Well now it is getting a tad clearer.
I got the below today. The blurry pic is not intentional. Its from my OGDroid.
I called the number on the flyer.
Note the code.
While I had the guy on the line I inquired about you know what -= $100.00 promo.
- I was informed it is basically a reminder of my $50.00 eligibility in-case I was unaware.
- I asked about the rumored $100.00 going around.
- After some intense clarification back and forth noting it possibly being regional and the codes on rumored flyers (That I have not seen pic of by the way) and with hold times here and there.
- There are no promos in effect that will apply to the Nexus if and when it comes out other than any loyalty discounts you already have on your account.......... PERIOD.
I have made an donkey of my self before and am not shy about doing it again but I am still calling BS on the so called $100.00 and the fact it will apply to the Nexus.

Put your pics of the mailers where you mouths are...... show me the UN-photoshopped pics. Screen shots of your account summary screens indicating the credits?
I want to believe.
I want you to get $100.00 off on the Nexus.

My findings indicate otherwise.