Complete and utter balloney.
There simply are not "millions": there were
actually 40. And that's across MULTIPLE federal elections:
"Out of the 197 million votes cast for federal candidates between 2002 and 2005, only 40 voters were indicted for voter fraud, according to a Department of Justice study"
Indicted is the key word here. This does not mean that there were only forty counts of voter fraud. This just means that forty were found and indicted.
The real election-related fraud this millenium has been republicans disenfranchising people they suspect might vote democrat. That is the real "crime".
So when the Democrats do the same to the Republicans that’s acceptable, right? That is exactly what you’re saying.
So Obama is guilty of dereliction because he didn't personally intervene to override a decision made by the responsible department?
Plus, I don't recall anyone accusing Bush of dereliction of duty when he had 911 on his watch. Bengazai was grim, don't get me wrong, but I think 911 was a little bit more serious.
No, they just accused him of masterminding the whole incident…
Again, just a sign of the problem. Everyone party A attacks is a saint who is persecuted without cause. Everyone party B attacks deserves it and every critique made is legitimate and well deserved. That is the problem.
It’s politics. The Democrats can say what they want, but the Republicans are called racist if they do the same.
Bush took action, right or wrong he made a decision.
Thankfully he had the balls to do something about it.
Obama was told what was happening, then went to bed so he could be rested for his campaign stop the next day. He didn't bother to get updates, he didn't take action, he just plain didn't care that Americans were being attacked on American soil (yes, embassies are considered the sovereign soil of the country they belong to). That was the under oath testimony before Congress by the Defense Secretary. That is dereliction of duty, plain and simple.
This I didn’t know. How did he manage to get reelected with this scandal happening during his presidency?
No, chrlswltrs is very right.
After 911, Bush jumped on Airforce 1 and went home for dinner! He was
AWOL the entire day, not returning to DC until 7pm - that's what? 10 hours after the towers went down? When a secret service man had the audacity to suggest Bush really ought to head to DC earlier, Bush tore him a new one.
First off, it is “Air Force One.” If you are going to say that Bush was wrong for not going to the epicenter of the attacks, then you’re not as intelligent as you think. As I recall, United 93 was headed for the White House, but I could be mistaken. Bush was very smart for not returning to DC, as the area was hell to get through that day, I lived in that area at the time. Also, the Secret Service agent had no rights to tell Bush to get back to DC. I doubt this actually happened, as I am sure the Secret Service did NOT want him in DC anyway. Common sense should tell you to GET AS FAR AWAY FROM THE PROBLEM AS POSSIBLE! You wouldn’t run into a burning building after all, would you?
It's a non-story. Get over it.
You’re right. If there was a Republican president, then it would be a story, and you would be demanding his impeachment.
I can't read any more of this thread. It started as a debate about healthcare, how it isn't free, Obamacare punishes millions to benefit a few, and how it will bankrupt America even quicker. Now it has turned into people drunk on Obama's Kool aid just posting nonsense and ignoring facts. I'm unsubscribing.
You are so right!
Like I said things are going to have to stay on the current course and get a lot worse before people wake up. Hope all the Obama supporters enjoy their higher taxes and/or fines though...
As do I.
I'm not sure where the "people are going to be shocked when it's not free" argument keeps coming from. Isn't the most publicized, most controversial part of the law the requirement for people to BUY insurance?
They probably think it’ll be just another government handout.
Anyone in this country without legal authority is illegal.
Then why is nothing being done about them.
An immigrant is a different thing. Millions arrived here as immigrants and they did so legally.
I guess some people don’t know the difference the word “illegal” makes.