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Let's see your "Incredible" layout (Pun intended)

Just a quickie cause I like the picture so much
SMS Unread count using the Gmail and Text icons (i currently have zero unread so there are no indicators)
Minimalistic text
OMH, the way I deal with the issue is to have a development screen. Basically I have 4 screens, 3 with a setup I like that has all the stuff I need. The 4th is used to play with new layouts for a single screen, thats why I only ever post one screen. It allows me to experiment but still keep a setup I like.

rcubed, thank you for the suggestion, but that just isn't going to work for me. And not because I just can't do that with my current setup. For me, having that extra screen with stuff that didn't belong would be like...like having a really hot girlfriend...except she has snaggle teeth. Dark brown ones. Or worse, Gingerbread green. :D

And +1 for that water glass screen! Beautiful.

Thanks! It's actually a modded one from xda, here's the link

MIUI analog clock mod - Page 2 - xda-developers

Just scroll down a lil and you'll see it.

Supra, I went, I scrolled, I came up empty. They talk about it, but I don't actually see it posted in there. :(
Look at post 14, with the picture of it, should be attached in that post. I can see it.

That's the animated clock. With the blue second hand. Your posted clock is the one the person requested right above that.

To be extra sure, I'll install the post #14 apk.

*Final Jeopardy music*

Aaaaaaaaaaaah!!! There's a option to hide the second hand. LOL Problem solved. Thanks!
Hahaha niice, yea np man!

I love that clock

Edit - omg hahahahah I duno how I missed ur response to rcubed

rcubed, thank you for the suggestion, but that just isn't going to work for me. And not because I just can't do that with my current setup. For me, having that extra screen with stuff that didn't belong would be like...like having a really hot girlfriend...except she has snaggle teeth. Dark brown ones. Or worse, Gingerbread green. :D

rcubed, thank you for the suggestion, but that just isn't going to work for me. And not because I just can't do that with my current setup. For me, having that extra screen with stuff that didn't belong would be like...like having a really hot girlfriend...except she has snaggle teeth. Dark brown ones. Or worse, Gingerbread green. :D
understandable. I think of it from a different angle though. like having that hot girl on the side to bang around with but still having the mainstay at home.:D

all kidding aside, you do great work so keep it up however you manage!
all kidding aside, you do great work so keep it up however you manage!

Speaking of hot chicks, your ability to manipulate me is second only to them! Now I HAVE to get with some new newness. *shakes fist in air, slips creative phone gods a twenty and some white chocolate/macadamia nut cookies*

Aaaaah, already the ideas come. Now where are those Goody's powders?
Finally had the guts to install Widget Locker - I'm glad I did! Here's my new lockscreen:

(original http://www.ba-sofas.com/product-logos/1808_96ALivingRoomLeatherSofa.jpg)
Audiogalaxy widget (SOOOO useful on the lock screen), Minimalistic Text on the TV, and hidden unlock, SMS, and camera sliders. When I get the chance I'll try getting the red thing off the carpet and onto a slider, then I'll unlock with that.

Also revised my panel 3 so the toggles look good and the white internet router that links to Firefox.

I finally got the guts to get rid of the notifications bar - but it shifts all the icons up and throws off the alignment! So I guess the bar is here to stay.

I'm afraid that I'll have to just keep modifying this layout whenever I need a change or new icon - I'm kinda afraid of starting a brand new layout! If it ain't broke..... :o
Thanks for all the positive comments!
Oh no he didn't....:D

What's good fellas! Some sick sh*t in here per usual. Had to show my newest setup to people who will appreciate it, unlike that other thread :rolleyes:


Minimalistic Text Widget|MiUi Clock|SMS Unread Count|Minimalistic Text|Beautiful Widgits 4x1|MiUi Music|Widgetsoid|Circle Launcher

I need to figure out how to make my own text icons so I can have circle launcher match the rest of my text on screen. Other than that pretty happy with this setup
rcubed, that is awesome!!

EDIT: Here is just the lockscreen of a layout I posted and now just unposted because it stunk. Someone offered me a free DInc. Dev phone!

SanjaBattery and SanjaClock (both part of SajnaWidgetsMini, misspelled in the Market. Found it checking "View More Applications" under the Aozora Clock. Bonus!)
SMS Unread Count
WidgetLocker (invisible slider across the throat)

ok, here is my latest complete setup (not just a dev screen to play with like I usually do)
Make Your Clock
Minimalistic Text

Make Your Clock
Desktop Visualizer for apps - icons part of wallpaper (all screens)
Upside down A in lower right corner opens App Drawer (all screens)

Left Screen:
Smooth Calendar

Right Screen:
Stock Player
Widgetsoid for toggles
omh, love the theme and especially the clever app icon placements!

Ah! I didn't see this before I deleted my stuff. D'oh!

Your new layout is...ACES! And I'll bet you can guess which Ace *I* like best. :D

p.s. Thought I was getting a dev DInc tonight. Turned out to be a dead Eris with no back and no charger. :(
Ah! I didn't see this before I deleted my stuff. D'oh!

Your new layout is...ACES! And I'll bet which Ace *I* like best. :D

p.s. Thought I was getting a dev DInc tonight. Turned out to be a dead Eris with no back and no charger. :(
No worries. I could see why you were not happy with it as it was not up to your usual standards. But I thought the idea was cool (who doesnt like porn!) and I liked how you were incorporating the icon locations.

That sucks about the phone, back to the drawing board I guess.
Files attached for your tweaking pleasures.

Skyraider 3.5 w/black n blue theme
ADW launcher EX
multipicture live wallpaper


  • template.zip
    2 MB · Views: 80
  • Untitled-1.jpg
    1.3 MB · Views: 111
Well, I finally decided that I find a dock to be completely useless. So I revised my Android7 theme using ADW Launcher after reading in other posts that you can turn off the dock completely. ADW is also useful (as other launchers may also be) that you can set up- and down-swipe gestures for specific actions. For instance: without a notification bar I have the down-swipe to drop the notification window. I then have the up-swipe to open the app drawer (no icon or link required!). I'm kinda digging that.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Needless to say, the lockscreen is WidgetLocker. The widgets on the lockscreen are explained in this post: Post Your Lockscreen Screenshots.

The clock/weather/battery widget on the main homescreen is Make Your Clock Pro.
The folder popups on the last three screenshots are using Folder Organizer.

The blue tile widgets and image icons are all part of my Android7 Theme. Information on this layout can be found here: Android7 Theme.

All of this was completed on an unrooted HTC Incredible.
I accidentally changed the "Txt" icon on my dock on launcher pro but cannot find the custom icon anymore. Is it certain that its on my SD card?
That looks really good man, like I said before, I like how that sun fits in there really well. Keep up the good work!

LOL...CLASSIC..LOVE THE THEME DAMN THATS NICE. Have a DInc, my wife has a Moto X, and picked up a Thunderbolt 2 weeks ago, might have to go with this look...NICE WORK
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