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Root Moto going to unlock bootloader

Indeed he is right. I think you may have made the same mistake I did Raptor, copied the wrong link.... how did that happen anyhow? You were one of the one's who helped me get mine right! Lol

Ha! Cleaned up my App Brain Categories and forgot to reset the link...Fixed and thanked.
No updates, unfortunately. My own feeling is that they said all that conciliatory stuff about their bootloader just to appease the inflammatory statement their employee made. I don't believe they have any plans of changing their position.
No updates, unfortunately. My own feeling is that they said all that conciliatory stuff about their bootloader just to appease the inflammatory statement their employee made. I don't believe they have any plans of changing their position.

I completely agree, they were just trying to save-face because of that employees comments.
I completely agree, they were just trying to save-face because of that employees comments.

I'd be more upset, but there are alternatives. My next phone will probably be an Htc SomethingOrOther. You've heard of that one, right? ;)
I'd be more upset, but there are alternatives. My next phone will probably be an Htc SomethingOrOther. You've heard of that one, right? ;)

I sure have heard of it ;)

If Moto insists on keeping the bootloader locked down so tight, I will never buy one of their phones again.
It just sucks because no other hardware comes close to Motorolas quality, and I mean call quality, and build quality.
I can live with HTC.

I will be looking hard at HTC for my next phone. I just hope they start using Gorilla Glass. A friend of mine shattered his EVO's screen when it fell one and a half feet off of his couch onto his tile floor... and I mean shattered it!!! I couldn't believe it, meanwhile my DX has flown out of my hands and landed on a cement patio and didn't so much as scratch the screen. That's pretty impressive.

So we need an HTC/Motorola hybrid to come out for you and I Steven. The grace and beauty of HTC combined with Motorola's durability and hardware... but with HTC's open bootloader. We'll call it the 'Outlaw58'!


... or the Steven71... but that just makes you sound OLD!!!
Unfortunately, I can't. :(

I need the signal grabbing, top notch audio Motos are known for. Unless, Verizon builds a tower in my area (unlikely), then I am stuck with Motorola. :mad:

I live in the Northeast. Northeast corridor. Not only do I get good signal, but there's 4g here. I'm waiting for a better 4g phone than the thunderbolt, which seems to be a verizon evo.
I just bought my DX back in July. However, because I used an upgrade from one of the other lines, my line is due for an upgrade in April. Now I'm 100% satisfied with my DX, but I've been so excited to get another device just so that my son and my daughter could use this one as a spare, that I just might use it to get myself something else so that they can enjoy my DX.

It's just... I don't want a 4g device yet because there is no 4g in my area and I don't want to have to pay for it. Expecially since I just upgraded to $9.99 unlimited data. I'm sure that won't apply to 4g. And all of the REALLY good devices I'm assuming will probably be 4g. The only newer 3g device that I've heard might be coming is the DX2. But that of course is a Motorola (locked bootloader) so I'm not interested.

I wish the new Nexus was bigger. I'd definately take a 4.3 inch Nexus with a Gorilla Glass screen! :)
Not holding my breathe. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad people are still trying to make this work on the DroidX, but I don't expect results. I don't expect snow every time the weatherman says it is going to snow in SC either, but sometimes it does snow.....

But according to this guys blog, it sounds like they are in the same place as the Milestone people. Sure, they can get kenec to boot, but none of the radios work, or the SD card, or the camera, or the ......... - you get my point.

From what I can tell, all this kid has done so far is get the Milestone kenec working on the DroidX. Again, I'm not trying to minimize the work that has been done - this kid is awesome. But it is certainly not a sign of a major breakthrough in the overall status of kenec IMHO.

I'd love to be proven wrong!!! But that is what I read of the situation.

i hate to burst your bubble, i really do, but thats old news, the kid who actually did unlock it needs people to write the drivers for it and so far no one has stepped up that i am aware of :( but im glad you are searching for it, lets us know when something does come up, you will be the first one to tell us ^_^

i know this because my buddy ryan who works at verizon droiddoes!! on droidforums.net

he was also following it about 2 weeks ago, so hopefully something is in the works

Not holding my breathe. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad people are still trying to make this work on the DroidX, but I don't expect results. I don't expect snow every time the weatherman says it is going to snow in SC either, but sometimes it does snow.....

But according to this guys blog, it sounds like they are in the same place as the Milestone people. Sure, they can get kenec to boot, but none of the radios work, or the SD card, or the camera, or the ......... - you get my point.

From what I can tell, all this kid has done so far is get the Milestone kenec working on the DroidX. Again, I'm not trying to minimize the work that has been done - this kid is awesome. But it is certainly not a sign of a major breakthrough in the overall status of kenec IMHO.

I'd love to be proven wrong!!! But that is what I read of the situation.

from what i was told by my buddy at droidforums
the kid is between the ages of 13-16 i hate young smart kids lol makes me feel old and dumb
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