The government can do it by imposing VERY LARGE fines to companies, such as Wal-Mart that has been caught hiring those that are in the country illegally. Not a tiny fine, which would be 1million dollars to Wal-Mart, but maybe 1billion (i know that would never happen).
Just for accuracy sake... Wal-Mart was not caught hiring illegal workers. They were caught employing a contractor, and being aware that the contract employed illegal workers.
There's a distinction, not a huge distinction, but a distinction.
The "regular" person can try to do their part by boycotting such companies. Many times the typical response to why people don't like illegal immigrants is "they take our jobs." Well, someone is hiring them. Don't be angry at the person that wants a job, and is willing to do it. Be angry at the company that is doing the hiring, and keeping the jobs away from "legal" americans.
Personally, I'm angry at both. The person breaking the law, and the people giving them reason to.
The problem with this is that the Repubs and even the Teapartiers would have a fit if one of their "american corporations" was fined a huge amount or boycotted.
Actually, my personal belief is that the
real problem is the partisanship that has arisen around the issue (Repubs... etc..).
Christian Conservatives boycott businesses all the time for different issues. Illegal immigration would just be one of those issues.
These huge companies can do no wrong in their eyes.
Which is a great Democratic talking point.
However, the reality is that Christian Conservatives have called for boycotts of Ford, Disney, Pepsi, and even Wal-Mart. And that was a short list that took about 5 seconds to look up on Google.
You should really look past your partisanship, and look across the aisle as to how the others really feel, instead of what Democratic politicians TELL you they feel.
And I can hear what they would say to the idea of a "private" person hiring an illegal immigrant to do, say yard work (like lou dobbs): "why should the government tell me who i can or can't hire? its my property, and i'll do whatever i want on it, and hire whomever i want to work on it"
Just a point of contention here, Lou Dobbs never employed illegal "aliens". He employed contractors and companies for different issues, and those companies and contractors hired illegal aliens.
Is it YOUR contention that Lou Dobbs should have looked through the payroll documents for every employee of every contractor/company he hired?
Or is it YOUR contention that he should look at who's doing the work, and determine who he thinks is an illegal "alien" and ask the contractor/company to verify their immigration status?
Now for people/companies that knowingly hire illegal immigrants... I advocate jail time. I really do. Jail time that doubles each time you are caught.
3 months for the first time. 6 months for the second time. 1 year for the third time. 2 years for the fourth time.
Being caught knowingly employing 50 illegals would count as being caught 1 time.
These are my views on the matter.