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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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I called my local Verizon and when I asked about the Nexus, the guy on the phone specifically said that the launch had been planned for tomorrow but then got "pushed back".

Not new info, but even Verizon employees aren't denying that it's been delayed at this point.
Here is my predicted date....sunday...12/11/11

source...my friend owns a non corporate verizon store...and before the 9th was scrapped as the date...i called him and asked if he had one in the store that i could see before the 12/9 release date. He asked me why i thought the 9th was the day. I told him its all over the web....and said don't believe everything you read.

I said...oh...so when would you like me to come by to buy my phone...he said Sunday. I said you are not even open on sundays....he said " i will be this sunday".

FWIW...he was correct in the release date of the Incredible too...
Anyone else remember this quote from Samsung?

"You will have an announcement of the Nexus Prime very shortly and will be seeing it in shops sooner than you think.” October 11.

Well it's in stores, just not to be sold.

I know it was the UK Sales Director and they, of course, already have the phone. I just thought it was a little funny that they are in stores in the US! (just don't sell them until 12/14/11) :confused:

Are we getting trolled or what??
ok guys, called 3 costcos, 1 said 9th was the day but was pushed back, 1 said they don't have the official date, and the 3rd said that they are selling it tomorrow, no phones yet but they are DEFINITELY getting them tomorrow morning, i said you sure, she said "we're definitely getting them tomorrow morning" and i said "alright then i'll see you tomorrow to pick one up, thank you so much."

My question to you all is, should i go? its 21 miles from me and they open at 10, i figure i'll call again in the morning and see if anything changes in the morning but should i go and try to get one? I mean Verizon really can't do anything if they sell me the phone right?

Call in the am...might be a wasted trip though, plan on not getting so you can leave sane.
So.......who's staying up until midnight? :D

I'll be up til midnight or later...not expecting a pre-order or announcement though...but it'll take me that long to finish my Crown!!!...not sure what state of mind I'll be in...You've been WARNED!!!:D
Just saw on the news that the comic artist for Batman died today. Wasn't one of Panda's original poems something about the Nexus launching on the eve of Batman's father's death, or something like that? We all thought he meant Bruce Wayne's father. Maybe the riddle went...deeper....?????

Just kidding. I don't mean to make light of someone's death, it was just too coincidental and I needed to blow off some frustration with the situation.
Verizon sucks. That is all

Well it appears that way, now. Because everyone else has the Galaxy SII, and Verizon has the Rezound and Razr.

BUT...Verizon is the one with the Galaxy Nexus. When we do get our Galaxy Nexus phones, we will be thanking Verizon for it.

I do think Verizon Wireless has our best interest in mind. By not giving any official release, then they can push back the release as necessary, without breaking any promises. Besides by not saying anything it keeps us guessing, which keeps us interested. There is a reason for these delays. I dont know what it is, but there is a reason for it. The sooner they sell this thing, the sooner they make more money. By making sure everything is perfect first, then the more successfull it becomes and the more money they make. Since money is everything, they are going to do what they think will make them the most money.

Although I am frustrated by the way this has been going. We're close. We made it this far, we can stick it out another week if need be. Heck we lived X amount of years without the Galaxy Nexus, we can wait another week without it. At this point it would be foolish to get anything else. They are out there. Verizon is preparing for release. Maybe they want to ensure everyone who wants one with be able to get one. So they are holding off the release a little longer to get extra stock out there.
Call in the am...might be a wasted trip though, plan on not getting so you can leave sane.

Yeah that's definitely my plan, i'll call right when they open at 10 and ask to make sure they got the shipment of phones, and hopefully the same girl is there and she can sell me it. If she does sell it to me i will literally $h!+ a brick....
So I'll go ahead and post my anecdotal experience from stopping by a Verizon store today.

The main phone rep there knew about the phone, they've played with it at the store, and they've done store training. They do have a store model "in the back", but told me they aren't allowed to show anyone it. I politely tried to convice him, but I don't have good game. :( Just wanted to get one in my hands to see how it feels.

As for release date, mum was the word. He stated that he had no info, but thought it was next week sometime. Nothing official. I asked if he got any advance warning, emails, memos, etc and he responded unequivically that they don't get any info until the the announcement goes out. None, zip. I asked about the theory that it was supposed to release Fri, and Verizon communicated to them about the delay. He was pretty adamant that they've received no communication from Verizon, and had no info that Friday was ever a launch target.

