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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Just like the rest of you, I now have a Galaxy Nexus story. It's a little different, but just another close call.

I stopped by the Verizon store across from the hotel I'm at and started talking to one of the guys, one who looked willing to cooperate. I was looking at the Razr, and said "look, I'm just waiting for one phone. The Nexus. Is there anything you can do for me? Do you have any I can take a look at, see if it's worth it or not?" He said yea sure, we have the demo model. It doesn't work, but is the actual dimensions. He goes in the back, comes out (with a manager looking type following him but not coming up to me) and says "Sorry, apparently even our demo model is gone." So we start talking about the phone, the issues with delays (even they are getting frustrated at this point and he, and iPhone user, freely admitted it was their best phone) and I ask if they have any stock. He said no, and they had to send what they had back. They also didn't have any accessories. He did offer to take my number and give me a call, which was real cool of him, but since I'm just in town on business I unfortunately couldn't put my name down for one. But the opportunity was there, which I appreciate, and makes me think he was telling me the truth. However, 1 of 2 things happened here:

1. When he went to the back, he was looking around for the phone, and the manager told him to tell me that there were none there and he didn't have any more info. Although, he did affirmatively answer when I asked him about some of the rumors after he told me they didn't have any. (Yes, it was due out the 9th, yes they delayed it when the LTE network went down, no they haven't seen anything new, yes it is entirely removed from their system.)

2. He really was going to show me the phone, and they really did have to ship them back, my assumption is for new SIM cards related to the LTE issue. Not that this puts the 15th in jeopardy, as they could ship em back, fix em and send em back I'm sure within the week. Just might be limited stock at first (my assumption).

I'm not sure if this adds anything other than filler, but it's my Nexus experience and I just wanted to fit in. I WAS SO CLOSE!

tl;dr - I went to a store, CSR went to the back to get the Nexus for me, came back out and said our stock was shipped back, we don't have any, it's out of the system even though it said launch the 9th just yesterday.

Except they would not need to send the phone back for a new sim since the sim does not come preinstalled anyway...
With all this talk about stores shipping the phones BACK, I sure hope that Verizon hasn't decided to scratch the whole thing and cancel Nexus..


Come on, Chief.

Let's think this one out before reacting. The phones aren't going to be shipped back and teh whole thing cancelled. The cost of doing that is absurd. No business would take that on. Not even multi-billion dollar companies.

This thing will be released. We just haven't found the source of the issue yet. Try and find consistencies in all the stories/rumored releases/etc. Verizon has been quiet. There is something there that is holding it back but it's almost over.

This is an insane other side of the spectrum thought. It just won't happen.
I just got back from eating lunch at Costco, so I decided to visit the kiosk. The rep there said it will launch Friday (11/9). There was even the price tag on the counter indicating $289. He had a demo device for me to play with, it was nice and thin/light. My wife was also at another Costco, so I told her to ask the rep there. They told her it will launch on Friday also.

It's flagged in their systems...they will be unable to sell until 12/14.
Playing with an ICS ROM'd Fascinate. Ice Cream sandwich is far and away better than GB. I don't understand why LG, HTC, Moto or Sammy don't develop a vanilla android line. Their software costs would be greatly reduced. They could release new software shortly after release from google and they could tap into our ever-growing "NERD" market.
Why ship the phone back for new sim cards; when they could ship new sim cards to the store and replace them at time of purchase ?

Just like the rest of you, I now have a Galaxy Nexus story. It's a little different, but just another close call.

I stopped by the Verizon store across from the hotel I'm at and started talking to one of the guys, one who looked willing to cooperate. I was looking at the Razr, and said "look, I'm just waiting for one phone. The Nexus. Is there anything you can do for me? Do you have any I can take a look at, see if it's worth it or not?" He said yea sure, we have the demo model. It doesn't work, but is the actual dimensions. He goes in the back, comes out (with a manager looking type following him but not coming up to me) and says "Sorry, apparently even our demo model is gone." So we start talking about the phone, the issues with delays (even they are getting frustrated at this point and he, and iPhone user, freely admitted it was their best phone) and I ask if they have any stock. He said no, and they had to send what they had back. They also didn't have any accessories. He did offer to take my number and give me a call, which was real cool of him, but since I'm just in town on business I unfortunately couldn't put my name down for one. But the opportunity was there, which I appreciate, and makes me think he was telling me the truth. However, 1 of 2 things happened here:

1. When he went to the back, he was looking around for the phone, and the manager told him to tell me that there were none there and he didn't have any more info. Although, he did affirmatively answer when I asked him about some of the rumors after he told me they didn't have any. (Yes, it was due out the 9th, yes they delayed it when the LTE network went down, no they haven't seen anything new, yes it is entirely removed from their system.)

