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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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I know there's been many "I called" stories, I just got a kick out of this one.

Called a reseller, asked do you know when the galaxy nexus will be released? He laughs, "I do not... even if i di... you see they wont let me... *laugh* sorry I don't know" He then claimed he was hearing rumors of thursday. I was entertained by him dodging around the whole situaiton. The reseller I called right before this guy said "in front of us we're seeing the 15th. stock will be limited in the first run. can i get your number to call you tomorrow with any updates?" I gave him a number, wait and see now. Both stores claimed to have no stock
I cant even imagine the chaos in here if Verizon puts it on their site randomly tonight or even maybe early evening


Corporate store in downtown Boston is still steadfastly denying and saying no official date. Any other Boston people having any luck?

Hmm, I see the screen that you're bringing up, but unfortunately it doesn't mention the 3G to 4G credit that the VZW rep said she'd add yesterday to my account. Hope it works on Thursday.

I live in RI and was in an southern Massachusetts corp. store yesterday, they said for sure Thursday (rep was told by the district manager) and today BB said yes for Friday.

I'm feeling better about this weeks release than last week. Last week I was getting the usual "we no nothing" answers.
Situational language doesn't somehow change vernacular. Plenty of people read just the front page, thread tag and move on-it's a bit unfair. On that note, it's been absurd to read it and find that "confirmed" has officially changed meaning based on this thread.

Well I am sorry that after this phone has been pushed back several times you would believe anything that isn't an official Verizon PR, let alone believing a thread on a message board.
Chiming in from Northern VA. Texted with my sales guy at the local corporate store. He says they have about 30 devices in stock, but they are locked up in the back. Says that he's been reading about a Thursday release on the web, but hasn't heard anything about it at this particular store. :( Man I hope Thursday is the day...

Where in NoVA? I called the two Tysons and the BB here and they deny everything.
Well if she buys it tomorrow that means there is no way the phone is getting pushed back, right?

Indeed, but nothing is absolute. If there is another delay she would know by the time she leaves work tomorrow and therefore would not purchase the phone. At this moment she is bringing one home tomorrow.

So.. Central MA Area.. local BJ's.. just stopped in after work. Saw the manager at the kiosk he goes "Got any questions sir?" "Yeah, am I gonna see you Thursday for a Nexus launch?" "Haven't hear anything yada yada".

After awhile of bs talk he was getting off shift/leaving. I went to go buy some stuff.. on my way out he pops up right next to me and says "Just got word from my operations girl, the 15th is a go!"

I nearly died, this guy runs 5 corporate stores in the area.. seems like a good guy. He "admitted" (take for what it's worth) that he knew they were debating to kick it back another week (NEXT Thursday).

But he JUST got the word. He said "well I guess I'll see you Thursday.." He sure will.

I'm sorry, like most rumors and VZW sales guy's promises, they are utterly meaningless.

I mean I have to vent here a bit. The misleading thread title (and make no mistake about it, it IS misleading) said Thursday is the day. Around that time, I lost count of how many guys said their VZW store 'confirmed' the Thursday release date.

Now I come here a day later, the thread title is the same, but most are reporting their VZW store is now saying 'nope, no Thursday release'. So am I to believe that these guys get emails every day saying 'release, no release, release, no release'. Please, nonsense!!!

Guys, I call major big time BS to all of this crap. Not only do I now believe these rumors are ALL wrong, the misleading thread title needs to be changed for the 100th time, nobody has the slightest clue what they're talking about and we're all fools for believing ANY of this. In fact, for the first time Im willing to accept the fact this phone may never see the light of day here. Best case scenario IMO is what I mentioned here awhile back when my non-corporate VZW store told me his buddy that works for Google said January.

What a joke. I've got to be the biggest jackass for waiting for this.

OK, I feel better now...not really. :rolleyes:
Indeed, but nothing is absolute. If there is another delay she would know by the time she leaves work tomorrow and therefore would not purchase the phone. At this moment she is bringing one home tomorrow.

Well be sure to let us know if she does, especially if there isn't much word from Verizon tomorrow :)
Now I come here a day later, the thread title is the same, but most are reporting their VZW store is now saying 'nope, no Thursday release'. So am I to believe that these guys get emails every day saying 'release, no release, release, no release'. Please, nonsense!!!

Where are those posts? I'm not seeing any "nope. not Thursday" responses, mostly just "we have no information to share". Those are not one in the same. I think most corporate employees fear for their jobs. I sure as hell wouldn't be volunteering information if it meant my job. ;)
Anyone see this? This guy got a GNex sold to him at a Best Buy and they wanted it back, but after negotiating with them, he refused to return it. I'm still a bit confused why letting these out the door early is such a HUGE deal??

Best Buy Finally Called and Asked Me To Return The GN - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com

The reason its a big deal is that with big releases there is often a clause in the contract that if the retailer gets caught releasing the item early that they have to pay a sizable fine per infraction. That being said the only times I have dealt with that the date was a specific date set in stone and printed on the box when it was received, and not a mystery date that kept shifting.
Another point in all this is that all these retailers that run on a calendar based fiscal year are not going to be happy with Verizon if they are sitting on a lot of stock when it comes time for their year end inventories and they have to pay those taxes.
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