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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Just called the Verizon store I was planning on stopping at tonight. Got another ditsy female who didn't know what I was talking about, and I'm too nice to ask to speak to someone else...

Then I called Best Buy, the guy said he'd talk to the mobile department... I didn't get to talk directly to them.
Basically, he told me they don't have a release date yet, and when I asked if they even had the phone in the store and just weren't allowed to sell, he said they didn't even have any shipments or anything.

Wow. I'm seriously really upset right now, I really wanted my Nexus tomorrow.

Here's to hoping Verizon will pull a fast one and launch tomorrow? Eh, it's useless hoping for that at this point :(

But if some stores do end up selling the phone tomorrow, could someone in my general area (Highland Park, IL) let me know of a store that has it? My dad simply refuses to drive a measly 5-10 minutes to this store for me to see if they have the phone. Pretty annoying :/

I appreciate the optimism, but seriously you're going to give yourself a heart attack. Just leave it alone, Friday is NOT going to happen. At this point, I will be ridiculously happy to have it next Friday and I'm not holding my breath for it either.

Opinions Needed!

Just thought of something else guys, could use some advice on this. I owe my rep commission because he really did me a solid in letting me borrow this display Continuum until the Nexus released, however I'm in college and as of next Tuesday I'm done for the semester. I live 2 hours away from the store when not in school and as much as I want this phone I'm not driving back 2 hours for it, period.

So here's the options:

A. It releases between now and Tuesday: Everything goes better than expected.

B. It doesn't release before Tuesday but we have solid(ish) info that it will release by the 16th: I'll stay in town and wait the couple extra days, no big deal.

C. No release before Tuesday, no solid info: ????

Situation C is where I need the advice. Again, I feel indebted to my rep for all the help he gave me when I broke my Inc. I don't want a RAZR or Rezound whatsoever, they hold no allure to me and after playing with the Nexus, it will be my next Android if I have a next Android. So basically:

A. Do I buy an Iphone (would get the 32GB version so that his commission is the same) and call that settled with the rep? If I went this route, I would likely wind up selling the 4S and buying a Nexus for retail from Negri or some other source.​

B.???? Feel free to give opinions.​
Scott I talked to the corp store in northbrook and spoke with a rep. he told me they have them in stock and he would call me when he gets word it will become available which he said would be hopefully next week.

Oh do you live in the area? I just want to know if my dad won't be mad at me for dragging him out there for nothing.
Thanks to the lakers for taking my mind of the nexus!
im very happy that CP3 is now going to LA
now i wonder what will happen first: howard to lakers or nexus released?
I love how people continue to go to stores and call like anything is going to change. Clearly verizon issued something to keep employees quiet and they will do just that. If you leave them alone it will cause you less stress and anger rather than constantly harassing them for info you are not going to get.
Past delays were always keeping the arrival of the GNex two weeks away.

Now the delays are keeping the phone one week away?

Is this progress???
It seems like just about everyone besides me can get their stores to tell them they officially have stock...
Why don't any of my stores have stock?!?!?! :(

3 out of the 5 stores I called did say that they couldn't "officially" tell me they had them in stock.:cool:
So if I do in fact head to my local store tonight and they happen to have a rep with a Nexus, what questions do you want me to ask? I will take pictures, but it would be nice to give some helpful info.

i'm starting to believe that vzw is doing this as a marketing strategy. see how many posts they get about it on facebook and twitter? see how the interest is growing more and more with each day with no announcement? if you think i'm nuts, look at this thread. look at the post count. look at how many people have stopped lurking.

if everyone else can have a crackpot theory, why can't the wizard?

Love the Dogfish Ancient Ales.. cool stories to go along with interesting beverages.

For me though, Guiness or Stone Arrogant Bastard is the way to go. Stone's Vertical Epic is good too, though can be hard to find and next year's batch is the last.

Dogfish Head did a tap takeover at a local tavern. I got to have Midas Touch and Namaste on tap. It was so delicious. Stone did a tap takeover this past Tuesday :)
C. No release before Tuesday, no solid info: ????

Situation C is where I need the advice. Again, I feel indebted to my rep for all the help he gave me when I broke my Inc. I don't want a RAZR or Rezound whatsoever, they hold no allure to me and after playing with the Nexus, it will be my next Android if I have a next Android. So basically:
A. Do I buy an Iphone (would get the 32GB version so that his commission is the same) and call that settled with the rep? If I went this route, I would likely wind up selling the 4S and buying a Nexus for retail from Negri or some other source.​
B.???? Feel free to give opinions.

I would not get a phone that you do not otherwise want just for the sake of the rep.

