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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Nice! I I was allocated in to when I played in ha then played some club in college....... Never pursued a scholarship but Collin Briggs on Virgina went to my school your probably. Much better then. Me. Though lol. I played. Mid and attack

lol my senior year they would just stick my big ass around the crease and dumping in balls into the net. I would be bigger than the defenders who played against me, all I would have to do is sneak around the crease, catch and dump all day lol.
Called the big corporate store on 34th St in NYC to see if they could reserve a Galaxy Nexus for me on Thursday. They still tell me they have no release date. I told them that I was told it's on Thursday the 15th. The lady was obviously very irate at this point and sounded like she was trying to rush the call and asked "Who told you that?". I just said "a CSR called me and informed me". She replied "Well just so you know that is incorrect and that person can lose their job if they tell you". Then she hung up on me without me even saying goodbye. :rolleyes:

Then I called two Verizon Resellers in the same area to try to make a reservation for Thursday. They took down my name and number and the guy asked "Galaxy Nexus right?" just to confirm what I said before. No questions asked they said we'll hold one for you.

So far, none of the corporate stores in NYC have been a pleasant experience for me. So anyone else in NY I advise to avoid them as they will give you the typical run around.

This entire release is a total failure. Not because Verizon has "missed" or "delayed" the release (because they never gave us a firm date, just "by the end of the year"). But the poor communication and in many cases the lack thereof is just alarming.

- They send a message (purportedly) that the 9th is the day. Retailers start working with their customers on sales.
- They send some last minute "ABORT! ABORT! ABORT!" message on the 8th, and then get mad at these stores for some Nexuses escaping.
- They then (assumedly) send some sort of gag order / threat to their corporate employees telling them they will suffer disciplinary action or termination for even saying the word nexus (well, close enough)
- Now they send another message to retailers about the 15th, but refuse to acknowledge it at their corporate stores (see the previous point about the gag order)

If I were a reseller, there is no way in hell I would be telling my customers about the 15th. Not because I'm a bad guy or because I believe in the secrecy, but because there is a very high possibility I'd have to call said customers AGAIN to back off on sales.

I understand they have to inform the resellers when they can sell them, but why risk it and inform them 2-3 days ahead of time, knowing what happened with the 9th? My only conclusion is that the 15th is much more firm. I really doubt Verizon would want to risk the same thing happening unless they were quite sure it was going to release on the 15th.

But as always, we have to guess at this crap because Verizon fails at communication.

Some of you are going too far lying to to CSR's and trying to cheat your way to extra promos or getting things you shouldn't. If the conversation goes south and morally disintegrates into this type of thing, we will delete such posts and seriously infract such posters. Android Forums, in NO WAY advocates "sticking it to the man" or taking advantage of corporations in any way. If you are eligible for the discount, go for it. If not, pay the extra $100. DON'T CHEAT! If you are going to cheat in any way, then don't talk about it or promote it here.

If I may get personal? When we cheat others, we are really cheating ourselves out of talking moral high ground and out of growth in character. I don't believe $100 is a good price to sell my character for. Neither should you.

Bottom line: Don't do it. If you do, don't talk about it here.

Now, having said that, I want to share MY personal testimony of HOW I GOT THE 100 DOLLAR DISCOUNT! Yup! I did!

To make a long story short, I want to summarize by saying that it turned out that I was talking to a CSR who dabbled in developing. He has a DX2 and described the super cool boot animation he was developing for his phone. He and I hit it off and I invited him here to talk a look around. If you see this and are visiting, I WARMLY WELCOME YOU and want to tell you how much of a joy it was to share that long conversation we had about the phones we love so much! :)

Firstly, I want to tell you all that I was dead honest with him. I told him who I was. I told him that I started this mega thread (that's when he said he knew AF and would check it out!)

At first he couldn't find the discount by code. Then I told him about the 3g to 4g promotion title. He put me on hold then found it. He told me it is ONLY FOR THE NORTHEAST AND THE MIDWEST which is something we suspected. We suspected it was regional. I'm in the Northeast, so it was a go.

