Most of the stuff I do for the Prevail, is to provide tools and starting points for other Devs to work on
I like to give crucial pieces of the puzzle and let you guys figure it out.
Did you know that Kouma probably would have never messed with Kernel stuff unless I dragged him into it
Did you know that Bloodawn did not think he knew enough to do ROM development until I, talked him into it and brought him in on the secret CM7 project that I had.
I do not want to spoon feed you people, I want you to learn how to do this stuff yourself
There are quite a few people doing development work on the Prevail, and you guys have a lot of options, I like to think that I was a big part of making that happen
The Warp people need help, they asked me for help and donated a phone to me, and I will help them
I will still help the Prevail community
I will be doing the same thing for the Warp people, trying to encourage others to develop for that phone
I'd like to share with this community that I'm starting to develop Roms, edit and Mod kernels, create scripts, porting things like CWM to a phone, making Odin work on a phone. compiling cm7 and porting it for the Transform Ultra.
as well as all kinds of other stuff.. i can adb shell and push like a muth..uh haha just sayin
when I first got my prevail, I didn't know jack about android. Once I learned that android was linux, I had to know more!! been a linux user for years and have done some dev in that feild. I've been in these threads since interdpth rooted it and have spend months reading, reasearching, and learning from these devs here. particularly Hroark13. he has tought me just about everything I know either directly through conversation or indirectly from trailing his threads. There are others I have learned from like shabbypenguin, interdpth, new optimus, monster, and a crapload of others but my point here is that I dont think that Hroark gets enough credit for all he has done here for us and the end result is that we all have better devices because of this man which would otherwise be a peice of crap on a prepaid service.
I don't think a lot of our new commers realize all what hroark has done here and not just for our phone but also for the president, the Transform Ultra, and now the Warp. When I was reading those other threads, I didn't see any credit given to him AT ALL(especially in the president threads) when cm7 was ported to it(you know that was hroark's work), when they posted Odin, no credit!! Hroark SINGLE HANDEDLY got odin and CWM going for the prevail and spent days/weeks of research doing so. the president is the same phone with a strait talk rom and service.(where do you think they got odin and CWM from) he also made me aware that he helped interdpth port CWM to the Transform Ultra and just recently helped us get a crucial part of Odin figured out for it too. I am just taking the time to make some of us aware of some of the hard work this man has done.
Please understand that he is a very modest guy and and he is not gonna bitch about people jacking his stuff and taking credit for it. He does this because he enjoys it. period.. not for credit, and certainly not for money... a lot less people donate than you might think..
We all know that this is a open source community and when you put your work out there for everyone to use, someone might try and take credit for your work. Those are not the kind of people this community is based on. It's an un-mentioned rule of courtesy that you give credit to those who you have learned from and those who's work you have used.
that is why I love this community. I have learned so much from it as a whole and from people like hroark. I do this for the same reason as him. because I like it and my only goal is to give back what I've learned.
I would just like to say thanks Hroark13 for what you have tought me and for whatever I will continue to learn from you.. and thanks for always responding when I ask you for help. And most inportantly, Thanks for making my crappy little phone on a prepaid service an awesome device that can do just about everything that those higher end phones can do. you are truly awesome man..