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Do you still use Facebook? Why?!

The snowflakes are getting into my buggy firefox though, I can only type up one sentence at a time, but when switching over to the mobile, fluently can write up everything, huh must of been something that windows ten did for fb.
Probably more out of habit. I can't say I'd be too upset if he was gone. It is also convenient to verify with an account. That's probably all. I already like Instagram more, probably because I make money there. I have a small online store, which I tried to promote on Facebook, but somehow it didn't work. But in Instagram it's easier, especially if you use a human-like instagram bot. But Facebook has its own loyal audience and will be around for a long time.
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For those unfortunate souls who use FB:
Kaj just happen to be one of my facebook friends.


Sharing this (very long) explanation of WHY you don’t participate in Facebook quizzes. Ever. The Docs have posted several times about this topic, because we see friends, family and customers participating in these every day. (Note: this material was previously circulated on FB by several sources, and The Docs were not able to determine the original source.)
How account hacking works on Facebook:

1. You see a fun little question pop up in your facebook feed that people answer in the comments. This isn't a question from one of your facebook friends, it's from a public account, maybe an account supposedly belonging to a radio station, but not one in your part of the country, where you definitely recognize the station. Maybe it's from a public account called something cute like "just for laughs" or "no biggie" or "memory lane." Maybe a facebook friend of yours has already answered the question.
It seems harmless and trivial: What food would you never eat? What was the first concert you went to? You answer the question in the comments.

2. Because of the way facebook's algorithm is set up, answering this question, or even just giving the post a like means Facebook will show you more content by this facebook poster and more content by other, similar posters. You see more and more little quiz questions by facebook accounts who are not your actual friends.

3. Also because of the way facebook's algorithm is set up, your actual facebook friends can see the post you responded to and your answer to the little question. If they respond to your comment, or like your comment, or answer the question themselves, they also begin to see more little quiz questions from this facebook poster and more similar facebook accounts with other little questions.

4. Some of these questions really are probably harmless, but the more you answer, the more you see, and sooner or later you slip up and answer one or more that help a data miner begin putting together pieces of information that help them steal your identity and get into your bank accounts.
"One of these has to go" with a list of four types of candy bars isn't helpful to anyone, but the more you get used to answering questions, the less carefully you scrutinize the questions.

One day you answer one that gives someone your birth year: "how old would you be if the digits in your age were reversed." A week later you've forgotten about that, but the information has been harvested and filed away and you answer another question that gives them your month of birth: "your birth month determines which celebrity you marry, are you happy?" with a bunch of pictures of famous people laid out in a calendar grid.
Some questions are straight up complete answers to common security questions: maiden names, grandparents' names, where you vacationed as a kid, what was your first car, what was your first pet's name, what was the name of your elementary school.

5. When the data miner pretending to be a harmless fun facebook account or radio station has enough pieces of the puzzle put together they can either get into your bank account, sell your information to someone else who wants to get into your bank account, or remotely lock your accounts or take over your whole computer or phone and force you to pay a ransom to get access back.
They can impersonate you and steal your tax refund. They can commit social security fraud, pretending to be you, and disappear with the check while you are left to prove it wasn't you.

6. The worst thing about these social media predators is that the more you comment on these information gathering quizzes, even if you just comment to tell a friend that they have potentially given away the answer to their own security question, the more they spread.
All your facebook friends will see more of these quizzes as a result of your comment, and be more likely to comment themselves, and sooner or later one of them will give away important information, even if you never do.

7. So DO NOT COMMENT. Not even to the ones that really don't share any important information. They post many innocuous questions for every one that actually gathers information, but even the seemingly benign ones help them figure out what style of questions generate the most responses, work the algorithm to get them on more people's facebook feeds, and lull you into a false sense of security that this is good clean fun.
Do not give it a thumbs up or an angry face. If you see a friend post in response to one, talk to them in person about how these work, or call them, or send them a private message, but don't reply back to their comment on the actual post. That just helps these things spread.
Be safe.
Trying to figure out how 2FA on Facebook works today is like Thelma Harper trying to work an ATM. I'm sorry but when it gets so bad that I can't understand what you want me to do (when it will only result in the password being so absurdly long that it will have to be post-it noted to the monitor, which is REAL secure!) I just give up.

