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I left Apple IOS and came back to Android! (My reasons why)----->>

Wow, I guess I was surprised to see so much hate in this thread towards Apple and it's users. I just don't understand such hatred.

I use an iPhone. I like the OS and the integration with my other Apple devices. But I like customization as well, hence why I jailbroke my phone and iPad2, but I have also done the same thing to my Touchpad and loaded Preware on to it. Call me an iSheep if that makes you feel good about yourself or you have some inherent need to justify your phone purchase by putting others down. It's a friggin phone. It's nothing more than a tool.

It would be great if some respect was shown. Even though I use iOS primarily, I love Android's premise and enjoy reading about everything related to Android. It's why I am on here. I don't post very much. I just wish there wasn't so much hatred I had to sift through. To those that post with thoughtful insight and respect, I respect and salute you. It's your posts that keeping me coming back for more. Sorry for the long post. Cheers.
Wow, I guess I was surprised to see so much hate in this thread towards Apple and it's users. I just don't understand such hatred.

I use an iPhone. I like the OS and the integration with my other Apple devices. But I like customization as well, hence why I jailbroke my phone and iPad2, but I have also done the same thing to my Touchpad and loaded Preware on to it. Call me an iSheep if that makes you feel good about yourself or you have some inherent need to justify your phone purchase by putting others down. It's a friggin phone. It's nothing more than a tool.

It would be great if some respect was shown. Even though I use iOS primarily, I love Android's premise and enjoy reading about everything related to Android. It's why I am on here. I don't post very much. I just wish there wasn't so much hatred I had to sift through. To those that post with thoughtful insight and respect, I respect and salute you. It's your posts that keeping me coming back for more. Sorry for the long post. Cheers.

First of all, I would like to say: If you truly feel like someone has stepped over the line...hit the REPORT button. I have used it to: call attention to name-calling; have a post deleted for hosting a link to a ROM which had been pulled from the site for stealing IP; and other reasons I cannot recall at the moment. Anyway, it is very useful and I encourage this because Mods and Guides can't be everywhere all the time.

Secondly, if any of what I have posted in this thread has remotely offended you, please accept my apology. Or you can report me if you like.

Lastly, I can understand that some users type before thinking. Not sure which posts you feel are offensive but I am sure it is difficult to listen to anyone talk bad about a product that suits you personally. This shouldn't discourage you from being here as I have found this forum to be THE CLASSIEST FORUM in the land. So I guess I will repeat: hit the report button. The staff here will take care of it one way or another.

Cheers. :D
That's the thing; you can do those things with one hand on Android. Every dialer I've used is designed with the buttons on the bottom 2/3 of the screen. Using one hand is easy. And I'm not sure about every android skin but stock ICS has fast scrolling capabilities when you use the right edge of the screen. Again, using one hand is easy.

Just another CNET editor expressing his thoughts: Sorry, the Galaxy Nexus is too big | Mobile World Congress - CNET Reviews

"But in the case of the Galaxy Nexus, you also get a phone that's just impractical for one-handed use. At least that's my assessment after more than two months of steady use."

And before someone cry foul, here is his bio: Stephen Shankland - CNET

"In the past I've been the beat reporter for Google, Yahoo, Linux, open-source software, servers, and supercomputers."
Yeah, one-handed use on the Galaxy Nexus is impractical (I haven't used it for two months yet, but I've used it enough to tell). I can list probably ten little things that bug me about this phone. Still, I love this thing, and it's definitely the best phone I've owned.
There's a difference between "dislike" and "hate". While I agree with Covart's general point about showing respect I can't say I've noticed any "hate" in this particular thread. It's a point well-made, though. Let's keep things trucking along in the nice friendly way they have up until now.
Wow, I guess I was surprised to see so much hate in this thread towards Apple and it's users. I just don't understand such hatred.

I use an iPhone. I like the OS and the integration with my other Apple devices. But I like customization as well, hence why I jailbroke my phone and iPad2, but I have also done the same thing to my Touchpad and loaded Preware on to it. Call me an iSheep if that makes you feel good about yourself or you have some inherent need to justify your phone purchase by putting others down. It's a friggin phone. It's nothing more than a tool.

It would be great if some respect was shown. Even though I use iOS primarily, I love Android's premise and enjoy reading about everything related to Android. It's why I am on here. I don't post very much. I just wish there wasn't so much hatred I had to sift through. To those that post with thoughtful insight and respect, I respect and salute you. It's your posts that keeping me coming back for more. Sorry for the long post. Cheers.