2. He really was going to show me the phone, and they really did have to ship them back, my assumption is for new SIM cards related to the LTE issue. Not that this puts the 15th in jeopardy, as they could ship em back, fix em and send em back I'm sure within the week. Just might be limited stock at first (my assumption).

I'm not sure if this adds anything other than filler, but it's my Nexus experience and I just wanted to fit in. I WAS SO CLOSE!

tl;dr - I went to a store, CSR went to the back to get the Nexus for me, came back out and said our stock was shipped back, we don't have any, it's out of the system even though it said launch the 9th just yesterday.
Costco screens seem to me to be the best leak we have right now...



Lol. Will an inventory screen really say "till"
I just got back from eating lunch at Costco, so I decided to visit the kiosk. The rep there said it will launch Friday (11/9). There was even the price tag on the counter indicating $289. He had a demo device for me to play with, it was nice and thin/light. My wife was also at another Costco, so I told her to ask the rep there. They told her it will launch on Friday also.

I called the Costco in Arlington, TX and they said the same thing. Only sh**** thing about it though is that they wont sell unless you sign a contract... They wont sell outright. BOO!! :(
I know there has been wave after wave of predictions and reports of conversations and none have held up.

Take this with a grain of salt, but a little while ago, I was talking to our corporate level rep. I jokingly asked his when the Nexus was getting released not expecting no answer or an "I don't know". I have been badgering him over the last week or so.

He looked me dead in the eye and said "Tomorrow". I told him what I was seeing on the various web sites and that didn't seem possible, but he looked me in the eye and said again "tomorrow."

I don't know if he really knows, but he seemed dead certain to me.

Take this for what's it's worth which is probably nothing.
FWIW for those of the west coast (Orange County, CA), I called the VZW Corp Store at Irvine Spectrum and I spoke to a rep over there and he said that they have em in stock, HOWEVER, they are basically waiting for Mother Hen (Verizon Wireless) to give them the okay to sell.

He's played with the phone and said that there are no issues that he knows of with it. When I asked if he knew why it got delayed, he said no.

On a side note, I appreciate all the info that I've gotten from this thread and the <3
Being Rational.
Has this phone really been delayed? Verizon has never released an exact date. Therefore it can not be delayed. There is no reason for Verizon to hold this phone so they can push other phones. Honestly, how many ordinary people walking into a Verizon store could tell you the difference between a Galaxy Nexus and or a Razr/Rezound. Verizon will push which phone it chooses regardless of which phones are on the market. The people here on this thread are in the vast minority of phone users. The main qualm it seems is the lack of communication Verizon has employed with this phone. Verizon is alienating a particular subset of people. However, I think they are more geared toward marketing towards the masses then people on this site. Which does suck but its the truth.
I just got back from eating lunch at Costco, so I decided to visit the kiosk. The rep there said it will launch Friday (12/9). There was even the price tag on the counter indicating $289. He had a demo device for me to play with, it was nice and thin/light. My wife was also at another Costco, so I told her to ask the rep there. They told her it will launch on Friday also.

I just left a Costco in MD. The phone rep said the Nexus was scheduled to be released tomorrow but now it is indefinitely on hold. I asked if he had any insight if we were talking a week, month, etc. He had no idea outside of up until today he was told it would be available for sale on Friday and that changed today.
I just got off the phone with my local VZW (corp) rep - he says he got an email this afternoon, FROM VZW, that the phones can be sold a week from today - 12/15/11. He said it didn't address the reason for the delay, but they for sure have the go ahead next week.

To me, that makes sense, and I do believe that they are at least poised to release them next week. From the nationwide turnabout that we saw at nearly all stores today from the local reps, it did sound like they were reading from a script. Part of that was they always seemed to ask for our names/phone numbers. I'm sure that was part of their orders, so that when VZW did decide to release the phone, they would personally contact interested parties.

On an aside....didn't that poster...OpenYourEyes (?) say nearly this exact thing - that this week was the target week, and if it didn't release this week, they would release it next week, regardless?

I bet we see some ads this Sunday, during the NFL games, or maybe Monday night?

