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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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I named her Miss Piggy for security concerns. My wife blabbed, she got pissed, and now wants to be called Cheetara.

I missed this as well...thanks for reclarifying. I'll also say thanks again to Cheetara. She has been a fixture in our "circle of sources" throughout this insane ride.

Getting close to 500 posts for me...yes, still a relative noob. I may save #500 for a 12/15 "Good Morning" shout out.
You should record it as well and then send it to Verizon on a DVD entitled, "Disgust with Nexus Launch"


Blend the phone, mix it with Pace salsa, and pretend to choke on it. Post it to youtube with added footage of your hospital stay, all the while proclaiming that it wouldn't have happened if the GNex had released.

That might shame them enough into doing it!
Thank you to whoever said to check out the show "Homeland," just looked it up and it seems like my type of show. I look forward to it.
Here's another "don't read too much into it, but better than the alternative" update. Called my local Verizon store and talked with the guy I've bought my last couple phones with. At first he said he didn't have a date, but after getting my info he let it slip that he'd "call in the next couple days". Again, it doesn't point to Thursday being a sure thing by any means, but it's a good sign that this is this week. Or at least as of now, this is the week. Anything can happen!

Called another local store immediately after this. They offered to take my name and number, but provided no date. Moments after hanging up with them, the guy called me back and asked me to instead go on the website (verizon.com/nexus) and sign up for the e-mail alerts. I told him that I had done that and that I was hoping to make an appointment for the day I thought it was. Here's what he said, "I've heard a lot of people think it's Thursday. If I had to bet on it, I'd say it wouldn't be this week. I've worked here for 4 years and every single launch, delayed or not, I've known about the launch a lot further in advance than two days. I'd be looking at sometime right after Christmas" Again, this is just one guy's opinion. The guy I spoke to at another store in the same town was not under the same impression. So, take it with a grain of salt. I think all this means is that we really can't be sure of anything anymore. I'm just hoping at this point...
With all due respect, it is sort of a circular argument to say that Verizon doesn't care about marketing the Nexus because most people don't know about the phone, when it is also true that the reason most people don't know about the phone is the lack of marketing from Verizon.

I agree with you that most people never heard about the Nexus. Then again, I'd bet a good chunk of people don't know the difference between 3G and 4G, or what a 720p display is, but that doesn't stop Verizon from advertising these things because they are selling points. The responsibility of a marketing department is to convince customers they want a particular product by setting out its selling points. The Nexus would be an easy product to promote even to the lay-person (how about largest screen, 4G, revolutionary operating system for starters?) and the fact that Verizon hasn't promoted it at all is really shocking to me.

EDIT: I am aware that Verizon could still advertise this phone after release, but I think it is crazy to not hype a phone that is coming out so close to Christmas, only to turn around and hype it after people have already done their Christmas shopping. Also, I don't know why Google or Samsung haven't stepped up with advertising dollars either.

To be fair, I've seen plenty of Galaxy Nexus ads on forums etc. from Google, so they are advertising, and their YouTube page has tons of commercials. They did promotions on their Twitter etc.

My primary argument is simply that the 9th was a Verizon-released date (not public, but internal) and it was pulled at the last minute. There wasn't any advertising before that, which leads me to believe that we don't need to rely on advertising or press releases as indicators of a release pending. Stock was in stores etc. It seems that all signs point to Verizon releasing this phone without promotion considering it's already in stores with no ads so far and many, many reps saying they've received emails saying the 15th is a tentative date.

I also think it's totally crazy to not promote this phone, but I just feel that's what's going on. Lower profile release because it doesn't have Droid branding or whatever, but the facts point to almost no advertising before release if the dates are to be believed.
They don't have any word yet and were asking me what I was talking about because they were getting all sorts of calls from people saying "the interenet says it's been confirmed for Thursday!" They tell me that's news to them.

Isn't the internet wonderful how it can confirm stuff...:p
Warning: OT

Guys I have some super depressing news.

Panasonic to slash plasma TV panel output

It looks like Panasonic is slowing but surely getting out of the Plasma business. First it was Pioneer killing off the Kuro brand and now Panasonic slowing killing off the VIERA brand. Soon there will be no good TVs available. Get em while you can. :(
i just called 3 stores in the orange ca area and they all said they have no release info yet and no stock. i take it all with a grain of salt but it definitely does not make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...
Guys I have some super depressing news.

Panasonic to slash plasma TV panel output

It looks like Panasonic is slowing but surely getting out of the Plasma business. First it was Pioneer killing off the Kuro brand and now Panasonic slowing killing off the VIERA brand. Soon there will be no good TVs available. Get em while you can. :(

I'm glad I got mine a while ago, but maybe I will think about trying to get a newer model for cheap.
Called another local store immediately after this. They offered to take my name and number, but provided no date. Moments after hanging up with them, the guy called me back and asked me to instead go on the website (verizon.com/nexus) and sign up for the e-mail alerts. I told him that I had done that and that I was hoping to make an appointment for the day I thought it was. Here's what he said, "I've heard a lot of people think it's Thursday. If I had to bet on it, I'd say it wouldn't be this week. I've worked here for 4 years and every single launch, delayed or not, I've known about the launch a lot further in advance than two days. I'd be looking at sometime right after Christmas" Again, this is just one guy's opinion. The guy I spoke to at another store in the same town was not under the same impression. So, take it with a grain of salt. I think all this means is that we really can't be sure of anything anymore. I'm just hoping at this point...

No offense to that guy's years of experience, but there has never been a phone release quite like this either in those 4 years.
Well now it is getting a tad clearer.

I got the below today. The blurry pic is not intentional. Its from my OGDroid.
I called the number on the flyer.
Note the code.

While I had the guy on the line I inquired about you know what -= $100.00 promo.

  1. I was informed it is basically a reminder of my $50.00 eligibility in-case I was unaware.
  2. I asked about the rumored $100.00 going around.
  3. After some intense clarification back and forth noting it possibly being regional and the codes on rumored flyers (That I have not seen pic of by the way) and with hold times here and there.
  4. There are no promos in effect that will apply to the Nexus if and when it comes out other than any loyalty discounts you already have on your account.......... PERIOD.
I have made an donkey of my self before and am not shy about doing it again but I am still calling BS on the so called $100.00 and the fact it will apply to the Nexus. :eek:
Put your pics of the mailers where you mouths are...... show me the UN-photoshopped pics. Screen shots of your account summary screens indicating the credits?

I want to believe.
I want you to get $100.00 off on the Nexus.:)
My findings indicate otherwise.:eek:

I talked to a Verizon rep last night (called *611) and he found the promo deal we are talking about "3g to 4g" promo $100 off. Stated it was only for the Chicago land area and that it would not apply to me (I live in Denver). I have the strong feeling that anyone who got it "noted" on their account will not be getting it. If you read the promo's wording, they are linked to a phone number. Doubt they will be just handing out a $100 credit to a brand new in demand phone, but I could be wrong.
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