Realistically there is plenty of hate all around. There are users out there with Android phones that hate iOS and plenty of iOS users that hate Android (trust me, we see a bunch of them ;)) then there are plenty of BlackBerry and WP7 users that hate both platforms. I'm sure there is plenty of it that stems from brand loyalty and/or justifying one's purchase, but some of it comes from having a horrible experience with a device.

As far as users go, I can say that I've had issues with some Apple users, but I've also had problems with Android users as well. When I had a BlackBerry I was hearing from a bunch of people in my office about how much better their iPhone was and the whole, "Look what my iPhone can do" comments really got to be annoying. Once a lot of people in the office switched to Android, I got to hear the same comments from the same people only they were talking about Android instead of Apple. Annoying people are annoying, it doesn't matter what car they drive or phone they use.

I've said it a bunch of times and I'm sure I will say it a bunch more. If a person has the right device for them, that is all that really matters.
There's a difference between "dislike" and "hate". While I agree with Covart's general point about showing respect I can't say I've noticed any "hate" in this particular thread. It's a point well-made, though. Let's keep things trucking along in the nice friendly way they have up until now.

You are right. 'hate' is a strong word. But a few examples from this thread just left me scratching my head. Calling people brainwashed, braindead, isheep, or whatever simply for choosing a phone? I just don't get it. :(

Edit: Thank you moderators. I appreciate the cool head approach you use. I really enjoy reading a lot from this site. I will now go back into silent read mode. I may have stirred the hornet's nest here and my apologies for that.
Just another CNET editor expressing his thoughts: Sorry, the Galaxy Nexus is too big | Mobile World Congress - CNET Reviews

"But in the case of the Galaxy Nexus, you also get a phone that's just impractical for one-handed use. At least that's my assessment after more than two months of steady use."

And before someone cry foul, here is his bio: Stephen Shankland - CNET

"In the past I've been the beat reporter for Google, Yahoo, Linux, open-source software, servers, and supercomputers."

That's pretty subjective though, don't you think? I could easily say that owning a white phone is impractical for someone who wears black all the time, but it is just an opinion and it means nothing to someone who likes white phones. What works for some may not work for everyone. There are plenty of people that like it.
Just another CNET editor expressing his thoughts: Sorry, the Galaxy Nexus is too big | Mobile World Congress - CNET Reviews

"But in the case of the Galaxy Nexus, you also get a phone that's just impractical for one-handed use. At least that's my assessment after more than two months of steady use."

And before someone cry foul, here is his bio: Stephen Shankland - CNET

"In the past I've been the beat reporter for Google, Yahoo, Linux, open-source software, servers, and supercomputers."

I've owned it since day 1 and use it every day one handed. To each their own, that's a serious reach at a complaint backed with, as OTD stated, subjective opinions.
"Too large" really depends on your lifestyle. I like to play WordFeud on the bus and often can't find a seat, so playing one-handed is difficult if you're trying to put a tile in the top-right corner.

Not a dealbreaker (I love my Galaxy Nexus), but still annoying. Yeah, the screen is too big (for me, at least).
A colleague had the desire hd, which I thought was big. It does have that 'wow' factor for games & graphics. I'd be slightly worried about breaking it though.

The main thing with apple product is price. You get a higher spec android for the same price.
I've owned it since day 1 and use it every day one handed. To each their own, that's a serious reach at a complaint backed with, as OTD stated, subjective opinions.

My point was that there are some people out there that agrees with my point(s)...and some are actual GN users. Nothing more, nothing less.
The main thing with apple product is price. You get a higher spec android for the same price.

Specs are like megapixels to some extent. IPhone 4s outperforms plenty of higher spec modern Android despite being underclocked. You get a good balance of everything. For example, iPhone 4s has a top notch camera, well-matched CPU & GPU, good speaker quality, good radios, and amazing build quality. Specs? Apple is not far behind...and I would argue that they are at the top or near there in many categories! I guess that Apple could lower the price and make their phones out of cheap black plastic or use cheap glass that scratch easily.
You make an excellent point.

Apple could make the iPhone out of cheap black plastic (not the expensive black plastic found on the iP3gs (still possibly my favorite iPhone)) and cheap scratchy glass and increase their profits.

