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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Checked the clearwater verizon store on gulf to bay and all I could get was coming soon. Guy took my number and said he would call if he hears anything. He didn't admit to any stock but said that they had been getting accessories so it should be very soon.

i went to the clearwater BB and they actually had a notice up saying the nexus was not not released/not available and was coming soon. Presumably to keep people from conning their clerks into sellling them one.
Im new here. Same boat as you nexusociaholics. Went to a Verizon store was informed that it will definetely not be released on thursday. Went to a radioshack a few stores down, when i asked about galaxy nexus the clerk aswered with disgust saying we dont have that here.
Not to be a downer, but neither, Costco, Sam's Club, Radio Shack, Verizon Authorized nor Verizon Corporate has anything about Thursday. I called or visited them all.

I'm worried about major disappointment, again.

In reno costco and Verizon Authorized resellers are saying thursday. Bestbuy and Verizon Corp wont say anything. I have checked at a few different for each. Resellers here are supposed to get stock today.

Also I have not gotten the $100 despite having an 847 number I guess its because I'm not in Chicago atm. I have gotten 2 different $50 coupons 1 from a reseller and one from Verizon. One is for any smart phone and one is for any phone.
Just think, when you sign up for your new ATT plan just drop $200 on a new iphone and sell that as well as your Verizon iphone and you can cover an extremely large amount of the costs involved in doing it that way. Im jealous. I only have a TBOlt to sell (might get $100),

Won't they see that you aren't using the phone?
They probably plan to fight it anyways. Also if they reimburse you with goods those are profits gone. A fee probably comes from another account

The way this launch has been handled with the 9th being pretty firm and most having stock, I can't see how the last minute no sell not working 100% could be blamed on an employee or 3rd party retailer.
They don't have any word yet and were asking me what I was talking about because they were getting all sorts of calls from people saying "the interenet says it's been confirmed for Thursday!" They tell me that's news to them.

Bummer :confused: :( I just call my VW store in South Bend, and ended up at the call center and spoke to a CRS. Actually, (2) CSR's and they both told me:

1. They didn't think it was coming out Thursday or Friday (15-16). There is nothing in the system that show it and one of the CSR's said "We always get more than 2-3 days notice before a phone is released. Also, I haven't had any training on the device yet, and we always get training on a device before it is released."

2. When asked about the $100 Promo. I was told it was only for the Chicago area because they want more people on 4G, and that there is no 4G in my area (It stops about 20 miles up the road).
oops... I forgot....and NO 4G!

So, lets see: NO current working phone, NO new phone, and NO discounts. If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all.
Alright, just got done texting the CSR I know...

Me: Any word on Thursday being official?
Him: They pushed it back again
Me: To when?
Him: They didnt set a date
Me: Anything more you can tell me? Why it's delayed? And when you heard this?
Him: I just found out when I asked my inventory lady. And they didn't give any reason.
Me: Alright thanks. This sucks.

Anyone else hear anything like this recently?? With nobody reporting similar things, I'm not sure what to think of this..

I hope I don't find the GN to be too big when I go to pick it up Thursday. I've only played around with 4+in screens at Verizon stores a little bit (none have been appealing to me).

Highly doubt it. It felt better in my hand than my rezound. Same width but much thinner and just a bit taller.
Bummer :confused: :( I just call my VW store in South Bend, and ended up at the call center and spoke to a CRS. Actually, (2) CSR's and they both told me:

1. They didn't think it was coming out Thursday or Friday (15-16). There is nothing in the system that show it and one of the CSR's said "We always get more than 2-3 days notice before a phone is released. Also, I haven't had any training on the device yet, and we always get training on a device before it is released."

2. When asked about the $100 Promo. I was told it was only for the Chicago area because they want more people on 4G, and that there is no 4G in my area (It stops about 20 miles up the road).

So, lets see: NO current working phone, NO new phone, and NO discounts. If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all.

That makes total sense, that they want to get us, who are in heavily populated areas, like the Midwest and the Northeast, off 3g and onto 4g. That clarifies the reason. Thank you.
Bummer :confused: :( I just call my VW store in South Bend, and ended up at the call center and spoke to a CRS. Actually, (2) CSR's and they both told me:
..... Also, I haven't had any training on the device yet, and we always get training on a device before it is released."

Ugh, I don
Okay, so for what it's worth, here is my story:

After reading through this thread, I decided to forget calling corporate stores and go straight to third-party retailers. Although they may be less reliable, they usually know their stuff. I called two local ones, no information. Then one of them called back (it's called Go Wireless and it's a verizon authorized retailer) and said "hey, i just gave you some incorrect information. my manager just informed me that we will be selling the galaxy nexus this thursday." anyways, the conversation continued, and he said if I went to the store and bought a $50 gift card, one of the THREE they get shipped in will be reserved specifically for me. with my name on it, guaranteed. So i took him up on the offer, payed $50, and now I have one reserved for me for Thursday morning! I'm gonna go when they open at 10 AM. He promised to call me if anything changes, so I will let you guys know...


Hmmmmm, I think these 2 different builds are the hold up. One from Samsung and one from Google. Nexus means pure android and the buyers of a Nexus expect that. Google found out Samsung had a build that would not except a Google update, well I don't see them accepting that. The LTE version built later has this same Samsung build and now have to fix it before release and that is the hold up. I don't see a retailer holding up sales this time of year and many have pointed out this make no sense for VZW to do that. Maybe it is not them at all. This seems much more plausible. Can the current owners verify what build they have, Samsung or Google and then again verify after OTA (probably 4.0.2 or later) if that is a Google build. If we found out that I think we may have an answer for these last minute delays during the best retail shopping season.
They don't have any word yet and were asking me what I was talking about because they were getting all sorts of calls from people saying "the interenet says it's been confirmed for Thursday!" They tell me that's news to them.

What is news to them? Thursday as the release or it being pushed? I thought the love tunnel reported Thursday was a go?
Bummer :confused: :( I just call my VW store in South Bend, and ended up at the call center and spoke to a CRS. Actually, (2) CSR's and they both told me:

1. They didn't think it was coming out Thursday or Friday (15-16). There is nothing in the system that show it and one of the CSR's said "We always get more than 2-3 days notice before a phone is released. Also, I haven't had any training on the device yet, and we always get training on a device before it is released."

2. When asked about the $100 Promo. I was told it was only for the Chicago area because they want more people on 4G, and that there is no 4G in my area (It stops about 20 miles up the road).
oops... I forgot....and NO 4G!

So, lets see: NO current working phone, NO new phone, and NO discounts. If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all.

I feel ya bro. I called the South Bend stores as well today :) If a email really came from Verizon today, It must have just went to the store managers because the reps aren't in the loop, unless they have a cool manager that tells them but I couldn't find one either.
Called a couple corp stores near me, New england, and they seemed angry and a bit frightened to talk to me.

They are saying No release date, none in stock (LIARS!)
Corporate store in downtown Boston is still steadfastly denying and saying no official date. Any other Boston people having any luck?


A. If you have a note on your account its just that, a note.
B. If you have a discount on your account it will show on your myVerizon summary screen, period.
Hmm, I see the screen that you're bringing up, but unfortunately it doesn't mention the 3G to 4G credit that the VZW rep said she'd add yesterday to my account. Hope it works on Thursday.
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