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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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No way he just wanted you to buy from him

Just did a quick search and found this:
User Guide for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus is up on Verizon's site

Look at the last line:
"Hopefully it won't be too much longer until Verizon officially announces the release date and pricing (which is expected to be $299 after rebate with contract)."
he claims that Verizon will be selling it for $349 with a $50 mail in rebate.
Buying the phones in the actual Verizon stores has always come with the mail-in rebate. That's why I always buy online or through telesales, the discount is automatic.

The reason why they do the rebates in the stores is because the stores need the extra money to operate, and most people are too lazy or don't care about mail-in rebates and rarely turn them in. Thus, the store gets to keep the extra money.
To put into perspective how badly I want this phone to come out.

I'm hoping for a 9th release, but cant even buy it until my NewEveryTwo renews on the 11th :(

I'm like gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh everything is against me
I'm heading out. Was planning on stopping at Verizon after work today but I've scrapped that idea. Going to head to the grocery store and then have both Penguins and Steelers games to watch tonight so I can hopefully keep my mind off how much I loathe VZW right now.

I'm a HUGE Pens fan and have been for 20 years! Sid is sitting out tonight but they'll still put up a good fight.
I need to just keep my mouth shut when it comes to this phone. I keep telling all my iphone friends that I'll be getting this new sweet phone on (insert rumor date here) and it keeps blowing up in my face. Now every time they catch me on the forum they just say, "you know that phone is never coming out, might as well buy an iphone." Although it's all in good fun, I will not be telling them anything from now on because any release date seems possible. I sincerely hope that next week a date will be announced by big red so we can all breathe a little sigh of relief.
he may be right, but this info sleeve they usually put out with the demo phone seems not to mention that( and yes i know this could change too or be old or fake, just putting it out there)

Used to be that Verizon would advertise a price like 299, that is actually 349 with a mail in rebate but it would have small print on the card saying "After $50 dollar mail-in rebate". Places like Best Buy and other third party sellers would get around that and offer the phone for 299 straight out.. Thats why I got my Incredible at BB.


But when I got my Bionic it was straight out 299 from the Verizon store...
why would a manager blatantly lie to my face about "never seeing" a phone that one of his reps is currently carrying?? all i can say is that i hope rep #2 still has a job tomorrow... or the 15th... or whatever we're quoting as the release date now. i will be stopping by tomorrow just in case, but the whole situation just struck me as odd. :confused:
I think the rep is planning make a cash-only transaction behind the VZW store tomorrow...
hey guys, once again i work for an indirect agent, ok heres whats ups, the phone was suppose to drop tomorrow, but as everyone knows Verizon pulled it, but why?? My verizon rep who once again is in the know said it had something to do with google and some wallet, i laughed cuz i knew exactly what that was. Anyways we were suppose to get the phones tomorrow, but they were pulled from the order and im pretty sure they are off the order sheet now. Like everyone else has stated it has also been pulled from the equipment guide. Now for the good news!!! WE are finally getting advertising!! and and i have the date that they PLAN to launch it...again, but he did say as you have seen they can change it at a moments notice, due to the lock down of leaks i cant say the date, BUT the rumors you are hearing of next week....well those sound good to me ;) ......but thats all i can say, hopefully you guys can put 2 and 2 together haha, once again though, they can change that date at any possible time, but lm looking forward to next week!! ill let you know if i hear any other changes, but you guys will probably know before i do hahaha
Look at the last line:
"Hopefully it won't be too much longer until Verizon officially announces the release date and pricing (which is expected to be $299 after rebate with contract)."

i take that as after the discount from signing a contract? i.e. subsidy
Beware, CPU stuff:
Yeh! The ole gray mare, she still runs without hesitation and I can still over clock her if needed. The CPU has been mirror lapped to keep her cooler.

Nothing better than a clean home build.

