Android Enthusiast
Wow, I guess I was surprised to see so much hate in this thread towards Apple and it's users. I just don't understand such hatred.
I use an iPhone. I like the OS and the integration with my other Apple devices. But I like customization as well, hence why I jailbroke my phone and iPad2, but I have also done the same thing to my Touchpad and loaded Preware on to it. Call me an iSheep if that makes you feel good about yourself or you have some inherent need to justify your phone purchase by putting others down. It's a friggin phone. It's nothing more than a tool.
It would be great if some respect was shown. Even though I use iOS primarily, I love Android's premise and enjoy reading about everything related to Android. It's why I am on here. I don't post very much. I just wish there wasn't so much hatred I had to sift through. To those that post with thoughtful insight and respect, I respect and salute you. It's your posts that keeping me coming back for more. Sorry for the long post. Cheers.
I use an iPhone. I like the OS and the integration with my other Apple devices. But I like customization as well, hence why I jailbroke my phone and iPad2, but I have also done the same thing to my Touchpad and loaded Preware on to it. Call me an iSheep if that makes you feel good about yourself or you have some inherent need to justify your phone purchase by putting others down. It's a friggin phone. It's nothing more than a tool.
It would be great if some respect was shown. Even though I use iOS primarily, I love Android's premise and enjoy reading about everything related to Android. It's why I am on here. I don't post very much. I just wish there wasn't so much hatred I had to sift through. To those that post with thoughtful insight and respect, I respect and salute you. It's your posts that keeping me coming back for more. Sorry for the long post. Cheers.