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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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I was thinking of this earlier...what if they were told to tell everyone that asks it's been delayed just to do what they had originally intended...a soft launch.

I thought this was a possibility until we started hearing SO MANY people start saying the 15th. I'm afraid My Uno will be a Seis tomorrow.
Haven't seen this posted yet:
Motorola DROID Xyboard Arriving in Verizon Stores
Nexus shipped as early as the 5th/6th which would mean 3-4 days before launch. Now that this is arriving, and is expected to sell on 12/12, it will have been 3-4 days.
This lines up perfectly, actually.
And I thought we all determined that the 4G LTE outage did not have any effect on the release of this phone? Especially now that it's been fixed, they should be able to sell it, no?
I've been checking around Frederick, MD (corp store, authorized reseller, Costco) and everyone seems well-informed that tomorrow is not Nexus day. Radio Shack was genuinely clueless -- "we don't carry that." Thus I have zero hope for "accidental" sales tomorrow.

The response at the corporate store was nothing short of bizarre. I asked if there was any news about the Nexus release, and the employee began speaking in a monotone -- "I'm sorry, sir, we can't give out any information about that." He would no longer look me in the eyes, and stared out the window until I thanked him and walked out.

What sort of torture have these folks been subjected to (or threatened with)?! :( It certainly feels like VZW is exhibiting an almost Apple-like control-freakism over this launch.

I'm not going back to any stores, or calling any more poor CSRs, until there are widespread reports of people picking up their phones. As much as I want this thing, it really felt like I was making this guy miserable with my polite question. Strange days indeed.

does anyone else ever get to the bottom of a page without knowing it, hit refresh 2 or 3 times, and wonder why no new posts have been made?


All the time!!!!!!
If that were the case, why would they both calling to cancel appointments?
So if I do in fact head to my local store tonight and they happen to have a rep with a Nexus, what questions do you want me to ask? I will take pictures, but it would be nice to give some helpful info.

There is only one question that matters at this point, when can we buy the phone?
Been following this thread for a long time now, but haven't had anything meaningful to contribute until now--and as it comes from a CSR, what I have to contribute might still not be considered meaningful, per se ;) but figured I'd post it anyway...

Just talked with a CSR at a corporate store a bit outside Chicago. I had called earlier in the week, and someone there "confirmed" it would be available for purchase on Friday. Needless to say, I wasn't holding my breath, after everything that's transpired over the last 24-48 hours, but I decided to call and check.

Me: I called earlier in the week, and someone there told me I'd be able to purchase a Galaxy Nexus in-store on Friday. I just wanted to confirm that I'll still be able to do that tomorrow?
Him: No, I'm sorry sir, but that's not happening anymore. We'll have it on the 12th.
Me: The 12th?
Him: Yeah, Monday, December 12th.

Now as I said earlier, this was just a CSR, so we can't put too much faith in it. But the way he said it...it gave me some confidence that he might know what he's talking about. He didn't miss a beat in the conversation. It was as if it was common knowledge that it was going to be out the 12th. No putting me on hold to check with a manager, no putting the phone down to check in the system, no stuttering. Just "We'll have it on the 12th." Flat-out.

Take that for what it's worth. :)
strange things afoot at the BigRed V:

i just stopped by my corporate store to complain about the battery life on my rent-a-razr (read as: dig for Galaxy Nexus info). this store was confirming Dec. 9th over the phone on monday, but the first rep i talked to quickly said "we can't talk about that phone, corporate orders". as i started to walk away, a second rep came out from behind the counter and asked me to go look at the rezound if i wanted to exchange for something with a removable battery. i explained that i wasn't interested, to which he replied "no, you'll want to see this." i followed him over to a corner of the store, and he pulled a mythical GNex out of his pocket. he let me hold it for about 30 seconds, enough to gauge weight and size (slightly heavier and thicker than the razr, but definitely "fits" my hand better), then returned it to his pocket and said "come by tomorrow. we have accessories, and i'm not promising anything, but... come by tomorrow." as a manager walked over to see what we were talking about he immediately jumped into a sales pitch for the rezound. not wanting to give anything away, i told him that i would just wait for the GNex, whenever it will be released. this is when the manager replied "we've never even seen that phone, who knows if we'll get it at all." fed up with the disinformation, i asked the 2nd rep for his card, told him i'd see him soon, and left the store.

