VZW Nexus Please!!!
Guys, if this has been answered somewhere else, I apologize in advance, but I didn't see an answer in the thread...I'm having the same issues with WiFi. I turn it on and though I've typed in my WPA key correctly, it starts by saying "Scanning.....Authenticating.....Remembered.....Scanning.....Authenticating.....Disconnected."
Then it just says in the WiFi networks spot: "Disabled, secured with WPA/WPA2 PSK"
So far, this is the only major thing I've found with the ROM that isn't working well. For the record, I'm running Stock (no theme) LFY 1.41 with So far, this is the only major thing I've found with the ROM that isn't working well. For the record, I'm running Stock (no theme) LFY 1.41 with PS3 ulv 1.0. Any help, of course, is greatly appreciated.
WiFi works in this build. Your error message is telling you that it can't authenticate. This might be a "alt lock" problem with the keyboard where you typed your password incorrectly (but didn't realize it).