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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Just left a non-corp retail by me. The guy in there was very helpful. He knew all about us and our antics, and confirmed that from his corporate office, the date was the 15th. He added the caveat that it is subject to change, and did not have any stock yet but showed me some of the accessories that he had. Very nice man, and more helpful than anyone I've spoken with so far.

While I will not buy the phone from him, I will buy all of my accessories from him. The $100 promo is for corporate locations only!

Again, FWIW.
Agreed... maybe 1 or 2 total have said the store said its NOT this week.

And for the Confirmed argument. Seriously put a sock in it. When multiple stores across the country CONFIRM they will be selling the device it is confirmed at that given time that it will be sold Thursday. Verizon conformed the RAZR for a 11:11 11/11 release, but had the world as we knew it ended before then would you still say it wasn't confirmed? Because it didn't actually come out?

As far as we know internally it is confirmed for 12/15. Just waiting on external confirmation

Edit: I wasn't directing this at you jkc120 lol sorry.

Keep in mind that VZW has not once confirmed a single solitary date on the GNex, not once. All the disappointment comes from believing a multitude of UNconfirmed dates from sources that get information from who knows where.
Thats really bad battery life, I'll most likely switch out to 3g when out and about, or find some auto switcher that will switch from 4g to 3g when i am wifi.
. . .there is a time when it becomes reasonable to not trust a source if that source is disproven every time (not talking about Steven).

I think that if Verizon execs say the Gnex is coming out on Day X, and the sources we have communicate that to us, and then Verizon changes its mind, it's not the sources' fault.

If all we want is definite, 100% confirmed proof, then we have absolutely no alternative other than to await the official announcement from Verizon.
If that's the case, there is no need for this thread whatsoever.

But most of us enjoy the speculation (to a point) and appreciate the efforts that our sources give to get us info.
If I buy from a Verizon 3rd party retailer, what happens if I need tech ssupport or a a replacement device, can I go to aa corporate store for help?
Just in case anybody is curious...

...and...Regarding the battery life question from earlier...


I'm beginning to think this phone isn't worth getting.
You have such an honest face!

I believe!!!

Thanks! I was told the same thing by a non-corporate store rep.. but he has been more open with everything and let know everything he knew..

On the otherhand... the corporate store mgr, who I have come to know over the years has been VERY hesitiant to tell me ANYTHING other than he would make sure i got one. SO coming from him... it held more weight ya know?
Agreed... maybe 1 or 2 total have said the store said its NOT this week.

And for the Confirmed argument. Seriously put a sock in it. When multiple stores across the country CONFIRM they will be selling the device it is confirmed at that given time that it will be sold Thursday.

I think that was a little unnecessary. A lot of people have the opinion that the only real confirmation will be an official announcement from verizon. I get excited about all the rumors just like everyone else, but we've now had several "confirmed" dates from CSRs and others that haven't panned out. Reminds me of Inigo Montoya, "I dont think that word means what you think it means."
Just in case anybody is curious...


...and...Regarding the battery life question from earlier...






That battery life is very scary. I thought I read the extende battery has only about 20% or so more capacity? Hopefully your results won't be the norm.
Warning: OT

Guys I have some super depressing news.

Panasonic to slash plasma TV panel output

It looks like Panasonic is slowing but surely getting out of the Plasma business. First it was Pioneer killing off the Kuro brand and now Panasonic slowing killing off the VIERA brand. Soon there will be no good TVs available. Get em while you can. :(

OT : boo!! I got a Kuro Elite in their last year of production. Plasma tvs have the best picture quality bar none.
I just deleted a couple of bickering posts. I want to thank everyone for now joining in. It made it easier to handle and kept the damage at a minimum.. Thank Yoooooooooooou!!!! :D
Can we combine the $100.00 promo code AND the $50.00 upgrade credit?
Im on the fence (mainly cash flow) but that would get me in the store for sure.

Like I said last page, the rep I called said that the $100 would stack on top of my $30 NE2 discount. So if she was to be believed, yes. :)
This entire release is a total failure. Not because Verizon has "missed" or "delayed" the release (because they never gave us a firm date, just "by the end of the year"). But the poor communication and in many cases the lack thereof is just alarming.

