Android Expert
Actually, we almost got wiped out ~70,000 years ago during a volcano event that spread ash 6 inches deep throughout the entire habitable zone of homo sapiens. Only several thousand of us survived - the really smart (and lucky!) ones.
Toba catastrophe theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yup, well almost didn't quite cut it.
This reminds me of a funny 'Frank & Ernest' cartoon I saw WAAAAY back in the 80's. It was Earth talking to Mars, and he's telling Mars that he's sick again. Mars asks him, "what, that case of the dinosaurs? I thought you got rid of that problem"? And Earth replies, "yes but now I have a new problem, 'PEOPLE'! It's terrible, it's spreading everywhere, I've tried everything to get rid of them... earth quakes, tornados, volcanos... nothing is working"!
Then Mars backs waaaay back and says, "it's not contageous, is it"???
Lol... that wasn't word for word or anything, just how I remember it. Hell that was 20 years ago! haha