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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Completely off-topic here.

Are there any other beer snobs here that have a couple cans/bottles of Coors/Miller/Equivalent in their fridge that has been sitting there for at least a year from that time your friend that doesn't drink beer brought beer over?

I couldn't decide whether or not I should just throw it out. I decided to drink one. My god.... That was stupid.....

I need to go buy some Pretty Things Jack D'or to wash this wretched filth out of my mouth.

I was just drinking those last night.... That, a DFH Worldwide Stout and some Cisco
If it's going to be sold on the 12th, then that must mean they were not able to stock up and train all the stores by the 8th. By "delaying" it to the 12th, then that buys them a little time to get the shipments out, inventory stocked, and employees educated. At my local one I was working at earlier today did not have any new ones in the box (I was in the inventory room), but only one that they received to play with and display. Kind of hard to sell the Galaxy Nexus if you don't have any to sell. That would look bad on Verizon's part, when people walk into the store on the official release of the Galaxy Nexus and everyone working there is like, sorry we didn't get them yet. Come back Monday.

I kind of hope it's delayed till the 15th or 16th because I'm going to get stuck working out of town next week and it would bug me to know I could have one if I wasn't stuck working in some crappy little town. Then with my luck when I do get back home, they would be sold out. "Sorry, you missed your chance. Come back next week" yeah right, I'll be out of town that week also. I asked if they would hold one for me so they don't sell out before I can buy one. She said sorry, we cant hold something like this. Its first come first serve, unless there is a preorder.
I talked to them today, their holding 1 for me. I go in the morning to put my deposit down.

they mentioned you spoke with them...that's great...they said they were holding one for me and I believe they were but if the Gnex drops on the 15th I'll be out of town for a mtg and with them only having 4 I was nervous so I dropped a deposit as well...they showed me the box they're holding for you!!! Great Guys at that location!
I also agree the 15th should be the deadline, this can't go on forever or we will all go mad. I have held off saying this, but it it not released by the end of next week, I will either get a rezound or switch to another carrier since my contract is up soon anyway.
Negri still says 12/9, although I doubt that really means anything

Didn't that say 12/8 before? My guess is that they're probably just following the same rumor mill we are. It's an estimate, remember? ;)

BTW, I'm gonna throw in my RadioShack calls:
1st store said they were told it's coming next week. Didn't have devices in store, didn't know a specific release date, but they got a corporate email saying next week.
2nd store said the same thing.
3rd store, I asked the guy about the Galaxy Nexus and he asked what carrier it was for, then proceeded to check in the back and ask his manager and check the online database. He said it's definitely going to be available in the store the day the phone is released, and he said that would be some time next week.

Well, that was a bummer. Gonna try calling the local Verizon corporate store before I go there tonight (my dad says he refuses to drive there for nothing, so I have to call first and ask... despite me telling him I always get clueless reps, and there is probably a worthwhile person in the store itself).
Just got off the phone with my friendly local Costco Verizon rep, Nate.

Me: Hey, I'd like to come pick up the Galaxy Nexus and switch to Verizon.
Nate: Cool, come in tomorrow and I'll take care of you.
Me (starting to sweat): Uh, really, tomorrow, you say?
Nate: That's correct, tomorrow.
Me: You mean tomorrow, like in tomorrow, Friday, Dec. 9th?
Nate (Laughing): Yes, sir.
Me: Uh, you're absolutely positive about this?
Nate: Yes, we can sell it tomorrow.
Me: Er, do you have it now?
Nate: No, we're expecting our shipment today.
Me: Sweet...what's your name?
Nate: Nate
Me: Thanks Nate! See you tomorrow!
Nate: Goodbye
Guys if this holds up, more situations like this tomorrow are going to get the big wigs running the corp store to cave. Bless them. (Costco not VZW).
so are we all under the assumption that this is the new Verizon business model?

The only reason why I feel that tomorrow could happen is because Verizon has not had their fecal matter together from day one. That is all... :)
ok guys, called 3 costcos, 1 said 9th was the day but was pushed back, 1 said they don't have the official date, and the 3rd said that they are selling it tomorrow, no phones yet but they are DEFINITELY getting them tomorrow morning, i said you sure, she said "we're definitely getting them tomorrow morning" and i said "alright then i'll see you tomorrow to pick one up, thank you so much."

My question to you all is, should i go? its 21 miles from me and they open at 10, i figure i'll call again in the morning and see if anything changes in the morning but should i go and try to get one? I mean Verizon really can't do anything if they sell me the phone right?
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