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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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This right here is why I don't expect to see it this week. If there is a chance the date can be delayed, you can bet Verizon will delay it. Until a date is solid, internally and revealed to the public, I believe Verizon will continue to push it back. They said the end of the year and they've already lost xmas sales, what incentive do they have to release it anytime before the 31st?

Believe me. I don't believe this date any more than the 9th. But I'm just stating there is credibility behind the Thursday launch and it isn't BS. However, it is tentative like I said, and there is no guarantee. Verizon hasn't missed out on the Christmas sales just yet. There are still people waiting to the last minute to get this phone as a present and this weekend is probably their cutoff, just like mine.
I currently have a nokia phone from 2005 running verizon backup assistant.

When I get my galaxy nexus, it will immediately import my gmail contacts, correct?

Will I then need to use verizon backup assistant to import my current contacts?

Will they replace my gmail contacts? Will they all automatically be added (creating hordes of repeats)?

Yes - Android phones default to syncing your gmail contacts.

Android also has the option to store contacts locally. I don't know if Verizon Backup Assistant does that, someone else will have to chime in.

If you have locally-stored and gmail contacts in common, you'll get duplicates.

If you can get all of your contacts on Gmail/web, then there's a tool on your Gmail/Contacts web page to weed out duplicates.

I've personally gone thru the local+gmail duplicate thing myself - others may know a better way, but I found it was best to just get all my contacts up to the Gmail web, sort them out there, and leave other tools out of it.

If you can export your Nokia contacts into a Vcard file (vcf) - Gmail/Contacts on the web will allow you to import that file. That's what I did in my case (non-Nokia, non-Verizon) and that worked out well for me.

Having all of your contact backup with Google just works and there's no lock-in -- you can always export out your contacts in a Vcard file also (that's an address-book standard if you're not familiar with that term).

Hope this helps, and hope Verizon owners catching any rough spots here specific to Backup Assistant will chime in as well.
FWIW - I just went to the local premium retailer and asked about the nexus. The CSR I talked to looked nervously at the manager and said " Can we say anything yet? " The manager said "Yeah, we just got word our shipment will be here tomorrow, but we can't sell them until the 15th at the request of the manufacturer. "

I asked who notified them and he said "Straight from Verizon."

I hope this is true, because if my DX keeps acting the way it is, I will be snapping it in half by the end of the week. It took me 20 minutes to type this out... Lol
Was at BB store in Fairfield TWP (OH) and the mobile guy seemed to think (along with his "Best Buy Sources") that this phone will not launch until after Christmas. Which would make sense if big red wanted to open Q1 of next year with big numbers. But I call bull$|-|1+ on that one.
I read somewhere that the Nexus runs hot. Don't remember where.

Anyone else heard this?
They've been giving the same answers to the same questions from the same people every day for a month. I feel sorry for them. :(
Let's be honest. You only feel sorry for them because you already have the phone! :p

By the way, did you ever mention how battery life is for you? On par with the latest crop of LTE phones or am I resigned to charging my phone at the office?
Dammit! Went to the Verizon store to open a temp line to see how the data speeds were here. The employee that was helping me told me not to bother and just check out the speeds on his phone / install whatever I want

300ms ping / 340kb down / 140kb up :mad::mad::mad:

No GNex for me :(
Listen to overbyc1. There is much iron in his words.

Colt LE6940
Glock G23
Glock G27

Many, many others...

Yay! Gun talk! :)

[Hide] Currently all I have is:
Mosin Nagant
Mossberg 590, 20", 9 shot

Would have many many more if I had the money. Im a starving college student lol.

I agree that people should have some training if they're going to own a gun. I got mine in the Military.

Personally, I prefer the XD over the Glock.

Mosin Nagant is a great rifle for $99.
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