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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Tweeted by DL a few minutes ago.
Indeed...all I'm saying is that what he said before he got banned, is pretty much accurate. Maybe he was a troll, but perhaps "in the know?"

Regardless, I'm not basing my comments above on anything other than what my rep told me, coupled with other people's comments...seems like maybe the 15th is the release?

I called another local store...corp also, and got the typical run around (not sure when it's coming out...let me get your name/number - "no")

But his words are all fluff. For example, I could say

The information contained is false, and is only to show how to veil information.
In the last update they found a bug late in the testing process. They were trying to push the update early in the week, and it started rolling out Monday. Everything was looking good, so they decided to give the go ahead on Tuesday.

Unfortunately Wednesday morning they had some problems with Demo units not taking the OTA update correctly so they pulled the 12/9/11 date. Right now they are receiving a second update that should be going to all demo units tomorrow.

Tentatively, they have set 12/15/11 as the launch date, but if everything goes perfectly, it could be launched on Monday. As we all know there could be problems with this update, so 12/15/11 isn't final, but it's what they're currently targeting.
I'm not going back to any stores, or calling any more poor CSRs, until there are widespread reports of people picking up their phones. As much as I want this thing, it really felt like I was making this guy miserable with my polite question. Strange days indeed.

I'm with you. I can't rightfully subject those poor people to my incessant prodding anymore. Especially since I would have to negotiate an early update once it was released since I'm not due until the 30th. I guess I'll just have to fiddle my thumbs for the next week or so.
Yep. In the era of internet and leaks through it, even internal slipping of dates not publicly announced are the same thing as public delays in many respects.

Not to mention slipping and moving internal launch targets are technically delays anyhow.

All right, now I've heard everything. According to this all encompassing definition, anytime some executive says out loud "You know, it would be nice to have a product to deliver this spring" which is overheard by some office flunky who leaks it on the intarwebs, if some product doesn't actually get designed and built and shipped by the first day of summer then it's legitimately OMG THEY PROMISED US A PRODUCT AND IT DIDN'T SHIP OMG THE COMPANY MUST BE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS.

Let's have some perspective, shall we? AFAIR, all VZW has announced is that it'll ship by the end of the year. So on January 1st you can run around and scream and shout. :eek:
FWIW.. just called a couple radio shacks and most didnt even know what the gnex was.. but one:

Me: are you going to be selling the SGN tomorrow?
CSR: is tomorrow the release date?
Me: thats what I heard
CSR: as far as I know the release date is on the 15th. We dont even have the phone in stock yet.
Me: Thanks.
I just called a local RadioShack. Actually to be honest, I have been frantically calling all retailers within a 25 mile radius. This was the 4th closest RadioShack to me.

Anyways, the guy told me that they had 1 in stock and that I was the first person to call. I got a little excited, until he told me that they aren't allowed to sell it until the 14th. Thought this might be worthwhile information because it lines up with the Costco leaks.
Completely off-topic here.

Are there any other beer snobs here that have a couple cans/bottles of Coors/Miller/Equivalent in their fridge that has been sitting there for at least a year from that time your friend that doesn't drink beer brought beer over?

I couldn't decide whether or not I should just throw it out. I decided to drink one. My god.... That was stupid.....

I need to go buy some Pretty Things Jack D'or to wash this wretched filth out of my mouth.
The response at the corporate store was nothing short of bizarre. I asked if there was any news about the Nexus release, and the employee began speaking in a monotone -- "I'm sorry, sir, we can't give out any information about that." He would no longer look me in the eyes, and stared out the window until I thanked him and walked out.

What sort of torture have these folks been subjected to (or threatened with)?! :( It certainly feels like VZW is exhibiting an almost Apple-like control-freakism over this launch.


y...thats what i got, too. freakish.

i had no real love for vzw before, but NOW, after seeing the pain the csr was going through, i HATE vzw. No employee, who is just trying to br helpful, should feel that way. screw you vzw.
it's insane that different people in the same company are giving different dates.. you would think everyone in VZ would have one date by now.. not the 9th, 10th, 12th, 15th.. it's like what is going on
it's insane that different people in the same company are giving different dates.. you would think everyone in VZ would have one date by now.. not the 9th, 10th, 12th, 15th.. it's like what is going on

Maybe they're doing a staggered soft launch by region? idk who in the heck knows...
Completely off-topic here.

Are there any other beer snobs here that have a couple cans/bottles of Coors/Miller/Equivalent in their fridge that has been sitting there for at least a year from that time your friend that doesn't drink beer brought beer over?

I couldn't decide whether or not I should just throw it out. I decided to drink one. My god.... That was stupid.....

I need to go buy some Pretty Things Jack D'or to wash this wretched filth out of my mouth.

Yuck...that stuff is garbage right out of the tap!
Take this with you preferred amount of salt.

In the Reno area I talked to our 2 corporate stores and neither was willing to give up any information.

I talked to 2 radioshacks, at one the girl extremely nice had no idea what the phone was, and either she is an amazing actor or just another college student working retail and not giving a s* about things. The second radioshack knew about it but said they wont be getting them until the 14th and no information on release dates had been given to them.

I went to one premium authorized reseller and they knew about the phone but had not been able to order any until yesterday at which point they were only able to order 5 units, the delivery date is the 13th. I asked them if i could preorder. They said that the phone has been in their system but the option to preorder had not been. They were nice enough to try and see if they could do it for me and it was now giving them the option to preoder, but before finalizing the preorder for me they called and checked to make sure it was ok and verizon said it was first come first serve. They also told me that the only official email from verizon that they had ever seen regarding the phone came today and it said the phone goes on sale the 15th. They said they would hold one for me.

If it comes to the 15th and no nexus I'm importing the damn thing and switching to ATT on the 20th when my contract is up. I miss being able to import phones, so paying retail isn't a big deal for me. Also where I use my phone I always have wifi so I'm not concerned about data usage.
My brother in law works at the local Radio Shack. He said they just received their news letter which states that they will be selling the Galaxy Nexus 12/14/11. =/

Scratch that... He just texted me now and said after re-reading the newsletter, it says that they are going to RECEIVE the devices on 12/14/11 and they will hold them until further notice.

I'll see if he can take a picture of it.
Just got the call from my store, and he confirmed that they ARE NOT being sold tomorrow for sure. He called me, so I'm guessing they are trying to make this as official as they can without an announcement in lieu of the non announcement 9th date we all jumped on...lol. I asked if the release was completely nixed, and he said definitely not and that he'd be calling as soon as he could sell them....which they still had stock of by the way in the back. I guess we have to keep fingers crossed for next week now. :(
Completely off-topic here.

Are there any other beer snobs here that have a couple cans/bottles of Coors/Miller/Equivalent in their fridge that has been sitting there for at least a year from that time your friend that doesn't drink beer brought beer over?

I couldn't decide whether or not I should just throw it out. I decided to drink one. My god.... That was stupid.....

I need to go buy some Pretty Things Jack D'or to wash this wretched filth out of my mouth.

I can't drink that swill when its fresh. Blech. Give me something from Stone or a Dogfishhead IPA...maybe a Killians in a crisis...
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