As for inventory, they haven't received any in yet. Not even the mythical "do not open" packages. He also had no feel for allocation, and didn't know if they'd get 10 handsets or 100, but qualified that by stating that they usually get decent inventory with Samsung phones.

Again, no new info, and honestly I didn't expect anything groundbreaking. It is encouraging that they've done store training, but they haven't received any stock yet, which isn't encouraging. I'm starting to doubt the 12th or weekend release. Seems like next Thurs/Fri is more plausible. Just my guess.
Just called the Verizon store I was planning on stopping at tonight. Got another ditsy female who didn't know what I was talking about, and I'm too nice to ask to speak to someone else...

Then I called Best Buy, the guy said he'd talk to the mobile department... I didn't get to talk directly to them.
Basically, he told me they don't have a release date yet, and when I asked if they even had the phone in the store and just weren't allowed to sell, he said they didn't even have any shipments or anything.

Wow. I'm seriously really upset right now, I really wanted my Nexus tomorrow.

Here's to hoping Verizon will pull a fast one and launch tomorrow? Eh, it's useless hoping for that at this point :(

But if some stores do end up selling the phone tomorrow, could someone in my general area (Highland Park, IL) let me know of a store that has it? My dad simply refuses to drive a measly 5-10 minutes to this store for me to see if they have the phone. Pretty annoying :/
I just did my part and called the local retail store.

Me: Any news on the Galaxy Nexus release?
Chick on phone: We were going to release it tomorrow (12/9) but the owner got an email yesterday saying its been pushed.
Me: Hmmm, do you know why?
Chick on phone: No he (owner/manager I assume) said they didnt give a reason why.
Me: And you said you think its coming next week?
Chick on phone: ...... (pause) No we do not have any information on a release date at this time.
Me: Ok thanks.

I thought the pause and canned answer was funny at the end.
Well it appears that way, now. Because everyone else has the Galaxy SII, and Verizon has the Rezound and Razr.

BUT...Verizon is the one with the Galaxy Nexus. When we do get our Galaxy Nexus phones, we will be thanking Verizon for it.

I do think Verizon Wireless has our best interest in mind. By not giving any official release, then they can push back the release as necessary, without breaking any promises. Besides by not saying anything it keeps us guessing, which keeps us interested. There is a reason for these delays. I dont know what it is, but there is a reason for it. The sooner they sell this thing, the sooner they make more money. By making sure everything is perfect first, then the more successfull it becomes and the more money they make. Since money is everything, they are going to do what they think will make them the most money.

Although I am frustrated by the way this has been going. We're close. We made it this far, we can stick it out another week if need be. Heck we lived X amount of years without the Galaxy Nexus, we can wait another week without it. At this point it would be foolish to get anything else. They are out there. Verizon is preparing for release. Maybe they want to ensure everyone who wants one with be able to get one. So they are holding off the release a little longer to get extra stock out there.

STOP BEING SO REASONABLE!!! The only way we are going to get this phone in our hands is to be as angry as possible. RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!!! :p
I've been running a couple miles every day for the past month to help me deal with all this stress. Now I'm over 50 miles away from home and don't know what to do. Nothing looks familiar.

ok guys, called 3 costcos, 1 said 9th was the day but was pushed back, 1 said they don't have the official date, and the 3rd said that they are selling it tomorrow, no phones yet but they are DEFINITELY getting them tomorrow morning, i said you sure, she said "we're definitely getting them tomorrow morning" and i said "alright then i'll see you tomorrow to pick one up, thank you so much."

My question to you all is, should i go? its 21 miles from me and they open at 10, i figure i'll call again in the morning and see if anything changes in the morning but should i go and try to get one? I mean Verizon really can't do anything if they sell me the phone right?

waste of gas, imo... but you can try.
sorry if someone asked this already (i haven't been able to keep up with this forum today), but i seem to remember reading that the Dinc was announced the day before it was released. Does anyone know what time of day (mid-afternoon eastern time, late at night, etc) they announced it?
I can't drink that swill when its fresh. Blech. Give me something from Stone or a Dogfishhead IPA...maybe a Killians in a crisis...

Love the Dogfish Ancient Ales.. cool stories to go along with interesting beverages.

For me though, Guiness or Stone Arrogant Bastard is the way to go. Stone's Vertical Epic is good too, though can be hard to find and next year's batch is the last.
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