I was just out of diapers when the show started, and didn't start watching it in real time until its later seasons. But it was always on in daily reruns here in LA, and that's where I saw it from the beginning. Now, thanks to the two channels mentioned earlier, I record and watch 4 episodes daily, and absolutely love it. It's a two hour break from reality.
You might want to try watching it now,
@olbriar. I've suggested this to a few other baby boomers I know IRL, and they were really glad I did. The show covered everything from alcoholism and breastfeeding to mourning the loss of beloved pets. I know it has a reputation for being a sugar-coated version of an ideal America that never actually existed, but I disagree. Yes, the Cleavers were an upper-middle class family living in an all-white neighborhood, and they were generally a happy, unified family. But they had problems, too. I've actually re-parented myself by watching it. That may sound weird, but whatever. I mean that by watching how situations *could* be handled--in a way so vastly different than what I saw in my own life--it's been kind of cathartic. If you decide to watch, I strongly suggest starting at the beginning. The characters evolve a LOT after the first few episodes, but to really get it all you need to start with S1E1.
That's very sweet. Thanks. I stay away for the same reason I'm not watching any news right now. I just don't want real-world intrusions that are depressing, you know? But we'll see...