Android Expert
-People doing something with both hands and driving with their knees
i've personally done this in one fashion or another very VERY rarely. i had a stroke, so 1 side of my body was useless for a good frame of time... i started doing things i shouldnt early in recovery for 2 reasons. 1 to see where my progress was and 2 to force myself to JUST DO IT (TM Nike

now i was not a safe driver and should not have been driving as early as i was, but i'm very stubborn and my driving was about 1 mile to the gas station...
i've regained some usefulness from the good ol' right hand but its from pushing it. cutting with sharp knives to learn pressures and stuff.... driving as long as i can bear (safely too)... scissors...
thats all...

/personal time
F you!I'm stayin'!