I don't miss Facebook, or ad-infested Farmville, or the bias. As a vegan trying to even debate resulted in nothing but blocks. No one is interested in really discussing, it's all about echo chambers. I get far more worthy discussions on Reddit, and that's saying a lot.
Trying to figure out how 2FA on Facebook works today is like Thelma Harper trying to work an ATM. I'm sorry but when it gets so bad that I can't understand what you want me to do (when it will only result in the password being so absurdly long that it will have to be post-it noted to the monitor, which is REAL secure!) I just give up.

I don't miss Facebook, or ad-infested Farmville, or the bias. As a vegan trying to even debate resulted in nothing but blocks. No one is interested in really discussing, it's all about echo chambers. I get far more worthy discussions on Reddit, and that's saying a lot.
Hahaaa. I do not get Reddit at all, I had an account there once but I just deleted it, lol the rules, what, could they break it down to Simple man's English? Why I cannot find my own home screen to upload status updates lol.... Good luck chasing the Reddit dragon lol..

Better safe on here too hahhaa.
If I brought over half the discussions I have there over here, the mods would have already perma-banned me from the forum!

I don't need a customizable home page. I ain't that important. I got over that mess on the MySpace era. I only had a Windows 98SE System at the time and loading anyone's personal MySpace page full of Adobe Flash would hard freeze that thing so badly that it reminded me of the 1990s Internet era of Java, VRML and Comic Cursor lagging an i486!

I was on Flickr long before Facebook. Only when the few vegans I met on Flickr (including some deer lovers) jumped to Facebook did I see the point, and reluctantly joined. That was in 2009, and back then it wasn't too bad. Today, however, I'm glad I can't figure out 2FA. In 2012 I switched to Google+ and never looked back, that is, until, like all good things Google makes, they up and killed it.
If I brought over half the discussions I have there over here, the mods would have already perma-banned me from the forum!

I don't need a customizable home page. I ain't that important. I got over that mess on the MySpace era. I only had a Windows 98SE System at the time and loading anyone's personal MySpace page full of Adobe Flash would hard freeze that thing so badly that it reminded me of the 1990s Internet era of Java, VRML and Comic Cursor lagging an i486!

I was on Flickr long before Facebook. Only when the few vegans I met on Flickr (including some deer lovers) jumped to Facebook did I see the point, and reluctantly joined. That was in 2009, and back then it wasn't too bad. Today, however, I'm glad I can't figure out 2FA. In 2012 I switched to Google+ and never looked back, that is, until, like all good things Google makes, they up and killed it.
I used to have Google+ account until I put the circles in different chats, and tend to ignore half the people.
I had tons of Android groups that were great. I also was a part of many Star Trek and vintage electronics areas there. There were no ads, no bans, no blocks and there was real debate. It was a great time. I wish we had more than FB, Twitter and Reddit today. But everything seems destined to be one big homogenized crappy mess these days so I don't bother anymore. I don't use Google apps anymore because I can't count on them being there for long. I am a use/buy for life kinda guy. When they killed Play Music I went to offline MP3s I own and are DRM-free. At least then I can use any app I feel like and no forced updates or internet needed.

I miss it though. Probably the only place online that I felt I could discuss Farscape on and not feel alone. You'd be surprised how few people you find elsewhere that are as into obscure sci-fi as I.
See you actually believe you are turning off the location and tracking... but it's still tracking your EVERY move...
use baksmali and take a look at the manifest and the code....

it tracks you with or with out your consent...
and so does a lot of other android applications , then they collect data on you for { Targeted Advertisement }
it's all a bunch of krap.
I won't use it.
I get a phone that has it on it... I NUKE IT !!!

Does it still work and could you break it down to plain English for me? this is really hard to think about each one though...
As long as giving up your privacy and all other personal information is not a problem, them keep on using Facebook.

When Facebook(Meta. Inc.) required to see my full identification and passport details, I said "NO!! That's not going to happen.". Same issue I had with Twitter.
For some peeps that might be their livelihood on Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok. Along comes an arbitrary ban. Oh dear! They've got to find a real job. 🤣
Only occur to me once, when I got my account locked out,because of the ID, but it was a code apply throughout the app and throughout the machine, I littearly spend months googling it..
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