why would a manager blatantly lie to my face about "never seeing" a phone that one of his reps is currently carrying?? all i can say is that i hope rep #2 still has a job tomorrow... or the 15th... or whatever we're quoting as the release date now. i will be stopping by tomorrow just in case, but the whole situation just struck me as odd. :confused:


I could not agree with you any more. Tell customers the TRUTH...........do not blatantly LIE ...........geeezzzz louizzzzee
If that were the case, why would they both calling to cancel appointments?

If it does launch tomorrow, I'd assume it was because some execs got all pissy when their "super secret" launch date was revealed, and the decided to tell everyone they were running away with all the Gnexes.

I tried the same tactic when I was small. I told my mom I was running away, got on my tricycle, road around the block, and came home defeated. She always called my bluff.

So if they do launch tomorrow, it's probably cause they have a mindset of a 5 year old.
My brother in law works at the local Radio Shack. He said they just received their news letter which states that they will be selling the Galaxy Nexus 12/14/11. =/
Open Eyes was found to be a known troll

Indeed...all I'm saying is that what he said before he got banned, is pretty much accurate. Maybe he was a troll, but perhaps "in the know?"

Regardless, I'm not basing my comments above on anything other than what my rep told me, coupled with other people's comments...seems like maybe the 15th is the release?

I called another local store...corp also, and got the typical run around (not sure when it's coming out...let me get your name/number - "no")
So if I do in fact head to my local store tonight and they happen to have a rep with a Nexus, what questions do you want me to ask? I will take pictures, but it would be nice to give some helpful info.

Hahaha, that would be a strange sight. Imagine a 14 year old kid walking into your store and taking photos and asking a list of prepared questions about an unreleased phone :p:p
FWIW...was out shopping at BestBuy earlier and decided to stop by the mobile dept...and there was the unicorn...5 in all...boxed up and being taken to the back...they had literally just recieved 5 Galaxy Nexus's...just for giggles I asked if he could sell me one and said I doubt it but he checked anyways...he said their system said they could start selling on the 11th...which I said I doubt that too but ya never know...

On another note I stopped by the VZW reseller in my town and of course they have heard nothing...but they do have the phones in the store (4 in all) and let me play with one yesterday...they also let me put down a $200 deposit...

So now MY Galaxy Nexus is waiting for VZW to start the Launch Countdown!!!
I asked the rep at the Fountain Valley, CA Costco today if I'm eligible for an upgrade can I get the GNex and keep my current plan exactly the way it is now without having to change anything? He said yes.

I then ask if I can also use my $30 new every two year discount from Verizon. He said yes.

I just hope it's true and that he knows what he's talking about.

Can costco retain your unlimited data plan when signing a new contract?
What I don't understand is, there is NOT going to be a soft/quiet launch at this point. As soon as someone can buy it, it will be all over the web/websites that it is out. With the kind of press that this phone has been getting, there is no way that they an really do a soft launch.

Also I can not wait to get my hands on my TP!
Am I the only one speculating on the various release dates from various companies? I'm beginning to wonder if Verizon didn't put out 5 different release dates to screw with people/find out who the mole is.

I don't even know what to think at this point except maybe by the 15th.
FWIW...was out shopping at BestBuy earlier and decided to stop by the mobile dept...and there was the unicorn...5 in all...boxed up and being taken to the back...they had literally just recieved 5 Galaxy Nexus's...just for giggles I asked if he could sell me one and said I doubt it but he checked anyways...he said their system said they could start selling on the 11th...which I said I doubt that too but ya never know...

On another note I stopped by the VZW reseller in my town and of course they have heard nothing...but they do have the phones in the store (4 in all) and let me play with one yesterday...they also let me put down a $200 deposit...

So now MY Galaxy Nexus is waiting for VZW to start the Launch Countdown!!!

Do you still have that bottle Crown handy? :D
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