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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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"Multiple Verizon Customers Found Murdered by Space Vampires"

"According to camera footage found near a blood-drained reporter, the leader of the 'Galaxy Neck Sucks' vampire clan was quoted as saying 'What? They were begging for us to come for months. We assumed they wanted the sweet taste of oblivion to offer themselves up to us as snacks like that. We could only ignore the clamors of 'Where's our Neck Sucks?' for so long. Would you mind turning your neck a little bit...?'"
Okay, I stopped into my Verizon store and talked to My Rep about Thursday. (S)he told me that Thursday is a GO! and that (s)he would be there to sell me one! Just to make sure, My Rep consulted another rep, AND the computer system, and yes. Thursday it is!

So everyone start preparing your final poems and statements as we get ready to close this epic adventure together. Because unless I get a call from My Rep to the contrary, this roller coaster FINALLY ends Thursday!


My Verizon store that I always go to won't tell me anything. The only answer I get is "We don't have release date yet."

So annoying.
i seriously want to get the first 2 hours of my shift covered on Thursday, but it would be my 3rd time doing that (anyone remember when we were SURE about Nov. 17th?? :rolleyes:). at this point i am just going to consider it bad luck and hope they still have some in stock at 5 PM.
called 2 stores in Riverside county and no stock and no release date. at this point, im not getting my hopes up whatsoever. i almost seem to think all the leaks info about the 15th is coming from reps who read this forum haha
I was there around lunch time so I doubt the same guy will be there when I go tonight. I had do deactivate my wife's phone so I wasn't able to do it then. Granted, I'm sure it'll get hung up on either activating or paying for but I'm going anyway. :rolleyes:

It's worth a shot. I'm stuck at work for a while, but I'm definitely going to be calling them to see what they say. I wouldn't mind getting my mitts on it a bit early!
Home from work.

Called a bunch of stores in Manhattan and near me in NJ and none have a release of Thursday. They all have "no news" so I am hoping Verizon releases some official news tomorrow so I can be sure I am not wasting my time heading to this store Thursday morning.
Okay so not sure that anyone knows this but many cars now that are bluetooth equipped now have a feature that can read your text messages aloud to you. I know it isn't supported on either my OG or the Evo I have. Does anyone know if it will be supported on the Gnex?
so we only have 2 days...
how many posts per day does this thread average again?
I'm only asking because I'm wondering if it would be possible
for us to get the post count up to 85,000 or even 90,000 :D
Anyone see this? This guy got a GNex sold to him at a Best Buy and they wanted it back, but after negotiating with them, he refused to return it. I'm still a bit confused why letting these out the door early is such a HUGE deal??

Best Buy Finally Called and Asked Me To Return The GN - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com

From what I know its a $10,000 fine...

On to the Emails..

If any of you work for a major corporation with different regions you know as well as me that it can take hours for info to trickle down. Just think:

The email gets The OK from the big guys
Goes to the major regional managers
Goes to the local and division managers
Goes to the store managers
Goes to the employees

(Not to mention the authorized retailers and such)

Now Verizon might be setup different but its the same principle. If it got sent at 10am CST as first mentioned a while ago it may not finally get to stores until this evening. Especially if someone is busy in other meetings or has a 3G blackberry (jk). That's probably why its taking some time to finally go through the channels.

I will fully expect more stores to change the tune tomorrow.. also like at my job there are so many people who don't read emails.. even important ones. So the fact that alot of these less inclined CSRs might say no news doesn't mean there truly is no news.. also the manager might not be in yet.

Also don't expect a PR. Ill he shocked to see one tomorrow. I expect one on thursday
I'm about to call my VZW... if they tell me Thursday then it's definitely real b/c my stores NEVER wanna give any info out. I hate my local VZWs.
I hope I don't find the GN to be too big when I go to pick it up Thursday. I've only played around with 4+in screens at Verizon stores a little bit (none have been appealing to me).
Okay, I stopped into my Verizon store and talked to My Rep about Thursday. (S)he told me that Thursday is a GO! and that (s)he would be there to sell me one! Just to make sure, My Rep consulted another rep, AND the computer system, and yes. Thursday it is!

So everyone start preparing your final poems and statements as we get ready to close this epic adventure together. Because unless I get a call from My Rep to the contrary, this roller coaster FINALLY ends Thursday!


Sorry to ask Chief was that a corporate store? Hopefully the computer system wasn't androidforums. :D
From what I know its a $10,000 fine...

On to the Emails..

If any of you work for a major corporation with different regions you know as well as me that it can take hours for info to trickle down. Just think:

The email gets The OK from the big guys
Goes to the major regional managers
Goes to the local and division managers
Goes to the store managers
Goes to the employees

(Not to mention the authorized retailers and such)

Now Verizon might be setup different but its the same principle. If it got sent at 10am CST as first mentioned a while ago it may not finally get to stores until this evening. Especially if someone is busy in other meetings or has a 3G blackberry (jk). That's probably why its taking some time to finally go through the channels.

I will fully expect more stores to change the tune tomorrow.. also like at my job there are so many people who don't read emails.. even important ones. So the fact that alot of these less inclined CSRs might say no news doesn't mean there truly is no news.. also the manager might not be in yet.

Also don't expect a PR. Ill he shocked to see one tomorrow. I expect one on thursday

If a $10,000 fine is at stake you would think $50-100 buck discount for him to return and wait until they are officially able to sell would be small beans.
My dude, I would love to bring up a screenshot but I have no idea how to view a note on an account. Tell me how to do it and I'll see what it says. All I can go by atm is what the CSR told me earlier this morning and if they were wrong I will cause a fuss because theres a recorded convo from earlier this morning that has a Rep stating I can use this promo. IF thats not good enough for them then there will be a major problem. End of story.


A. If you have a note on your account its just that, a note.
B. If you have a discount on your account it will show on your myVerizon summary screen, period.

Simple, Login to MyVerizon. If you have the discount it will be there.

On the 1st page I have a "Click Here with an Arrow".
Under that is the second screen showing the discount.

No Discount on your MyVerizon, no Discount. Note on your account = a note on your account. :eek:

I hope I don't find the GN to be too big when I go to pick it up Thursday. I've only played around with 4+in screens at Verizon stores a little bit (none have been appealing to me).

I played around with it last night, definitely didn't feel any bigger than the Bionic did when I had it.
If this is true, there would be some steep negotiations to get me to return it. If it is going to cost them $10,000 for me to keep it, I better be walking out with at least a 50" TV for bringing it back. ;)

They probably plan to fight it anyways. Also if they reimburse you with goods those are profits gone. A fee probably comes from another account
I may do the same, except I'd have to sell my iPhone to cover both part of the cost of the Nexus AND my ETF fee. Could be worth it, though.
Just think, when you sign up for your new ATT plan just drop $200 on a new iphone and sell that as well as your Verizon iphone and you can cover an extremely large amount of the costs involved in doing it that way. Im jealous. I only have a TBOlt to sell (might get $100),
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