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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Here's another "don't read too much into it, but better than the alternative" update. Called my local Verizon store and talked with the guy I've bought my last couple phones with. At first he said he didn't have a date, but after getting my info he let it slip that he'd "call in the next couple days". Again, it doesn't point to Thursday being a sure thing by any means, but it's a good sign that this is this week. Or at least as of now, this is the week. Anything can happen!
Steven, do you mean to say that everyone you've called says no for Thursday?

Not a good sign!

They don't have any word yet and were asking me what I was talking about because they were getting all sorts of calls from people saying "the interenet says it's been confirmed for Thursday!" They tell me that's news to them.
They don't have any word yet and were asking me what I was talking about because they were getting all sorts of calls from people saying "the interenet says it's been confirmed for Thursday!" They tell me that's news to them.

That doesn't sound good. At all.

Hopefully its just a major shipment delay for all of NJ because they all got rerouted to Chicago, right?

If there's a line for the Nexus and I'm not first, I may just have to do this:
Jessie Spano Caffeine Pill Freakout! - YouTube

And yes, I'm still going back to the RS where the guy said he'd hold me one for this evening. Doubtful yes, but it's worth a shot. If so, I'll have to do this:
saved by the bell "I'm so excited" - YouTube
(don't know why I'm watching SBTB. Guess I'm just killing time until the wifey comes home :o:))

Yeah, I couldn't watch that chick on Showgirls, either.

For some reason if I know them while they're children, it's ruined. I think that might be a good sign that I'm not a total pig though?
Either people will be singing the praises of this phone while dancing in the streets with it soon, or future historians will ask "Do you remember where you were the day the Galaxy Nexus riots began?" as the elderly bow their heads in sad remembrance.
That doesn't sound good. At all.

Hopefully its just a major shipment delay for all of NJ because they all got rerouted to Chicago, right?


How is this a surprise? Not the first report of someone calling all the stores in their area and not getting any confirmation of anything. I am still pessimistic about the release this week, but if Steven believes his source to be credible, he should combine that with the fact that so many people are being promised the phone by their stores this week, and be happy.
Called a couple corp stores near me, New england, and they seemed angry and a bit frightened to talk to me.

They are saying No release date, none in stock (LIARS!)

The sad part is how I could tell they paused when I asked them if they had it in stock like they were really honest people who didn't want to tell the corporate lie.

I may call back and ask them about a made up phone that doesn't exist. The LG Quasar the worlds first non-cordless cell phone.
Well now it is getting a tad clearer.

I got the below today. The blurry pic is not intentional. Its from my OGDroid.
I called the number on the flyer.
Note the code.

While I had the guy on the line I inquired about you know what -= $100.00 promo.

  1. I was informed it is basically a reminder of my $50.00 eligibility in-case I was unaware.
  2. I asked about the rumored $100.00 going around.
  3. After some intense clarification back and forth noting it possibly being regional and the codes on rumored flyers (That I have not seen pic of by the way) and with hold times here and there.
  4. There are no promos in effect that will apply to the Nexus if and when it comes out other than any loyalty discounts you already have on your account.......... PERIOD.
I have made an donkey of my self before and am not shy about doing it again but I am still calling BS on the so called $100.00 and the fact it will apply to the Nexus. :eek:
Put your pics of the mailers where you mouths are...... show me the UN-photoshopped pics. Screen shots of your account summary screens indicating the credits?

I want to believe.
I want you to get $100.00 off on the Nexus.:)
My findings indicate otherwise.:eek:
You know, it dawns on me that we were all a puddle of sadness and doubt, even bringing up the dreaded "CANCELLED" in regards to the Nexus about this time, what, yesterday?

We've certainly come a long way in 24+ hours... I'm proud of this group and forum!! :)
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