It would say iPhone on it and still sell like hot cakes.

Did they ever work out that video lock-up issue on Skype videoconferencing? My daughter can't use that feature at all on her iP4, so I am curious.

How about the unit to unit variations? Between a co-worker and my daughter's iPhone 4 (identical models), one takes great pictures, the other looks like crap. Or two co-workers with them, one has a nice, vibrant screen, the other has a pink tinge. Apple said that the screen differences were normal, and that they couldn't trade out the phone with the camera issues, they just needed to learn how to take pictures. Pretty funny thing to say to someone who makes money on the side doing photography with a real camera.

Anyway, I still don't believe that the perfect phone exists, just the best phone at the time for any given person.

But back to your idea - do you think they'll lower costs on glass and plastic on the iPhone 5 so that they can make 4G affordable? Because I think that a lot of iPhone owners would like 4G, but I don't think that they will go for cheap glass. Cheap plastic, yes, every iP4 I've seen has been covered in it, I think think that they call that an Otterbox case. Makes it look like you are carrying a FridgidAire ice cube tray, but people seem to like it. Maybe they could just make the case out of that, so it could be more functional.

Like the iP3gs. :)
EarlyMon, you wrote all that with a straight face? Really?! Have you been on GN or any Android forum for that matter? Plenty of variations b/w the phones...much worst than any Apple product that i have seen!! It is as if there was no quality control at Samsung!! :D

I don't use skype...i did use Tango because it was better but video chat stuff just sucks these days...much easier just to call that person! If you want to see what the other person looks like, then just snap a photo and sent it via text mssg! :D (And before you comment on this...Skype and Tango sucked on both iPhone and Nexus S 4G.)

For me, iPhone 4/4S build quality surpasses that of anything else currently on the market. Now, the upcoming HTC X looks pretty damn nice (from pics and description). I have handled the Razr Max...still does not feel/look good.

4G radios just burn battery...that was the rumor why Apple did not use it. Seeing that even cheapo phones nowadays have 4G radios, i don't see that as being a cost problem. From rumors, the iP5 will have a shiny metal back like iPod Touch & iPad i guess. It probably won't have quad core seeing that iPad 3 likely has the A5X processor.
It would say iPhone on it and still sell like hot cakes.

Do i read a hint of "iSheep" in this statement? It is like Toyota Camrys. People always argue that Camrys are boring, that there are too many on the roads, that people buy too much into Toyota, blah blah blah. Midsize family sedans are everywhere...everyone is making them. Yet, Toyota sells tons of Camrys for a reason...they are what people expect out of a product. Simple. Camrys just work (shamlessly using Apple mantra)...and it works reliably. So, people buy them. Lots of them.

(NOTE: i do NOT own nor have ever owned a Camry...but i respect it for what it is and what it does. And if my family ever have a need for a midsize family sedan, then you bet that i would get it! But, that upcoming Ford Fusion looks amazing!)

I love the "rationale" of some Android folks about iPhone being a "status" symbol. :p Dude, if you have to rely on a phone for status, then you got major issues! :D
Well, I don't where that came from. :)

The iPhone would sell like hot cakes under those conditions because it's a hot brand, has always sold well, and can be reliably predicted to sell well on the next model regardless of changes being good or bad.

History of product marketing for electronics, just going back several decades, say that you can count on that as a given.

Not sure how you got from that to farm animals or cars. LoL

But I think your car thing was to agree with me. In that case, I will save us time and stipulate that water is wet and air is good to breathe.

Just kidding because I didn't follow your thing about status symbols. I was pointing out anecdotes about performance variations, to illustrate that product generalizations you seem to have made are confusing to me in light of those specifics, and questioning the whole cheap plastic remark. Especially as I have heard that they are going back to plastic on the iPhone 5. Not being a chemical engineer, I won't speculate on its price, nor do I have an opinion about the reliability of plastic rumor.
Let's see. There's a name for logic mistake, but probably it was a misunderstanding.

I said that I have reliable first-hand evidence of iPhone variations. I said nothing about Android model unit-to-unit variability at all.

You have experienced a limited number of Androids and iPhones, as have we all.

In my case, I simply take that, along with other information from other owners and I describe tendencies.

I will describe hardware and software bits absolutely because they are absolute. Performance is stochastic. Between glitches, defects, manufacturing variations, and user variations in app choices, configurations and usage habits, the comparison space is nearly (notice that I said nearly) chaotic. Therefore, performance is stochastic.