Anyway, just passing what I know along. I do 100% believe my rep is telling me what he knows. I would also highly doubt that VZW would postpone this again. Though we may not like VZW, they're not complete idiots, and are #1 in their line of business for SOME reason.
strange things afoot at the BigRed V:

i just stopped by my corporate store to complain about the battery life on my rent-a-razr (read as: dig for Galaxy Nexus info). this store was confirming Dec. 9th over the phone on monday, but the first rep i talked to quickly said "we can't talk about that phone, corporate orders". as i started to walk away, a second rep came out from behind the counter and asked me to go look at the rezound if i wanted to exchange for something with a removable battery. i explained that i wasn't interested, to which he replied "no, you'll want to see this." i followed him over to a corner of the store, and he pulled a mythical GNex out of his pocket. he let me hold it for about 30 seconds, enough to gauge weight and size (slightly heavier and thicker than the razr, but definitely "fits" my hand better), then returned it to his pocket and said "come by tomorrow. we have accessories, and i'm not promising anything, but... come by tomorrow." as a manager walked over to see what we were talking about he immediately jumped into a sales pitch for the rezound. not wanting to give anything away, i told him that i would just wait for the GNex, whenever it will be released. this is when the manager replied "we've never even seen that phone, who knows if we'll get it at all." fed up with the disinformation, i asked the 2nd rep for his card, told him i'd see him soon, and left the store.

why would a manager blatantly lie to my face about "never seeing" a phone that one of his reps is currently carrying?? all i can say is that i hope rep #2 still has a job tomorrow... or the 15th... or whatever we're quoting as the release date now. i will be stopping by tomorrow just in case, but the whole situation just struck me as odd. :confused:


That is what I am saying about my phone call from my rep last night. He was not in the store you could tell sounded like maybe the parking lot. He said 'come in Friday morning' and then something else inaudible and then hung up. He knows what I am looking for....soooo very mysterious like this is a crack deal or something and 'they' are watching. Find out soon enough I guess.
At least Google let me buy the ADW Launcher EX for 0.10 today. So now I get to play with all the settings available, oh my there are so many options.

I thought about buying it (heck it's only $0.10), but didn't for two reasons:

1. I will probably use the default ICS launcher once I get the nexus
2. I actually kind of like launcher pro plus

What does the EX version give you over the free one, out of curiosity? I guess it's only a dime, so I should probably just do it. :p
I based my statement on post 71563, in which the poster describes their store as having shipped the phones back.

I'm not in a position to challenge anyone's honesty here, so I am speculating along with everyone else. WHY would they have to send Nexi BACK unless they were scrubbing the phone?

Not a good scenario from any angle I look at it.

But I DO think someone in this thread's gonna end up with a Nexus tomorrow, considering the total cluster this non-release has turned into. Looks like it won't be me, though, having spoken with a Corporate store and a Premium Reseller.

At this point I think confusion about on sale dates is to the point even internally to Verizon and other 3rd party retailers that some sales will end up starting Friday if'n there is stock as there is obviously no specific dates to start selling said stock. Pretty sure this became an issue as soon as they put it on that site for 12/9 and let stock go out to storefronts.

Basically at this point it seems VZW may be forced to let it sell tomorrow here and there. It's all rotten in general though. There is obviously some legal button pushing going on behind the scenes related to this phone or I am pretty sure a more stable launch date would have existed all along.
Being Rational.
Has this phone really been delayed? Verizon has never released an exact date. Therefore it can not be delayed. There is no reason for Verizon to hold this phone so they can push other phones. Honestly, how many ordinary people walking into a Verizon store could tell you the difference between a Galaxy Nexus and or a Razr/Rezound. Verizon will push which phone it chooses regardless of which phones are on the market. The people here on this thread are in the vast minority of phone users. The main qualm it seems is the lack of communication Verizon has employed with this phone. Verizon is alienating a particular subset of people. However, I think they are more geared toward marketing towards the masses then people on this site. Which does suck but its the truth.

They never announced but they did have the equipment guide with a date on it. Plus you are foolish if you think verizon won't show favor to one phone and hold another from selling.
I just got off the phone with my local VZW (corp) rep - he says he got an email this afternoon, FROM VZW, that the phones can be sold a week from today - 12/15/11. He said it didn't address the reason for the delay, but they for sure have the go ahead next week.

To me, that makes sense, and I do believe that they are at least poised to release them next week. From the nationwide turnabout that we saw at nearly all stores today from the local reps, it did sound like they were reading from a script. Part of that was they always seemed to ask for our names/phone numbers. I'm sure that was part of their orders, so that when VZW did decide to release the phone, they would personally contact interested parties.

On an aside....didn't that poster...OpenYourEyes (?) say nearly this exact thing - that this week was the target week, and if it didn't release this week, they would release it next week, regardless?

I bet we see some ads this Sunday, during the NFL games, or maybe Monday night?

Anyway, just passing what I know along. I do 100% believe my rep is telling me what he knows. I would also highly doubt that VZW would postpone this again. Though we may not like VZW, they're not complete idiots, and are #1 in their line of business for SOME reason.

This is exactly right. I saw that post.
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