Android Expert
You really need to read the first post. There is no way you should be having this much problem if you were following directions correctly, and every post here has been patient with you, which is great to see. But please, read the OPOP carefully.I have it says its wrong firware Im on 5.0.1 this it says its for 5.1.1 when I flash it. hmmmm but yellow is the right TWRP? I was given the advice to switch to a blue TWRP to get cm to flash..... ya Im gonna leave yellow TWRP and await some better knowledge out there or somthin maybe a rom that flashes for yellow TWEP will come out idk. thks for tryin to help me though man Im just getting bits of alot of different info on wich TWRP Im suppose to have and how to rum cm 12.1 and what my options are from my standpoint of no os but yellow Twrp and su root. no pc just the phone Im on to maybe download anyrhing I might be able to download on my sd card and pop in the leon and flash using yellow TWRP till I know for sure which TWRP I really need for firmware 10b metro PCs LG Leon ms345
Again the steps, revised since you don't have OS:
1: download the twrp image from https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=24052804347772357
2: boot into TWRP
3: select Install
4: at the bottom right corner, hit "Image"
5: navigate to where you placed the file
6: profit
If your STILL having issues, you need to restore your device using the latest kdz file and LG Recovery tool. Tutorial for that,
There is nothing more we can do for you honestly. These exact instructions are what will update your TWRP and allow you to install CM12.1