

as for the no-lock app, in my rom you don't need it. It can be disabled through the quick toggles inside the status bar notifications panel, just scroll to the far right and enable/disable at will
Thanks for that, iram! Happy Thanksgiving to you too
When installing new roms, its not necessary to revert to stock, though you can do it if you want. It won't do anything different if you do or don't except waste a day or two of your time

so you can just install the rom as it is, since the install script will wipe out your system for you to ensure a clean installation

its the same for mods or add-ons as well.
And that comparison chart that you're talking about... we had one a few months or maybe a couple of years ago but its very outdated. It'd be nice if someone were able to make one, though, but it'd require them to flash every rom, even though we only have 3 active roms with everything fully working, then the discontinued roms, and all the AOSP roms that aren't quite ready yet that are Jelly Bean roms. It'd take a few people to make the comparison chart possible, but it's a great suggestion! You should start a new thread and people can volunteer to help put together a comparison chart