It's not quite the same; I'm not sure if it gets into a monopolistic realm since three carriers are offering ISIS, but it's anti-competitive since it's blocking a competing product from entering the market since VZW, AT&T and T-Mo are a majority of mobile providers available to the public.
But the bigger problem might be the stacking of industries. Remember not too long ago there was talk of Google buying a stake in T-Mobile? There were a lot of anti competitive cries there before it fizzled, claiming it would give Google an unfair advantage in the marketplace, and reduce competition since T-Mo has such a wide subscriber base. It would be up to the courts to decide. They'd have a lot more heartburn now, if Google is able to complete the deal with Motorola Mobility.
I'll be watching this with a lot of interest. A lot of it is going to depend on how the public & media react, and whether the feds think it's worth pursuing.