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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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I sure wish they would pull the trigger and at least officially announce a release date. If this keeps up I'm gonna have to pull the trigger on the 4S. I hate to but it is a solid device and my wife loves hers. She has never been an android fan but even with the 4s being 3G it still doesn't lag to far behind my rent a Bionic.
Uh oh...

I said I would not buy another apple device. My gateway netbook is getting under my skin, its slower then my DX. I just caught my self on the apple store looking at the macbook airs :eek:

Comparing a netbook to a Macbook Air isn't a very fair fight =/

I <3 Lenovo. Think pads are so awesome. If you want something portable I would highly recommend checking out the X series before settling for a Macbook.
Buying the phones in the actual Verizon stores has always come with the mail-in rebate. That's why I always buy online or through telesales, the discount is automatic.

The reason why they do the rebates in the stores is because the stores need the extra money to operate, and most people are too lazy or don't care about mail-in rebates and never turn them in. Thus, the store gets to keep the extra money.

My local store has always offered to send in the mail-in rebate on their own time. They know people forget and it's a really nice thing they throw in.
That kid is SICK...and I hate him. Because he's not on my beloved Blackhawks...

EDIT: I suck at typing.

I totally understand. If he wasn't on my team id be heated. I feel so lucky to have a guy like Lemieux (still my all-time favorite player and it's also my cat's name) own the team and also get to get another great like Sid to wear the black and Gold.
I totally understand. If he wasn't on my team id be heated. I feel so lucky to have a guy like Lemieux (still my all-time favorite player and it's also my cat's name) own the team and also get to get another great like Sid to wear the black and Gold.

Don't forget about Jagr.
Comparing a netbook to a Macbook Air isn't a very fair fight =/

I <3 Lenovo. Think pads are so awesome. If you want something portable I would highly recommend checking out the X series before settling for a Macbook.

I will have to say that I have alway been a PC man and have owned several think pads etc. I just forked over the cash and got a macbook 15 inch i7. It flat out flies and is one solid device. Took a little getting used to OS but I actually like it a little more than windows 7.
I totally understand. If he wasn't on my team id be heated. I feel so lucky to have a guy like Lemieux (still my all-time favorite player and it's also my cat's name) own the team and also get to get another great like Sid to wear the black and Gold.

You have a solid club over there. I was kinda bummed when Sid got that head injury...I missed the highlight reel nonsense he pulled out of nowhere!
Just like the rest of you, I now have a Galaxy Nexus story. It's a little different, but just another close call.

I stopped by the Verizon store across from the hotel I'm at and started talking to one of the guys, one who looked willing to cooperate. I was looking at the Razr, and said "look, I'm just waiting for one phone. The Nexus. Is there anything you can do for me? Do you have any I can take a look at, see if it's worth it or not?" He said yea sure, we have the demo model. It doesn't work, but is the actual dimensions. He goes in the back, comes out (with a manager looking type following him but not coming up to me) and says "Sorry, apparently even our demo model is gone." So we start talking about the phone, the issues with delays (even they are getting frustrated at this point and he, and iPhone user, freely admitted it was their best phone) and I ask if they have any stock. He said no, and they had to send what they had back. They also didn't have any accessories. He did offer to take my number and give me a call, which was real cool of him, but since I'm just in town on business I unfortunately couldn't put my name down for one. But the opportunity was there, which I appreciate, and makes me think he was telling me the truth. However, 1 of 2 things happened here:

1. When he went to the back, he was looking around for the phone, and the manager told him to tell me that there were none there and he didn't have any more info. Although, he did affirmatively answer when I asked him about some of the rumors after he told me they didn't have any. (Yes, it was due out the 9th, yes they delayed it when the LTE network went down, no they haven't seen anything new, yes it is entirely removed from their system.)

2. He really was going to show me the phone, and they really did have to ship them back, my assumption is for new SIM cards related to the LTE issue. Not that this puts the 15th in jeopardy, as they could ship em back, fix em and send em back I'm sure within the week. Just might be limited stock at first (my assumption).

I'm not sure if this adds anything other than filler, but it's my Nexus experience and I just wanted to fit in. I WAS SO CLOSE!

tl;dr - I went to a store, CSR went to the back to get the Nexus for me, came back out and said our stock was shipped back, we don't have any, it's out of the system even though it said launch the 9th just yesterday.
At this point I'm glad they're not announcing a release date. Why? Because if they tell us the 15th in a PR statement, but then decide they're good to go to release it sooner, they won't because of all the crap they've already gotten. At least this way they can pull the trigger at any time and no one will give them grief (or anymore grife than they're already getting.)
OT - Pittsburgh talk:

Same here, I have a pic with my brother (we were 5 and 6 at the time I believe) with the Stanley Cup when the won it back in the 90s. I'm going to need 3 tvs/monitors for tonight. One for the Steelers, another for Penguins, and another for MW3 and/or Skyrim. :)

Penguins and MW3. You just named most of my evenings after I put my little one to sleep and the wife's studying for her master's.
Newbie or not means nothing you have just as much substance as anyone else in here ;)

I have a lot more substance since I joined the forum because all I do from 5:30 to Midnight is sit on my a** in front of the laptop. Don't get me started about my days off... :cool:
I just got off the phone with the Verizon store in Annapolis, MD. Though the CSR said she did not know anything about the gnex, she said, "definitely not tomorrow".

My BB Storm is absolutely dying. This is terrible news for me because this phone was motivating me to get through the week, which was probably the hardest academic week of my life...oh well.
Costco screens seem to me to be the best leak we have right now...



Oooo does Costco use the iseries?;)
strange things afoot at the BigRed V:

i just stopped by my corporate store to complain about the battery life on my rent-a-razr (read as: dig for Galaxy Nexus info). this store was confirming Dec. 9th over the phone on monday, but the first rep i talked to quickly said "we can't talk about that phone, corporate orders". as i started to walk away, a second rep came out from behind the counter and asked me to go look at the rezound if i wanted to exchange for something with a removable battery. i explained that i wasn't interested, to which he replied "no, you'll want to see this." i followed him over to a corner of the store, and he pulled a mythical GNex out of his pocket. he let me hold it for about 30 seconds, enough to gauge weight and size (slightly heavier and thicker than the razr, but definitely "fits" my hand better), then returned it to his pocket and said "come by tomorrow. we have accessories, and i'm not promising anything, but... come by tomorrow." as a manager walked over to see what we were talking about he immediately jumped into a sales pitch for the rezound. not wanting to give anything away, i told him that i would just wait for the GNex, whenever it will be released. this is when the manager replied "we've never even seen that phone, who knows if we'll get it at all." fed up with the disinformation, i asked the 2nd rep for his card, told him i'd see him soon, and left the store.

why would a manager blatantly lie to my face about "never seeing" a phone that one of his reps is currently carrying?? all i can say is that i hope rep #2 still has a job tomorrow... or the 15th... or whatever we're quoting as the release date now. i will be stopping by tomorrow just in case, but the whole situation just struck me as odd. :confused:


The manager was probably an older person and was following orders and not going to risk having his store leak any info out. I know the reps are usually more friendly than their managers at least in the stores I go to.
I can't wait to see one of the pens put a HUGE hit on him tonight! :)

I have respect for #68 for all he did in the nineties, but when he went to the Caps, Rags and now the Flyers (ironically, the teams I hate the most) it's open season on him getting some "free candy" from Orpik. ;)
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