I told him that I did NOT have the mailer but I was hoping for it. I told him that I found out about it here. So, what he did was to put a note in my account for the CSR in the store, about the 100 dollar discount. The only thing is that the phone has to "come out by the 31st" he said. Fine, it's coming out this Thursday, right? RIGHT? :mad::p

So yeah, he and I became fast friends. We shared stories and had each other laughing. People like this man are why I am a Verizon fanboy. I don't really care what's going on with Nexus politics, but I'll tell you this. Everytime... every.time that I've had an issue or a need with VZW service or needed help, Verizon has ALWAYS come through to help me.

Moral of the story: Take the high ground. I didn't cheat. I was open and honest about this promotion. I got it. I even told him about you wonderful people who chipped in toward the purchase of a Nexus for me. (I'm still choked up by that... I have no words... thank you. thank you.) I got the discount and I have your gift. I'll be getting a Nexus with some nice accessories. Can anyone say "Dock?" :p

I havent been able to get to the mail that my VZW account has on address because we've been out of the country for 2+ weeks. I went ahead and called 611 from my VZW phone and got to a representative by hitting 0 a couple times. I first asked about moving to a 4G and had heard about a $100 discount on the purchase of a new smartphone when moving from a 3G to a 4G smartphone. you all already knew that much i know, but thats exactly how I asked. The rep then immediately recalled the promotion but then promptly said that promotion had ended. regardless, he went ahead and starting looking wherever it is they look up promotions.

A minute later he surprisingly found whatever this promotion is and read off the following rules of eligibility (in part):

  • "... only applies to eligible MTNs that are upgrade-eligible and have a 3G smartphone"
  • "$100 discount applied in addition to New-Every-2 discounts"
  • "Ends December 31st"

He then went through the loops of applying it to the account, but then hit a hurdle where "Verizon" was the only party that could apply this discount. I asked him to explain that further, and he said he's a vendor that services verizon accounts and gave me the impression that he isnt directly employed by Verizon, but is actually part of an outsourced customer service department.

He then proceeded to transfer me to "Verizon-Direct" but gave me the phone number to call in case I was disconnected:


After the transfer, the agent I spoke with found the promotion in the same fashion after I explained everything (again) but could not figure out how it is to be applied. He went so far as to go through a mock purchase of a similar phone (rezound in this case). He read off a lot of the same text of the rules (see above), but then went a bit further with the discount NOT being a prepaid debit card, rather the discount being applied at checkout "automatically".

He was unable to add or appropriate the promotion to my account on the spot, and then deferred to the "promo department" and said he will be giving me a return call in the next 24 hours.

Also, i specifically inquired about being eligible for this promotional discount, rather than asking if I could simply get it. As Steven58 has already stated, I am also frowning upon trying to get a discount that I am not eligible for. This phone call was simply to find out if I am eligible.

"Your mileage may vary!"
Liking those 4G speeds. But 3 hours...yikes. May need to get that extended battery after all.

Almost all with the screen on though. Most people don't have the screen on that much. For example, I use my phone a lot and only have about an hour of screen on time over the last 6+ hours. Battery life is all about how you use the phone and the settings.
So I just got the $100 discount as well, so I figured I'd chip in with my story for those that have yet to call (or have called and failed).

Before I start, keep in mind I'm in NW Ohio, and since it's a regional thing, this may not work for you as well as it did for me.

I had to call twice. The first time, I just dialed *611 and asked for a representative straight away. I got a brusque sounding CSR and told her about the promo. She did a search and said there was something that expired in October where you could trade in your 3G phone for a rebate. Obviously not what I was looking for, so I mentioned the promo code, CH4GE. She refused to search for it because codes are typically 10 or 11 digits long. While a little irritated, I politely said thank you and hung up.

I waited 5 minutes and called *611 again. This time, I pressed 0 then said "upgrade". I was transferred to a much nicer CSR. I told her about the promo (I said "I heard about a 3g to 4g promotion that gives you a $100 rebate" if that helps), so she did a search, and within seconds she told me there was a promotion going on for $100 off and on top of my NE2 discount, I would get a $130 discount on purchase of any 4G phone. No CH4GE code necessary. I was a little surprised, honestly, so I asked her to make a note in my account about it just in case. She asked me if I wanted to go ahead and upgrade immediately, but I said no, I'll wait for "a different phone to come out" (I figured they'd been hearing about the Galaxy Nexus enough already).

