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Galaxy Nexus Watering Hole

What kind of storage? for backups (of PC)? or media streaming to phone? or like moving files between phone and PC like dropbox?

Moving files between phone and PC. Music is on my phone so don't need to stream. Say I want to take a screenshot and post it here. I have a photobucket account is that the same as dropbox?
Is anyone using cloud storage? I searched the main thread but it's so cluttered that I couldn't find the post on it. I need some cheap (free) recommendations.
Lots of options, but I find Dropbox to be the best. They give you 2GB for free, but if you sign up with someone's referral link (here's mine), you get an extra 250 MB! There's also lots of other free ways for you to expand your storage once you create an account and install the desktop software. I'm up to 4.88GB of storage without ever having paid a cent.

Box.com is another decent site; creating an account there gives you 5GB of space, but they also run lots of promotions that can net you a 50GB account for free. For example, last month any account that was activated by a device running iOS (thank you, girlfriend's mom's iPad) was automatically given 50GB for life. The only drawback to Box.com is that you can only upload files under 25MB, which means no movies.

Keep in mind also that you might not even need cloud storage - there are lots of apps that will let you access your computer right from your phone! Phandroid isolated the apk for Motorola's ZumoCast app and posted it, available for download and installation on any Android phone!
Stream All Your Media From Your Computer To Your Device With Zumocast [Download] | Phandroid
Oh sweet baby Jesus, The Dark Knight Rises trailer is up...

The Dark Knight Rises - Movie Trailers - iTunes


Wow :) and Hines Ward!

Your first ever PB&J? You've just.... never had one before? How is that possible? :eek: That sandwich is one of mankind's greatest creations, right up there with Nutella, and Fluffernutters!

Just never have :o

I'm afraid of Nutella. Never had fluffernutters.

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?! That is probably one of my favorite foods, seriously.

True story :eek:

Ha! I'm waiting for the next Ghost Rider movie.

I agree with Razor, how is that possible??

I hope they don't screw up the next one :mad:

Just haven't :)

Good Lord! You were deprived! Try Vienna sausages next. I like mine with mustard. :-)

I've had Vienna sausages. Good stuff :)
You're rooted correct?

In ES File Explorer: Menu (3 dots menu) > Settings > Check Root Explorer & Mount File System

When you are done copying the APK go back into settings and uncheck Mount File System -- don't want to leave that mounted.

Yeah, rooted...I just didn't know how to mount the system folder. I did get it copied, and rebooted my phone, but Nova Launch is still running the old app version of the launcher. I guess I need to uninstall that, which I'll try now.

Thanks Stigy for your help!!!
Moving files between phone and PC. Music is on my phone so don't need to stream. Say I want to take a screenshot and post it here. I have a photobucket account is that the same as dropbox?

I cant help much there, I've never realized a need for dropbox. As Razor says it sounds like a nice app and a lot of people use it. I have Tonido running for the times I need to grab a file from my PC to my phone. Also have Zumocast installed on my Incredible which is very similar.
I'm afraid of Nutella. Never had fluffernutters

I hope they don't screw up the next one :mad:

Just haven't :)

I've had Vienna sausages. Good stuff :)

The trailer I saw looks good. But I'm also coming from a non knowledge standpoint of what the original story was.
I don't blame you on Nutella. Scares me too. Fliffernutter makes awesome fudge. And I've never had Vienna sausages either.
Lots of options, but I find Dropbox to be the best. They give you 2GB for free, but if you sign up with someone's referral link (here's mine), you get an extra 250 MB! There's also lots of other free ways for you to expand your storage once you create an account and install the desktop software. I'm up to 4.88GB of storage without ever having paid a cent.

Box.com is another decent site; creating an account there gives you 5GB of space, but they also run lots of promotions that can net you a 50GB account for free. For example, last month any account that was activated by a device running iOS (thank you, girlfriend's mom's iPad) was automatically given 50GB for life. The only drawback to Box.com is that you can only upload files under 25MB, which means no movies.

Keep in mind also that you might not even need cloud storage - there are lots of apps that will let you access your computer right from your phone! Phandroid isolated the apk for Motorola's ZumoCast app and posted it , available for download and installation on any Android phone!

Stream All Your Media From Your Computer To Your Device With Zumocast [Download] | Phandroid

You my friend have an extra 250 MB of storage :)
Funny how that works, I have people that follow me from gym to gym and others that think I don't have a clue.

Once you have a trainer that motivates you it's hard to change.

I had found one that I willingly did a marathon spin (90 minutes) every Saturday. And would drag my ass out of bed at 4:50 to take a 5:30 class one other morning.
Now I do Zumba.
Edit - got it!!! Yay! For those wondering about installing the "system" version of Nova Launcher, I had to copy the Nova Launch APK file to the "/system/APP" folder, not just to the "/system" folder like I saw on the XDA site. Probably most people know that already...I was just trying to closely follow the directions...lol.

Ok....I feel like I'm just barely crawling on trying to get Nova Launcher running (via copying the file to the "system" folder.)

I copied it to the system folder, undid the mount r/w, and rebooted, uninstalled the apk version of Nova Launcher, and rebooted. It got me back to the stock launcher...ugh!

What do I do to get my phone to read/run the Nova Launcher apk file I copied to the system folder? Do I need to boot it a certain way? I don't have CWM yet, but apparently that's not required to use. (?) Help please! Hopefully this can also help answer some other questions as well. Thanks again!
I figured out #1. Upon running the app I mounted into r/w. The initial list only shows "sys" and "system". Do I have to go into one of those to find "/system/reboot-from-recovery.p"?

Yes. Go into system. Mount as r/w. You'll find the reboot-from-recover.p


Long press on it, click rename, and at the end, type ".bak" (no quotation marks).

You don't want to delete that because you will need that file once Google pushes out OTA updates (if you want to accept them, that is).

Also, don't forget to remount to r/o on your back out of the file system.
I figured out #1. Upon running the app I mounted into r/w. The initial list only shows "sys" and "system". Do I have to go into one of those to find "/system/reboot-from-recovery.p"?

IT will be in the /system folder. If it is there it will look like a text document in root explorer. You don't have to delete it, just put the .Bak extention on the end and you're good.

Yes. Go into system. Mount as r/w. You'll find the reboot-from-recover.p


Long press on it, click rename, and at the end, type ".bak" (no quotation marks).

You don't want to delete that because you will need that file once Google pushes out OTA updates (if you want to accept them, that is).

Also, don't forget to remount to r/o on your back out of the file system.

so..../system/reboot-from-recovery.p.bak or /system/reboot-from-recovery.bak?
Here's a funny one for you. Download a widget via the market. Says it installs. Go to my widgets and it's not there. Check market. Only option is uninstall. Reboot phone and widget shows up. Anyone else have/seen this issue?
I was going to watch Team America World Police tonight in honor of Kim Jong Il's death, but there is a Steeler game on.
I'll take the Fifth Amendment on age. But two kids, 18 and 15
<<<-- plus the dog (now 7).

Film attorney. One of the first films I worked on was Star Trek II, Wrath of Khan. Hence the photo below. May be another series we force on BB:rolleyes:


  • wreath_of_khan.jpg
    77.6 KB · Views: 119
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