@dodo thanks for the input! What seeder setting are you on? Also, what CPU settings are you set at? OC freq? You can just up your vol settings in the build.prop on the vc line. You'll see it.
Disable swap by simply changing the permissions on that initd script to read-only
Thanks. I removed all the permissions and deleted the swap file then rebooted and sure enough it wasn't created.
I'm using the default settings with seeder (light profile suspend rng=yes start auto=yes extend io queue=no).
For cpu I am using nofrills cpu app; my settings are max=921MHz Min=122MHz Governor=smartassV2 Scheduler=sio apply on boot checked (I prefer longer battery life and less heat over performance increase).
I searched for "vc" in /system/build.prop and I did not find anything at all. So, I did some googling and I found some people were using a variable called "ro.config.vc_call_vol_steps=". So I tried that set it to 10 and rebooted but nothing changed. Set it to 15 still nothing. Maybe I found the wrong variable name for a different android version? Can you please be a little more specific as to what you did / recommend? Is there a reference somewhere for all gingerbread specific build.prop variables (I searched but could not find any)?
Edit: Tried turning off voice privacy that did not seem to make a difference either.
The sound volume was a little bit louder on stock that is why I am continuing with this line of conversation. If it is too offtopic / I am making too much noise on your thread let me know. Also, one more request can we please get some checksums on the first page of this thread near the downloads so we know our download is not corrupted in any way. Something like:
n00b VIII.II FULL ROM dowload link
md5sum f37f78427837fd01d93cddd34b00da42
sha1sum 225f474e836e199c5ac44b9026de1b2e02254cea
sha256sum a45b815e0e2101610184a94ce3fc4c710e4cb1f3c23a7cf7a27fee3e9a3e5546
or any of the above. I would be happy with just an md5sum. Also, the above are the actual checksums of that download on my end.