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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Okay, just got the 'call' from the reseller. He did some digging and found out that he can not sell the galaxy nexus tomorrow afterall. He said the fact that I second guessed him and made him look into it more, saved his butt big time. He would have gotten into a lot of trouble for selling it tomorrow. He promised me a 'big' discount for saving the local chain a huge hassle with big red. I wonder how many people are going to get GN's tommorow, and how many reps will lose jobs? I guess I saved at least one shop from the wrath of big red. Oh and the date he threw out jives with what others are saying, the 15th. Sorry for the false hope. :(


Yeah, I feel bad for the employees/shop owners/etc who somehow MISS VZW's last minute "OMG! no! don't sell it afterall!" message and wind up fired. If that happens too much, it's going to really make VZW look worse than they already do with this phone launch.
I was in a socal BB today and asked the girl working if the had the galaxy nexus in. Ten minutes later I was in the middle of a 30 minute hands on with the Verizon galaxy nexus with installed sim card. Guys, I'm not even a fan of this phone and just bought a vivid on at&t but I have to admit this phone is phenomenal!!! It does not feel plasticly at all, it has just the right amount of weight. It is silky smooth. ICS is awsome! The screen looked great as well. I cant believe she let me use it. Hopefully the vivid gets ICS soon.
I was in a socal BB today and asked the girl working if the had the galaxy nexus in. Ten minutes later I was in the middle of a 30 minute hands on with the Verizon galaxy nexus with installed sim card. Guys, I'm not even a fan of this phone and just bought a vivid on at&t but I have to admit this phone is phenomenal!!! It does not feel plasticly at all, it has just the right amount of weight. It is silky smooth. ICS is awsome! The screen looked great as well. I cant believe she let me use it. Hopefully the vivid gets ICS soon.
What did they say about when they are selling them?
Fyi guys googles holiday party starting now in nyc 42nd and 5th Manhattan library...last years giveaway was the nexus s.....
if i get a brain aneurysm can i sue verizon? anybody a lawyer? Han aren't you a lawyer, what you got for me?

ooh also after 2 years on this forum i'm no longer a "junior member" cause of this thread, i'm a member.


heh heh "member"
I work in hp. on st johns right across from the train station.

Oh yeah you're the guy from the meetup thread.
Well I really want to go to the store before they close in an hour... but if they end up not even having a demo model, it's not worth the hassle :/
I've been following this thread too long to not register to join in.
Just called the best buy mobile that is located about 3 minutes from my house and the lady said they have stock and they're basically just waiting for the ok to sell them. They have some that are powered on and have been letting people play with one, so i'm going in first thing after class tomorrow to at least get to touch this thing! :)
Okay, so, I'm a psychiatrist but the GNex has powers beyond my years of training and practice. An hour ago, one of my patients called me in crisis. This guy works at Best Buy and we've chatted about my quest for this phone in the past. I told him what to do and the parameters for going to the hospital... But before I hung up, it flashed through my mind to ask him about the release - he was calling from work after all! I successfully resisted, but he is supposed to call me back later tonight to check in...:D

So at least this shrink is in no position to run a GNex addiction group!

So, in your professional opinion, would you classify anyone here as obsessive-compulsive?
This is how tomorrow will play out for me if it goes the best possible way:

-I wake up and go to Costco delighted to see that I am the only one waiting for their massive stock pile of Galaxy Nexus units.

-I Proceed to check out and pay my $199 due to the glitch in the computer.

-I go home and play with my new Nexus and post pictures and my experience all over my twitter and facebook.

-Verizon gets wind of my twitter/facebook and contacts me with questions of when/how i got the phone.

-I will respond with "I'll give you all the information you'd like regarding my purchase. You will have it soon/by the end of the year."
I am really beginning to think that the delay isnt even a delay. I dont think the stock levels are where they want them yet. This may only be a delay to us. Maybe Verizon stores have stock but it sounds like many of the other vendors dont have theirs... JMO here
Evenin wuz shakin! Just popping in for a bit before going to work for a few hours.

Just received 3 texts from 2 different stores (re-seller and corp) telling me to come in Sunday and play with the GN (same store who told me the GN was mine 12/9) and that I'd have it 12/15. Hoping this is finally the last mad dash till the finish. Sorry if this was already known I have a lot of catching up I'll do later this eve :)
This is how tomorrow will play out for me if it goes the best possible way:

-I wake up and go to Costco delighted to see that I am the only one waiting for their massive stock pile of Galaxy Nexus units.

-I Proceed to check out and pay my $199 due to the glitch in the computer.

-I go home and play with my new Nexus and post pictures and my experience all over my twitter and facebook.

-Verizon gets wind of my twitter/facebook and contacts me with questions of when/how i got the phone.

-I will respond with "I'll give you all the information you'd like regarding my purchase. You will have it soon/by the end of the year."

That would be hilarious.
Oh yeah you're the guy from the meetup thread.
Well I really want to go to the store before they close in an hour... but if they end up not even having a demo model, it's not worth the hassle :/

Sorry I should clarify I never asked about a demo model. He just said they had them but they couldn't sell them yet. His name was Jose if you want to give them a call. He said they were getting a lot of calls though...
I am really beginning to think that the delay isnt even a delay. I dont think the stock levels are where they want them yet. This may only be a delay to us. Maybe Verizon stores have stock but it sounds like many of the other vendors dont have theirs... JMO here

That was a rumor from way back at the beginning that at launch they would have limited stock. maybe they were going to launch it friday but knew after yesterday that they would not have enough stock right now and wait an extra week to get more stock available to the stores and for online orders.
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