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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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We should create a poll and ask folks on a scale from 0 to 10 (10 being absolutely certain), how confident are you that we will have our hands on our precious on Thursday. I'm curious to see the statistical distribution of the folks in here. I have a feeling we'll see an inverse bell curve where most are either very pessimistic or very optimistic. But that's just a guess based on the general atmosphere/attitudes I see of posters. :)
So glad that misleading information doesn't bother you. Your comment about putting any thread title he wants is just so absurd, i dont even know where to start. Interested in a bridge? I've got one to sell.

Just to set the record straight, I don't believe for a second that Steven did that deliberately, but there is a time when it becomes reasonable to not trust a source if that source is disproven every time (not talking about Steven).

it can't be misleading when we all know this thread is for leaks and rumors. It doesn't say official, it says rumor, right there in the title, and post 1 links directly to the post used for that rumor. that is the best information we currently have, so that is what is in the title. the only way it is misleading is to a person discovering this thread for the first time... and even they would know it is based on rumor after reading the first sentence of the first post.

if all we posted was official info, there would be 0 posts here. there would be 1 when VZ released a PR, and then it would be locked. boy, that would be useful! :rolleyes:
Here's my thoughts on Thursday and why we're probably ok.

It seems like all the "confirmed for the 15th" are coming from NON-Corporate stores. I think there have been a couple from corporate stores, but it seems like the majority are resellers of some kind (be it 3rd part, RS, BB, etc).

It sounds like an email was sent out to these resellers indicating the 15th date. Whether it is firm or just tentative is anyone's guess until we see a screen shot of it. But it sure looks like Verizon is intending to release on the 15th.

So, why are the corporate stores playing dumb? It seems very credible that they received a gag order. How much district managers or store managers are pushing their CSRs to keep their mouth shut would account for some stores denying stock or any release information, while others are hinting at Thursday and still others are flat out indicating the 15th.

So I think the 15th is the new INTERNAL target, and VZW has informed their resellers, but it is still subject to change (as was the 9th). So I don't think we'll know for sure until the morning of the 15th when reports either come in indicating people on the east coast were successful or that they could not yet buy it.

I fully expect to NOT hear anything reliable until the VZW corporate stores open on the 15th. I'm cautiously optimistic for the 15th, but I'm still not going to hold my breath.

FWIW, I got my call from a corporate store rep to set up a Thursday appointment to get the Nexus. Jacksonville, FL FTW.

And, no, I won't believe it till I am out of the store with it in my hands, but I am going unless he calls back with bad news.

VERIZON - "Rule the Air, Ruin the Release!"
'For A Limited Time' but the word is until 12/31. If you are waiting for the Nexus and are worried the promo will end before it comes out call up a CSR let them know and they will note your account to help honor it in case that scenerio pans out.

I was told via on-line VZW chat that the DD promo is good through 1/15.
Please note: OP title changed to say "rumor" in order to calm down any misunderstandings. It replaces the word, "leak". I hope that makes for more peace. I sincerely apologize for any hardships I may have caused anyone by the words I chose to use.
We should create a poll and ask folks on a scale from 0 to 10 (10 being absolutely certain), how confident are you that we will have our hands on our precious on Thursday. I'm curious to see the statistical distribution of the folks in here. I have a feeling we'll see an inverse bell curve where most are either very pessimistic or very optimistic. But that's just a guess based on the general atmosphere/attitudes I see of posters. :)

I'm a 1.
So, of course my trip to RS was futile. Store manager said he had a ton in stock but didn't know when he was able to sell them. I'll still be in on the 15th first thing though to find out.
He DID bring out a dummy model I got to handle though! Everyone knows the details, but the thing just feels so great in the hand, and not much bigger than my Bionic. I really liked the textured back on it. Really hoping on the 15th! He shot out the 20th etc. as well for possible release dates.
I understand your pain, Ken. Ask any of the old-timers here about my ledge jumpings, anger, and the multiple times I've left this forum only to return with my tail between my legs.

