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How's the battery life?

I agree. I think the article says it ships with a new back cover also. That was the first red flag. Wrap a car battery in plastic and clip it to your note!
Ok, even though battery life is better than my photon by far, I still have to figure out what is draining the battery more than when I first got the phone. I was getting close to 24 hours before, but after setting everything up and using more normally, battery life hasn't been quite as good as before. This battery stats plus app seems to be compiling info as needed, but we'll see tomorrow. After almost 11 hours, I'm down to 26%, which is ok, since that will likely last me another 2 hours for sure, but I'd like to get back close to the 24 hours I was experiencing before.
.....So, I open up GSam Battery Monitor to see what was using up most of the battery resources. 73% of it was from apps, so when I go to look at which apps were using up battery the most...GSam Battery Monitor was close to the top of the list! I only had 2 listings in double digits percentage-wise. The only other listing, aside from GSam Battery Monitor, was Android System (which I can deal with because I'm just assuming that's the OS).

That said, GSam Battery Monitor was a great experiment and I liked what it offered as compared to the stock battery stats, but I'd prefer a battery monitor that isn't as much a resource hog...LOL. It monitored the battery usage great, but does no good if it's also taking up a good percentage of my battery life...hahaha. Gonna do some digging and see what I can find.

Sorry about that. I got the recommendation from XDA and every thread that starts with battery draining.
I agree. I think the article says it ships with a new back cover also. That was the first red flag. Wrap a car battery in plastic and clip it to your note!

I just fell out my chair. LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL!!! :D

Hahaha...me too. I actually kept thinking, "Well, I guess for those that want some nostalgia going back to the mid 90's with this
, then I guess it'd be understandable."
Sorry about that. I got the recommendation from XDA and every thread that starts with battery draining.

No worries!...LOL. It was worth a shot and it was the thought and effort that counts in my book.

I'm continuing to learn just as much as all of us, so the more info trial/error we post up, the better. Just makes us all better informed.
...... After almost 11 hours, I'm down to 26%, which is ok, since that will likely last me another 2 hours for sure, but I'd like to get back close to the 24 hours I was experiencing before.

I must say I'm jealous of 11hrs!! Having been an iPhone guy from day 1, my 4s is terrible to say the least. If I get more than 6hrs of usage I'm happy. I have chargers plugged into every socket and computer in the house and cars!

Can't wait for tomorrow to get here. So looking forward to fresh thinking.
I must say I'm jealous of 11hrs!! Having been an iPhone guy from day 1, my 4s is terrible to say the least. If I get more than 6hrs of usage I'm happy. I have chargers plugged into every socket and computer in the house and cars!

Can't wait for tomorrow to get here. So looking forward to fresh thinking.

And this is just today. My other battery seems to last longer and the on screen time is longer too; over 8 hrs with screen on.

Wifi on most of the time and brightness at 100%. yahoo, Gmail, Facebook push notifications on. And about an hour of gps and navigation.


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Congrats on the title change! Good choice by the Mods and Admins.

Back on topic...battery life seems better without GSam. I'm at 9 hours+ since before I went to sleep. Phone is still at 75%, but haven't done much today...yet.

I had similar experience with GSAM. It's good for micro-monitoring the battery usage of every app. But sometimes I felt like that app itself is adding to more battery drain too. So I removed it and just rely on stock android battery monitor, which is good enough for me.
I had similar experience with GSAM. It's good for micro-monitoring the battery usage of every app. But sometimes I felt like that app itself is adding to more battery drain too. So I removed it and just rely on stock android battery monitor, which is good enough for me.

Only complaint about the stock battery monitor is it doesn't detail which apps are using the most juice (at least, not down to the bare bones). For the most part, I can assume that majority of my battery is drained due to background processes and syncing (some of them, I just need to have on majority of the business day, especially for work).
Shortest I've gotten: 10 hours, 17min 6s...but I'm still at 29%...and the drain is so slow that this would probably last me another couple hours anyway.