Sweet! I've meant to try lapping but always forget in the excitement of firing up a new system. My main box even uses no-name thermal paste. :eek:

more OT computer talk
I built my rig a little over a year ago. This thing is blazing fast:
AMD Phenom II x6 1090t overclocked to 4.2GHz
Gigabyte 890FXA-UD5
8gb GSkill DDR3 1333
AMD Radeon 6950 2gb
XFX Black Series 750W
3 HP 2311x 23" LED HD Monitors in Eyefinity
Fully watercooled, both CPU and GPU
Skyrim has never looked so... amazing! And I'm a console gamer!

Now there's a helluva machine. Oh yeah I'm sure that sucker flies! Can you post any pix of those triple HP's in action?
And another one falls. :(

Enjoy your new iPhone! BTW, using an iPhone does NOT make you a lesser man to those who hold out, nor does caving into a different phone. :)

Caving to Rezound was rational (it is, after all, better hardware just waiting for ICS). But iPhone is heresy!

Some are really in pretty good shape though... BUT... this smokin' hot brunette (maybe she's a blond or, she may be a he for you, for me, she's a brunette) has showed some interest.

"I met her in a club down in old Soho Where you drink champagne It tastes just like Coca Cola, C-O-L-A cola..."
strange things afoot at the BigRed V:

i just stopped by my corporate store to complain about the battery life on my rent-a-razr (read as: dig for Galaxy Nexus info). this store was confirming Dec. 9th over the phone on monday, but the first rep i talked to quickly said "we can't talk about that phone, corporate orders". as i started to walk away, a second rep came out from behind the counter and asked me to go look at the rezound if i wanted to exchange for something with a removable battery. i explained that i wasn't interested, to which he replied "no, you'll want to see this." i followed him over to a corner of the store, and he pulled a mythical GNex out of his pocket. he let me hold it for about 30 seconds, enough to gauge weight and size (slightly heavier and thicker than the razr, but definitely "fits" my hand better), then returned it to his pocket and said "come by tomorrow. we have accessories, and i'm not promising anything, but... come by tomorrow." as a manager walked over to see what we were talking about he immediately jumped into a sales pitch for the rezound. not wanting to give anything away, i told him that i would just wait for the GNex, whenever it will be released. this is when the manager replied "we've never even seen that phone, who knows if we'll get it at all." fed up with the disinformation, i asked the 2nd rep for his card, told him i'd see him soon, and left the store.

why would a manager blatantly lie to my face about "never seeing" a phone that one of his reps is currently carrying?? all i can say is that i hope rep #2 still has a job tomorrow... or the 15th... or whatever we're quoting as the release date now. i will be stopping by tomorrow just in case, but the whole situation just struck me as odd. :confused:


Yeah, this whole fiasco is just making them look like liars. If you want to say "we have no release information", that's fine. But to bald face lie and say you haven't seen it? Come on. The only thing I can think of is VZW is really cracking down on leaks and said "delay" memo also included some warnings about it and telling them to be tight lipped and/or flat out deny it.

As for the employee, if he does wind up selling it to you before the real release date, I would wager he's putting his job in serious jeopardy. If I were him, I personally wouldn't think the commission would be worth my job.
I happened to be in town today and stopped in at Costco. The salesman told me that they have plenty of stock in the store but that there was a flag in the system preventing them from selling them. He also stated the flag was system wide throughout Costco, not just at his store so no Costco's can sell them until that is lifted. Ok, so that is not really anything new, however, he then tries to convince me that I should buy it there when it is available as I would get a much better deal. I explained to him that I needed more than a $10 discount to make it worth the savings to make a 90 mile round trip drive to Costco. His answer was what is interesting, yes they will be giving a bundle with it (case, screen protector and car charge) but more significantly he claims that Verizon will be selling it for $349 with a $50 mail in rebate. That's the first I heard of that, anyone have any thoughts?

Verizon doesn't do mail in rebates for high end phones anymore. He just wanted your sale..
I'm a HUGE Pens fan and have been for 20 years! Sid is sitting out tonight but they'll still put up a good fight.
OT - Pittsburgh talk:

Same here, I have a pic with my brother (we were 5 and 6 at the time I believe) with the Stanley Cup when the won it back in the 90s. I'm going to need 3 tvs/monitors for tonight. One for the Steelers, another for Penguins, and another for MW3 and/or Skyrim. :)
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