I have some good medication I can recommend.


Can you messenger that over? FedEx won't nearly be quick enough. I'm dangling buddy, I'm dangling!

Thanks for being the only one that recognized the motivation for my rant!
Please note: OP title changed to say "rumor" in order to calm down any misunderstandings. It replaces the word, "leak". I hope that makes for more peace. I sincerely apologize for any hardships I may have caused anyone by the words I chose to use.

No I want it to say leak and I will whine and complain until it's changed back. :p
We should create a poll and ask folks on a scale from 0 to 10 (10 being absolutely certain), how confident are you that we will have our hands on our precious on Thursday. I'm curious to see the statistical distribution of the folks in here. I have a feeling we'll see an inverse bell curve where most are either very pessimistic or very optimistic. But that's just a guess based on the general atmosphere/attitudes I see of posters. :)

5 :(
Please note: OP title changed to say "rumor" in order to calm down any misunderstandings. It replaces the word, "leak". I hope that makes for more peace. I sincerely apologize for any hardships I may have caused anyone by the words I chose to use.

That's nice of you Steven, but I think the majority of us know what "leak" means and take the news with a grain of salt after the roller coaster ride we've been on. Don't sweat it! :)
Just got off the line with my local premium retailer, very nice girl. I asked about the Gnex releasing on Thursday and she said that it was still just rumors... but then she asks to put me on hold. She comes back on and says that it is fact releasing on Thursday and she just need to make sure that she was able to tell me. I asked how many they had in stock and she told me to just come in tomorrow night and put down $100 to reserve one for me, so i dont have to wait in line.

i am one of the ones who got the $100 promo noted on their account. but, as i've said before, i'm not sure that it will stick. if it does, i'll be pleasantly surprised. but, i tend to think you guys are right, and the VZW store people will probably tell me i'm SOL. i won't go down without a fight, though (but only after i have the GNex in my hands). :)

It will work if you tell the CSR to put a note on it to have it work for the Nexus like mine did. I told him I was worried it might not be honored, and he said it applied to all 4g phones, and he said he put a note on it just in case. Verizon has always lived up to this sort of stuff, if it's on your account they will honor it.
So glad that misleading information doesn't bother you. Your comment about putting any thread title he wants is just so absurd, i dont even know where to start. Interested in a bridge? I've got one to sell.

Just to set the record straight, I don't believe for a second that Steven did that deliberately, but there is a time when it becomes reasonable to not trust a source if that source is disproven every time (not talking about Steven).

I just really want my Nexus this week
If the Nexus were being released with Gingerbread and a locked bootloader, would it be getting the same amount of attention? Aside from those two things, is there anything else about this phone that stands out from other current hardware?

Sometimes I think I'm just adopting the crowd's mentality in getting excited for this device. I also can't help but wonder if there is ANY chance that VZW could flex it's muscles to force a locked bootloader on the Nexus. Despite the whole concept of a developer's phone, I can't help but think of the numerous manufacturers who have embraced open source while their VZW models remain locked tight.
We should create a poll and ask folks on a scale from 0 to 10 (10 being absolutely certain), how confident are you that we will have our hands on our precious on Thursday. I'm curious to see the statistical distribution of the folks in here. I have a feeling we'll see an inverse bell curve where most are either very pessimistic or very optimistic. But that's just a guess based on the general atmosphere/attitudes I see of posters. :)

I'm about a 4 or 5 right now. Last week I was at a 9.
I think that if Verizon execs say the Gnex is coming out on Day X, and the sources we have communicate that to us, and then Verizon changes its mind, it's not the sources' fault.

If all we want is definite, 100% confirmed proof, then we have absolutely no alternative other than to await the official announcement from Verizon.
If that's the case, there is no need for this thread whatsoever.

But most of us enjoy the speculation (to a point) and appreciate the efforts that our sources give to get us info.

Han, you're cashing in on 'thanks' because you're responding to my rants! We should split them. I feel like I'm playing your straight man! :D
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