So parts of that post I wrote with a straight face but it may not seem so if points that I didn't bring up are assumed, and incorrectly so.

The other parts of that post I may have said with a very straight face. I will let you decide, because what's life, or a good post, without a little mystery?
Where did you hear the plastic iPhone 5 rumor??? (honest Q)

My car analogy had more to do with actual function than marketing. History of selling well means that things were done right at the beginning.
But then again, we ARE comparing apple to android stuff for the most part in THIS thread, right? So, what you bring up as variation that you have seen on Apple stuff, I bring up the same on Android stuff. Fair? Thus, did you write that stuff with a straight face is perfectly accurate for what I thought was hilarious stab at Apple products.
Where did you hear the plastic iPhone 5 rumor??? (honest Q)

My car analogy had more to do with actual function than marketing. History of selling well means that things were done right at the beginning.

100% agree on done right at the beginning. The iPhone has been a top product because it has come through for people from the start.

I don't follow a lot of iPhone (or any new product) rumors as much as I did in years past. So I use a few news readers and aggregators on my phone and picked that up a few weeks ago. News aggregators include great sources and rubbish, I apologize if that was a bad rumor from a rubbish source. I just don't know.

I tend to work in (electronic) laboratories, so I prefer plastic wherever possible on things I carry.

But then again, we ARE comparing apple to android stuff for the most part in THIS thread, right? So, what you bring up as variation that you have seen on Apple stuff, I bring up the same on Android stuff. Fair? Thus, did you write that stuff with a straight face is perfectly accurate for what I thought was hilarious stab at Apple products.

Yeah, I admit, I was howling at the ice cube tray remark, but I called it as I saw it.

As for the same being true of Android and Apple, of course that's true. So, it's obviously fair to bring that up. Maybe less fair when it seemed you thought I might disagree or something.

I don't think in us vs. them for Apple and Android, I think in us vs. them for us consumers vs. them makers.

My preferences are strongly for Android, the things that I care about have worked out great for me. So, I admit to not always being above a few good-natured pot shots. From time to time. :)

Videoconferencing is terribly important to me, and can't be satisfied by emailing pictures. For work, it's an incredible tool. Examples, giving others walking tours of remote facilities, with real-time feedback (hey, go back to that), or showing equipment configurations at customer sites, with real time feedback, especially in spaces where a laptop wouldn't fit. And when my grandkids want to talk to me, Jetson style, they can. I make no apologies for it being fun.

Tango is not an option, the world of videoconferencing runs on Skype.

In June, 2010, I was using Fring to access Skype videoconferencing on my front facing camera on my Evo. I got better performance on 3G than a great many got on their laptops and was regularly called a liar when I would say that I was using a 3G phone.

So for me personally, that feature with even a crappy front facing camera is terribly important and can't be dismissed as a novelty nor substituted by photos. And I use it for overseas conferences extensively. While phone makers are trying to sell videoconferencing as the young people hook up tool, corporations learned long ago videoconferencing breaks down the language barriers. Visual feedback ftw, that's all that there is to it. I have relied on it for my daily, normal operations for about 9 years or so.
Do i read a hint of "iSheep" in this statement? It is like Toyota Camrys...

I wouldn't make that assumption. Anyone who has had a positive experience with a brand is going to exhibit a little bit of fanboyism, but the 'iSheep' moniker carries with it a derogatory connotation. I have no problem with anyone saying Apple has a good history product quality and reliability and it's reputation goes a long way in choosing their devices. It doesn't necessarily mean that it's an uninformed choice.

Before Toyota was able to establish the Camry as a reliable, well made sedan, it was the Honda Accord. And I know people who buy nothing but Subaru's because of their reputation for longevity. Product choice based on product reputation doesn't make the consumer a poor shopper unless the reputation is unfounded. In apple's case, it certainly isn't.

I love the "rationale" of some Android folks about iPhone being a "status" symbol.