Crazy thing is, I had extremely heavy use for the first couple hours of the day. Navigation for 30-40 minutes, along with music playing. The music playing for another 20 minutes. On top of that, browsing/searching on google maps in a low coverage area.

Then, I had a bunch of emails pushing to my phone, once I got to work. But when it comes down to it, this phone is truly amazing.
I'm starting to realize that I may never fully test how long my battery will last since I am so used to plugging my phones into an outlet throughout the day. Driving to/from home/work, I plug it in, when i get to work I plug it in, at home I plug it in, lol Its only when I'm out on the weekends do I not have it on a charger, and I have yet to do that since coming back and getting the phone.

Congrats on the title change! Good choice by the Mods and Admins..
Yes, good choice and well deserve.

So give her the respect people, or end up dealing with me. MWUAHAHAHA

I'm starting to realize that I may never fully test how long my battery will last since I am so used to plugging my phones into an outlet throughout the day. Driving to/from home/work, I plug it in, when i get to work I plug it in, at home I plug it in, lol Its only when I'm out on the weekends do I not have it on a charger, and I have yet to do that since coming back and getting the phone.

Seriously! It's really such an odd feeling having only plugged my Note 2's in a couple times since I first got them! Even with the Photon, which I had 2 extra batteries on, I'd go through 2 of them within an extremely heavy usage day and then at least have to plug in by nightime (this is on lazy days, when didn't want to get up to grab my laptop or go to the pc).

TS...I see now, why you got addicted to the Note. I'm still overwhelmed and haven't learned everything yet. Even NFC...I can't figure that ish out. Tried to transfer a folder between my phone and my cousins' Photon Q's...kept on opening the Play store (and same for vice versa transfer).
I told you will will love this beast. oh and Welcome to the madness I call my world. lol

Extra photon batteries laying around looking like a flatten domino play set.
More wall chargers that I can imagine. The list goes on and on. lol
The phone might be expensive but in the long run, I save on buying extra batteries and wall chargers. lol

I honestly feel that this may very well be the one true phone that will keep me from doing a yearly upgrade and stay for a full 2 year contract. I really can't see how Samsung will top this (enough) for me to upgrade to version III. IV yes, but III I don't think so. This phone is just too crazy good.

I told you will will love this beast. oh and Welcome to the madness I call my world. lol

Extra photon batteries laying around looking like a flatten domino play set.
More wall chargers that I can imagine. The list goes on and on. lol
The phone might be expensive but in the long run, I save on buying extra batteries and wall chargers. lol

I honestly feel that this may very well be the one true phone that will keep me from doing a yearly upgrade and stay for a full 2 year contract. I really can't see how Samsung will top this (enough) for me to upgrade to version III. IV yes, but III I don't think so. This phone is just too crazy good.


I have to admit, I was really skeptical, but so happy that everything you mentioned to me, wouldn't be an issue for me once I got it.

What I didn't anticipate was having another learning curve. I haven't been overwhelmed with a learning curve like this since my mogul days!
I keep telling everyone I'm still in the honeymoon stage and add much as I LOVE this phone, I see that stage lasting at least 2 yrs (or very close).

As far as all the chargers....old habits do die hard but dying they are!
The main reason I wanted a spare battery is because as phones get bigger, the micro charging port doesn't and the charging port coming loose on the Evo it's not something I want to go thru on this phone.

I feel when the Note is on charge and you're still trying to play with it, that's a lot of weight on the charging port. And if the phone is close to you, (like those that use it 1/2 resting on their stomach, that port is getting the brunt of whatever you're doing.

I switch out batteries one every 16-18 hrs. The only time it's actually on a charger is in my car.
Most people don't think of this kind of stuff; I do which is why I'm so awesome! :D
Does anyone else have problems with charging there SN II because I put my on charge at 10pm and by 7am its not fully charge.... is there something I am not doing?
Please help I love this phone

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