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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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I just called two corporate stores in Houston. They said they haven't heard anything new and probably won't know the date until the day it goes on sale. Damn!
Well now it is getting a tad clearer.

I got the below today. The blurry pic is not intentional. Its from my OGDroid.
I called the number on the flyer.
Note the code.

While I had the guy on the line I inquired about you know what -= $100.00 promo.

  1. I was informed it is basically a reminder of my $50.00 eligibility in-case I was unaware.
  2. I asked about the rumored $100.00 going around.
  3. After some intense clarification back and forth noting it possibly being regional and the codes on rumored flyers (That I have not seen pic of by the way) and with hold times here and there.
  4. There are no promos in effect that will apply to the Nexus if and when it comes out other than any loyalty discounts you already have on your account.......... PERIOD.
I have made an donkey of my self before and am not shy about doing it again but I am still calling BS on the so called $100.00 and the fact it will apply to the Nexus. :eek:
Put your pics of the mailers where you mouths are...... show me the UN-photoshopped pics. Screen shots of your account summary screens indicating the credits?

I want to believe.
I want you to get $100.00 off on the Nexus.:)
My findings indicate otherwise.:eek:

Meh, whatever.

I don't see why anybody has to prove anything to you. If they get it, they get it. If they don't, they don't. :rolleyes:
I like all the reports of CSRs saying "We always know when a release is coming two or more days ahead of time and we don't know anything yet!" and some others saying "We probably won't know till the day of".

It's like Verizon is just one long crazy train.
women always do this lol. act like they're surprised that they're getting attention.

I remember an English teacher I had in 10th grade who would occasionally wear really low-cut tops and would often bend over, literally, to pick up a pencil or tie her shoes.

She would catch me looking a few times and would roll her eyes. One time I actually said
Texted the Best Buy customer service rep that I know. She's the one that tried to sell me the Gnex on Friday and who sent me the screenshot of the internal memo that I posted.

I asked her if the Gnex was in her computer today. She said no but they had a team meeting this morning going over product. They were told that they were given the go ahead for sales to begin Thursday.

A. If you have a note on your account its just that, a note.
B. If you have a discount on your account it will show on your myVerizon summary screen, period.

Simple, Login to MyVerizon. If you have the discount it will be there.

On the 1st page I have a "Click Here with an Arrow".
Under that is the second screen showing the discount.

No Discount on your MyVerizon, no Discount. Note on your account = a note on your account. :eek:


Weird... I don't seem to have a $50 credit, yet some phones like the RAZR are priced at $249 rather than $299. iPhones don't seem to have this pricing though. Does anyone understand how this pricing works? I really don't understand the NE2 or any other discounts or how to know when I have them. As far as I know, I just have an upgrade available on the primary line of my account.

Im new here. Same boat as you nexusociaholics. Went to a Verizon store was informed that it will definetely not be released on thursday. Went to a radioshack a few stores down, when i asked about galaxy nexus the clerk aswered with disgust saying we dont have that here.

So have we now blown the Thursday date too?? What happened to thread title 'Thursday's the day'.

So.. Central MA Area.. local BJ's.. just stopped in after work. Saw the manager at the kiosk he goes "Got any questions sir?" "Yeah, am I gonna see you Thursday for a Nexus launch?" "Haven't hear anything yada yada".

After awhile of bs talk he was getting off shift/leaving. I went to go buy some stuff.. on my way out he pops up right next to me and says "Just got word from my operations girl, the 15th is a go!"

I nearly died, this guy runs 5 corporate stores in the area.. seems like a good guy. He "admitted" (take for what it's worth) that he knew they were debating to kick it back another week (NEXT Thursday).

But he JUST got the word. He said "well I guess I'll see you Thursday.." He sure will.
women always do this lol. act like they're surprised that they're getting attention.

totally with you on this... especially when they get offended over a guy looking at their cleavage. you put on the shirt, you looked in the mirror, you liked what you saw, and you left the house wearing it. obviously you wanted SOMEONE to look, or you would have chosen something else. :confused:
I remember an English teacher I had in 10th grade who would occasionally wear really low-cut tops and would often bend over, literally, to pick up a pencil or tie her shoes.

She would catch me looking a few times and would roll her eyes. One time I actually said
Chiming in from Northern VA. Texted with my sales guy at the local corporate store. He says they have about 30 devices in stock, but they are locked up in the back. Says that he's been reading about a Thursday release on the web, but hasn't heard anything about it at this particular store. :( Man I hope Thursday is the day...
So I'm reading up in preparation to switch to the android ecosystem with my nexus, whenever it launches. FNG question pops up!

There are multiple app stores apparently. :) Are they mutually exclusive? Do I have to choose Amazon's vs. Google's or something like that? Or can you have any apps, regardless of their provenance, loaded simultaneously?
I just received the oleophobic one. I have been using the ultra crystal on my DroidX and love it. Comparing the two side by side (not installed on phones) they look very similar in their clarity. Color is identical and they swipe similarly, no lag. Of course, seeing it installed on the Gnex when we get it will make a difference. As a side note, the size of the DroidX and the Gnex are similar, however the screen protector for the Gnex is way bigger. I think I will love getting a device that fully takes advantage of the size of the device.

Did you get the Oleophobic screen protector for the GNex from Steinheil?
Here's my thoughts on Thursday and why we're probably ok.

It seems like all the "confirmed for the 15th" are coming from NON-Corporate stores. I think there have been a couple from corporate stores, but it seems like the majority are resellers of some kind (be it 3rd part, RS, BB, etc).

It sounds like an email was sent out to these resellers indicating the 15th date. Whether it is firm or just tentative is anyone's guess until we see a screen shot of it. But it sure looks like Verizon is intending to release on the 15th.

So, why are the corporate stores playing dumb? It seems very credible that they received a gag order. How much district managers or store managers are pushing their CSRs to keep their mouth shut would account for some stores denying stock or any release information, while others are hinting at Thursday and still others are flat out indicating the 15th.

So I think the 15th is the new INTERNAL target, and VZW has informed their resellers, but it is still subject to change (as was the 9th). So I don't think we'll know for sure until the morning of the 15th when reports either come in indicating people on the east coast were successful or that they could not yet buy it.

I fully expect to NOT hear anything reliable until the VZW corporate stores open on the 15th. I'm cautiously optimistic for the 15th, but I'm still not going to hold my breath.


Does anyone else wish Call of Duty or Nazi Zombies would be released for Android? It's been out for iPhone and iPad forever. Frustrating!
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