Any noticeable changes at all in 4.0.3 or just some under the hood stuff?
It's a ton smoother, in my opinion. It also has Wallet pre-installed.
Only bug I've found so far is that you can't sync calendars. It's not an option, really. Under accounts and sync, it's listed as "com.android.calendar". If you try to check it, it says that syncing is not available, try back later, etc. If you access the calendar app, you can't add anything either. This is kind of annoying to me, because I have a very busy schedule coming up. Hopefully the stock 4.0.3 will be out soon.
Most of the live wallpapers aren't present, for some reason. The initial wallpaper upon reboot is hideous. It was the first thing I changed.
But it's smooth and fast enough for me to stick with it for the meantime.
Also, I hate the boot animation. I want the old boot animation I had back, but I don't see the bootanimation.zip in data/local or system/media. So I have no idea where to put it. Does anyone have any ideas?