In a perfectly rational world full of good will and economic equality, I would agree with that statement about any product, but that's not the world we live in. I can attest to the fact that iPhones do represent a certain social status, especially with younger people. When my son was in high school, it was the original Motorola Razr. They were flaunted by his peers who were all wearing the same sneakers, eyeglasses and aspiring to drive VW Jetta's with lowered suspensions. My 17 year-old niece and her friends all carry iPhones and all have the same brand cases for them (although not the same color to demonstrate individuality ;) ) Our neighbors are obsessed with status. They have to park the Porsche in the driveway because the Lamborghini is in the garage. Their son has had to have the latest iPhone within days of each release with no other reason that it's the latest. I think they are silly, but if they have the means to do this and they are happy, then kudos to them for stimulating the economy. Certainly that is not the profile of every iPhone user out there, just as not every Android Phone owner is a cross between Sheldon Cooper and Linus Torvalds, but they are out there in greater numbers than you might think.

Yeah, I admit, I was howling at the ice cube tray remark, but I called it as I saw it.
I got a chuckle out of that as well, but that could apply to any of the bulky rubberized phone condoms out there. It always reminds me of my aunt's plastic-covered furniture that the kids aren't allowed to sit on. ;)
In a perfectly rational world full of good will and economic equality, I would agree with that statement about any product, but that's not the world we live in.

I agree for most things. However, with the iPhone, it is so commonplace now...so, how is something a status symbol if everyone has one? Your examples of Porsche and Lambos are valid because these are exotics that commoners don't have. It is what some folks live to see one day owning. Can you say the same about iPhones????? I don't.

Is the iPhone really anymore expensive than an Android phone? How much is the Galaxy Nexus? $650 or so? iPhone 4S 16 gb is around that price, right? Same memory capacity.

Then, you add in the cost of what most people pay for these phones...$200 (for 16 gb) with contract from carriers. This is the same price that you pay for an iPhone or any top Android phone on the market. Sure, the iPhone $200 may last longer than other Android phones because it is more popular and carriers can milk it longer. Android phone turnover is also a lot faster (aka new models coming out every other month or so it seems).

So, my point is that the iPhone does NOT cost anymore than any top Android phone. And everyone has them...from the poor to the rich, from the young to the old. Certainly, more and more businesses are switching from Blackberry to iPhones. Status symbol as like the Lambos, Porsches, or even Lexus? Nah. I think that Android fanboys are using this "argument" to avoid what is clearly true about Apple iPhones...they simply work well and reliably without much fanfare (big glowing screens, big processors, big RAM, etc.). And this is what most people look for (aka again, Camry analogy) and why it is so darn popular among the masses, which include both uneducated and very techy folks. Sure, the iPhones are also built very well with exacting quality (at least to naked eye) that you simply don't see in any current Android phones.
100% agree on done right at the beginning. The iPhone has been a top product because it has come through for people from the start.

I should save this statement for future use against the Android fanboys..."hey, look an Android moderator wrote this!!" :D

News aggregators include great sources and rubbish, I apologize if that was a bad rumor from a rubbish source. I just don't know.

No problem at all. From all that i have read, i never ran across this about plastic on next iPhone...so, this was why i wanted a source. I think that Apple is done with plastic backed phones or tablets...just not their design style anymore. You can see that from the newly released products. I am trying to stay updated with the iPhone 5 because i have an extra line that is due for upgrade...and am deciding whether to get iPhone 5 and turn around and sell on ebay or to formally upgrade to it from my 4S.

Yeah, I admit, I was howling at the ice cube tray remark, but I called it as I saw it.

Hey, i love the Otterbox Defender and have been using it until this past week!! I am a clumsy guy. I managed to damage the plastic surround (around glass) on my iPhone with a Speck Pixelskin HD case! I have been thru 10 million cases...but i finally found one recently to take the place of the Otterbox. It is PureGear Satin sliding-lock case, which is no longer in production (but cheap on Amazon). It is so thin and well designed...and plus PowerSupport crystal clear screen protector, it rocks! I almost cried when i put on the PureGear case because it was just perfect! :p

I don't think in us vs. them for Apple and Android, I think in us vs. them for us consumers vs. them makers.

I agree that i should be more like you on this...but it is hard! :(

Videoconferencing is terribly important to me, and can't be satisfied by emailing pictures.

Ahh, got it. Yeah, then i agree with you. I personally don't know about Skype issue on iPhone. When i was using Skype, it worked fine b/w me and my wife on Nexus S 4G via Wifi. On 3G, connection was bad, pics were bad...but this was on both phones...so, i thought it was more due to shitty Sprint 3G. Thus, i went to Tango. It is slightly better. But, in the end, the piss poor connections, poor quality of video (and Tango is much better at this), etc. just made it more of a hassle.

Responses in bold.
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