What is the rep's commission on a phone? (I have no idea). If it is not too much, you could do something of comparable value for the rep and then get the phone you want from whatever place works best for you That would cost you extra, of course--a double commission, essentially.

Whatever you choose, it is nice for you to be thinking of the rep.
Okay, thanks to some helpful forum members, I now know that I'm not a nobody. :)

The last thing I want to do is add to the circus that we've experienced over the last month waiting on this phone. After reading further reports of delay here, I got a little nevous and called the local resller again. He assured me that tomorrow is the date, and I can indeed purchase a galaxy nexus. I mentioned my concern based on what I'm reading here about 15th, etc. He said that once they get the email (like he did today), it is a done deal. He said they never cancel the release after sending out this email. But never say never where the galaxy nexus is concerned, right? I pressed further, and the guy offered to call me if anything changes before the store closes today.

I REALLY don't want to be "that guy" who spreads misinformation. Is ANYONE else hearing the launch tomorrow is still on? It would certainly give me some peace if I knew others were hearing the same thing. Otherwise, I'm remaining cautiously optimistic that I may have a new toy tomorrow around 9:01am. :)


Okay, just got the 'call' from the reseller. He did some digging and found out that he can not sell the galaxy nexus tomorrow afterall. He said the fact that I second guessed him and made him look into it more, saved his butt big time. He would have gotten into a lot of trouble for selling it tomorrow. He promised me a 'big' discount for saving the local chain a huge hassle with big red. I wonder how many people are going to get GN's tommorow, and how many reps will lose jobs? I guess I saved at least one shop from the wrath of big red. Oh and the date he threw out jives with what others are saying, the 15th. Sorry for the false hope. :(

FWIW...was out shopping at BestBuy earlier and decided to stop by the mobile dept...and there was the unicorn...5 in all...boxed up and being taken to the back...they had literally just recieved 5 Galaxy Nexus's...just for giggles I asked if he could sell me one and said I doubt it but he checked anyways...he said their system said they could start selling on the 11th...which I said I doubt that too but ya never know...

On another note I stopped by the VZW reseller in my town and of course they have heard nothing...but they do have the phones in the store (4 in all) and let me play with one yesterday...they also let me put down a $200 deposit...

So now MY Galaxy Nexus is waiting for VZW to start the Launch Countdown!!!

My BB Mobile told me the 11th too. No idea where he got that date, but was pretty adement about it. That was 5 days ago.
I appreciate the optimism, but seriously you're going to give yourself a heart attack. Just leave it alone, Friday is NOT going to happen. At this point, I will be ridiculously happy to have it next Friday and I'm not holding my breath for it either.

[SIZE="5"]Opinions Needed![/SIZE]

Just thought of something else guys, could use some advice on this. I owe my rep commission because he really did me a solid in letting me borrow this display Continuum until the Nexus released, however I'm in college and as of next Tuesday I'm done for the semester. I live 2 hours away from the store when not in school and as much as I want this phone I'm not driving back 2 hours for it, period.

So here's the options:

A. It releases between now and Tuesday: Everything goes better than expected.

B. It doesn't release before Tuesday but we have solid(ish) info that it will release by the 16th: I'll stay in town and wait the couple extra days, no big deal.

C. No release before Tuesday, no solid info: ????

Situation C is where I need the advice. Again, I feel indebted to my rep for all the help he gave me when I broke my Inc. I don't want a RAZR or Rezound whatsoever, they hold no allure to me and after playing with the Nexus, it will be my next Android if I have a next Android. So basically:

A. Do I buy an Iphone (would get the 32GB version so that his commission is the same) and call that settled with the rep? If I went this route, I would likely wind up selling the 4S and buying a Nexus for retail from Negri or some other source.​

B.???? Feel free to give opinions.​

Why not buy from him over the phone and have Verizon mail it out to you.
[/INDENT]I would not get a phone that you do not otherwise want just for the sake of the rep.

What is the rep's commission on a phone? (I have no idea). If it is not too much, you could do something of comparable value for the rep and then get the phone you want from whatever place works best for you That would cost you extra, of course--a double commission, essentially.

Whatever you choose, it is nice for you to be thinking of the rep.

I've thought of that too and I believe it's 7.5% (someone correct me if I'm wrong) but I'd prefer not to do that. With the resale of brand new 32GB I4Ses, I could possibly be making money versus losing even more than I would in the first place. That being said 7.5% commission is not worth driving 2 hours back for at $3/gallon, but I forgot that I will have to return the store's phone either way, so it looks like I'll be buying a phone next week one way or another.
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