- They send a message (purportedly) that the 9th is the day. Retailers start working with their customers on sales.
- They send some last minute "ABORT! ABORT! ABORT!" message on the 8th, and then get mad at these stores for some Nexuses escaping.
- They then (assumedly) send some sort of gag order / threat to their corporate employees telling them they will suffer disciplinary action or termination for even saying the word nexus (well, close enough)
- Now they send another message to retailers about the 15th, but refuse to acknowledge it at their corporate stores (see the previous point about the gag order)

If I were a reseller, there is no way in hell I would be telling my customers about the 15th. Not because I'm a bad guy or because I believe in the secrecy, but because there is a very high possibility I'd have to call said customers AGAIN to back off on sales.

I understand they have to inform the resellers when they can sell them, but why risk it and inform them 2-3 days ahead of time, knowing what happened with the 9th? My only conclusion is that the 15th is much more firm. I really doubt Verizon would want to risk the same thing happening unless they were quite sure it was going to release on the 15th.

But as always, we have to guess at this crap because Verizon fails at communication.

Agreed. This Makes no sense at all. why at the 11th hour would they still be denying release while resellers and stores are getting all warm and fuzzy with potential customers trying to SELL THIER PRODUCT!!?? I just don't get it. WHy in the world is this situation soooooo fragile?

This is it. Thurs or bust for me. I'll buy something used and wait 6 more months for something else. Get a big fat Note or sumthin'. Eff vzw.
I wonder if they do a pre-order tonight or tomorrow, will anyone go for it? I think a pre-order, at this point, would give us no significant advantage at all, unless you can't get to a store on day 1.

Might go the pre-order route if I can get it next day since I may not be able to get to the store till the afternoon and if they sell out and I have to wait days (eek...week) to get one ill jump.
Curious if anyone knows of any discounts for someone that is not w/ VZW yet. My whole family is on a family plan w/ them and I am the only hold out still w/ AT&T and they have offered me a fantastic deal on the Skyrocket but I still want the Nexus and the only thing better then a $299 Nexus is a $149 Nexus. :)
Well now it is getting a tad clearer.

I got the below today. The blurry pic is not intentional. Its from my OGDroid.
I called the number on the flyer.
Note the code.

While I had the guy on the line I inquired about you know what -= $100.00 promo.

  1. I was informed it is basically a reminder of my $50.00 eligibility in-case I was unaware.
  2. I asked about the rumored $100.00 going around.
  3. After some intense clarification back and forth noting it possibly being regional and the codes on rumored flyers (That I have not seen pic of by the way) and with hold times here and there.
  4. There are no promos in effect that will apply to the Nexus if and when it comes out other than any loyalty discounts you already have on your account.......... PERIOD.
I have made an donkey of my self before and am not shy about doing it again but I am still calling BS on the so called $100.00 and the fact it will apply to the Nexus. :eek:
Put your pics of the mailers where you mouths are...... show me the UN-photoshopped pics. Screen shots of your account summary screens indicating the credits?

I want to believe.
I want you to get $100.00 off on the Nexus.:)
My findings indicate otherwise.:eek:

I talked to a Verizon rep last night (called *611) and he found the promo deal we are talking about "3g to 4g" promo $100 off. Stated it was only for the Chicago land area and that it would not apply to me (I live in Denver). I have the strong feeling that anyone who got it "noted" on their account will not be getting it. If you read the promo's wording, they are linked to a phone number. Doubt they will be just handing out a $100 credit to a brand new in demand phone, but I could be wrong.

i am one of the ones who got the $100 promo noted on their account. but, as i've said before, i'm not sure that it will stick. if it does, i'll be pleasantly surprised. but, i tend to think you guys are right, and the VZW store people will probably tell me i'm SOL. i won't go down without a fight, though (but only after i have the GNex in my hands). :)
I wonder if they do a pre-order tonight or tomorrow, will anyone go for it? I think a pre-order, at this point, would give us no significant advantage at all, unless you can't get to a store on day 1.

Yeah - the only benefit to pre-ordering would be if the release is pushed back to Friday. If it really is going to be Thursday, then pre-order would be useless.
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