I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I installed the CWM version of the kernel. I can't seem to edit the koumamod file without the installation failing when used the CWM method. I get the the installing update part, and then it says installation aborted. Or was I supposed to install this, and then edit that file while it is on the phone?
The way I did it was to extract the KoumaKernel zip file, and open the system folder, and open the koumamod file with Notepad + +. I then single backspaced to remove the # from the areas I wanted them removed from. My edited file looks like this:
on koumamod
# Default Internal /data partition. Comment this line to disable mounting of the internal /data (not recommended)
mount ext4 /dev/stl13 /data rw noatime nosuid nodev barrier=0 data=writeback nobh nodiratime noauto_da_alloc
# Mount SD-EXT as /data partition (KoumaKernel 1.2 style) Uncomment this line to activate this mode
# mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data rw noatime nosuid nodev barrier=0 data=writeback nobh nodiratime noauto_da_alloc
# Required Directory and Permissions. Do not edit these
mkdir /data/dalvik-cache 0771 system system
chown system system /data/dalvik-cache
chmod 0771 /data/dalvik-cache
mkdir /data/app 0771 system system
Mount SD-EXT as /data/app and SD-SWAP as /data/dalvik-cache (SSM Style) Uncomment both lines to activate this mode
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /data/app rw noatime nosuid nodev barrier=0 data=writeback nobh nodiratime noauto_da_alloc
mount ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 /data/dalvik-cache rw noatime nosuid nodev barrier=0 data=writeback nobh nodiratime noauto_da_alloc
# /data permissions. Do not edit
chown system system /data
chmod 0771 /data
trigger post-fs
If I try to install the .zip without editing the koumamod file at all, the installation seems to go just as it is supposed to.
I'm also a little confused on which point I am supposed to partition the SD car, or if that is something that is automatically done while installing this kernel?
Your eagerly learning noob!