The only thing that worries me is that she couldn't find an expiration date, while everyone else says their rep told them it expires 12/31... Whatever, it can't hurt :)

$170 Nexus, here I come!

tl;dr: Dialed *611, pressed 0, said 'upgrade', asked about "3G to 4G promotion for $100 rebate", rep found it and noted it in my account without asking for a code.

Liking those 4G speeds. But 3 hours...yikes. May need to get that extended battery after all.

You'll notice the phone was fighting for signal throughout those 3 hours, and the screen was on the majority of the time, both of which really drain battery life. If you live in a place where signal is consistent, it should last you a lot longer, especially in standby.
I wonder if they do a pre-order tonight or tomorrow, will anyone go for it? I think a pre-order, at this point, would give us no significant advantage at all, unless you can't get to a store on day 1.
you are free to make your own thread and title it any way you would like. :rolleyes:

seriously though, let's just drop this. Steven made the thread and he is free to put "galaxy nexus now free at any starbucks" in the title if that is his perogative. if you don't like all the speculation, set a news alert for galaxy nexus on google and be done with it. why read 80,000+ posts in a thread that is clearly stated to be for leaks and rumors if that's not what you're looking for? :confused:

I wish I could thank this more once. Not to mention it says "leak" in the title. Perhaps people who feel that way should go to the Galaxy Nexus facts thread, oh... I could have sworn there was one of those. Oh yeah, nobody has facts! No wonder we deal in leaks and rumors.
My Costco (northern California) is getting them this Friday morning! Just got back. He wasn't sure what kind of bundle it was though. I will be first in line!
I wonder if they do a pre-order tonight or tomorrow, will anyone go for it? I think a pre-order, at this point, would give us no significant advantage at all, unless you can't get to a store on day 1.

Oh doubting we'll have a pre-order tonight BUT if one were to happen, I would be taking advantage of it. If Thursday the day then I would not have time to go to the store. So it would be online order for me either way.
you are free to make your own thread and title it any way you would like. :rolleyes:

seriously though, let's just drop this. Steven made the thread and he is free to put "galaxy nexus now free at any starbucks" in the title if that is his perogative. if you don't like all the speculation, set a news alert for galaxy nexus on google and be done with it. why read 80,000+ posts in a thread that is clearly stated to be for leaks and rumors if that's not what you're looking for? :confused:

So glad that misleading information doesn't bother you. Your comment about putting any thread title he wants is just so absurd, i dont even know where to start. Interested in a bridge? I've got one to sell.

Just to set the record straight, I don't believe for a second that Steven did that deliberately, but there is a time when it becomes reasonable to not trust a source if that source is disproven every time (not talking about Steven).
I'm sorry, like most rumors and VZW sales guy's promises, they are utterly meaningless.

I mean I have to vent here a bit. The misleading thread title (and make no mistake about it, it IS misleading) said Thursday is the day. Around that time, I lost count of how many guys said their VZW store 'confirmed' the Thursday release date.

Now I come here a day later, the thread title is the same, but most are reporting their VZW store is now saying 'nope, no Thursday release'. So am I to believe that these guys get emails every day saying 'release, no release, release, no release'. Please, nonsense!!!

Guys, I call major big time BS to all of this crap. Not only do I now believe these rumors are ALL wrong, the misleading thread title needs to be changed for the 100th time, nobody has the slightest clue what they're talking about and we're all fools for believing ANY of this. In fact, for the first time Im willing to accept the fact this phone may never see the light of day here. Best case scenario IMO is what I mentioned here awhile back when my non-corporate VZW store told me his buddy that works for Google said January.

What a joke. I've got to be the biggest jackass for waiting for this.

OK, I feel better now...not really. :rolleyes:

I understand your pain, Ken. Ask any of the old-timers here about my ledge jumpings, anger, and the multiple times I've left this forum only to return with my tail between my legs.

I have some good medication I can recommend.

I'm hoping for Thursday but it's getting tough to believe much of anything. I think my buddy who is a regional manager for Verizon is getting tired of me talking about this phone. He had confirmed the date last week prior to the delay but now he won't tell me anything. Kinda strange, he's always been pretty open about this kind of thing.
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