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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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To anyone else scared about battery life I'll add this from P3Droid's review:

Battery life: The battery life on this device is average at best. I have yet to use a LTE enabled device that gets stellar battery. So far I would say power users are going to be plugging in by midday and your casual user may need an early afternoon. With my usage (I'm a heavy user), on LTE I will go from 100% at 6AM to 20% by 11AM, on 3G I went from 100% at 6AM to 70% at 11AM and 20% at 4PM. Again you mileage will vary according to your usage. My Device has a 1750 mAH battery and the battery may have been upped to 1850mAH.

just txted my rep at a corporate vzw store, and he said he doesn't know when their going on sale or how many they've got in stock but he will set one aside for me! that's great because i have a final thursday morning and won't be able to hit up the store till 1 pm or so. :)

its still thursday right?
just txted my rep at a corporate vzw store, and he said he doesn't know when their going on sale or how many they've got in stock but he will set one aside for me! that's great because i have a final thursday morning and won't be able to hit up the store till 1 pm or so. :)

its still thursday right?

Yessir :)
Agreed. This Makes no sense at all. why at the 11th hour would they still be denying release while resellers and stores are getting all warm and fuzzy with potential customers trying to SELL THIER PRODUCT!!?? I just don't get it. WHy in the world is this situation soooooo fragile?

This is it. Thurs or bust for me. I'll buy something used and wait 6 more months for something else. Get a big fat Note or sumthin'. Eff vzw.

I'm not convinced Verizon is convinced that they're selling this phone on Thursday. I think they'd like to, but just don't know yet. I think CSRs are betting it will release on Thursday and are hungry for sales so they make arrangements to keep one for you and they are guaranteed commission. Personally, I'm waiting until Verizon says it. Last Friday was as close to a lock in as we can get and look what happened there. Verizon puts out a gag order until they KNOW it's going to sell. Hoping for Thursday, but not counting on it.
WHats up with verizons hours this week? All 5 stores in my area (orange county,ca) open at 10am all week. I was hoping to grab the phone before work but I probably wouldn't make it in until 11. Which is too late.
Well unfortunately, "heavy use" is subjective. "heavy use" to one person may not be the same for another. And we don't have all the specifics of the usage patterns for both users, so it's really like comparing apples and oranges. :(

BMX indicated his heavy usage meant he used up about 4 GB of data a day...whatever data usage breaks down to is unknown, however.
OT : boo!! I got a Kuro Elite in their last year of production. Plasma tvs have the best picture quality bar none.

Check out the Sharp Elite local dimming LED/LCD. Superb reviews, and many owners of both the Kuros and Elites prefer the Elites picture. The only drawbacks relative to plasma are viewing angle and price. Just so you know Pioneer was in joint development with Sharp on the Elite.

Times are changing. :)
I would preorder it even the release was thursday just in case i can't get to the store in the morning and it sells out.

One thing i would taking into consideration is there may be people trying to buy the phone on contract ( that don't really want it, but see the upgrade as a chance to make some money) and then selling it on ebay or craigslist for high prices.

Personally I think the phone has been hyped up enough (without a single verizon ad) that the above may actually happen, so I'd be extremely pissed off if they actually did the release the phone after all this waiting and i couldn't get one.

Good point. My boss is off Thursday, so I may have to sneak out for an hour or so to get the phone. :D
Check out the Sharp Elite local dimming LED/LCD. Superb reviews, and many owners of both the Kuros and Elites prefer the Elites picture. The only drawbacks relative to plasma are viewing angle and price. Just so you know Pioneer was in joint development with Sharp on the Elite.

Times are changing. :)

I still prefer plasma to LCD, but this past weekend I was at BJs. I was checking out the 60 and 70 inch Sharp Quartro series LCDs. Their viewing angle rivaled that of the Plasmas I've seen.
Check out the Sharp Elite local dimming LED/LCD. Superb reviews, and many owners of both the Kuros and Elites prefer the Elites picture. The only drawbacks relative to plasma are viewing angle and price. Just so you know Pioneer was in joint development with Sharp on the Elite.

Times are changing. :)

I have seen some good looking LED/LCD tv's but I've been totally bugged by the higher refresh rates. Good for sports but lousy for movies or tv shows that aren't soaps.
My 3g dInc will die in 4 to 6 hours of heavy usage (netflix/gaming), if you're gonna use your phone as a mobile gaming platform away from a charger, get an extra battery. If not, you'll probably be fine just managing your 4g connection.
I wonder if they do a pre-order tonight or tomorrow, will anyone go for it? I think a pre-order, at this point, would give us no significant advantage at all, unless you can't get to a store on day 1.
Unfortunately it's too late for me to preorder since I'm leaving town tomorrow. I was really hoping there would be a very, very soft Wednesday release so I could pick up the phone on the way to the airport. Not likely.

As it is Thursday morning I have a flight that leaves at 10:40. If they do release it Thursday I'm pretty sure I can be in and out of a nearby Radio Shack in time to make my flight. (Especially since the plane can't leave without me. :))
I apologize for the long post - see the tl;dr at the bottom if needed.

Some people are worrying about battery life far too soon. Keep in mind this is a NEW OS, and there are going to be issues. My Nexus One had horrid battery life on launch.

A couple of notes on battery life --

Less technical

-Bad battery life compared to what?
Generally the 'bar' is currently set at the iPhone. Typical Android device vs typical iPhone, the iPhone will win. Android takes some tweaking to get it on par with 'good' battery life. This is really just an opinion.

4G (LTE) puts a strain on the battery. The current model of LTE chips are heavy voltage hogs, in that they drain the battery quite quickly. A good remedy is to turn 4G off if you're not going to use it. Try and use WiFi as much as possible. You can also use programs like 'Tasker' that will switch you off of 4G onto WiFi based on your location (if your at home, you want o be on WiFi)

-Signal strength
This is one a lot of people overlook. They go to work and their battery dies quickly. They forget their office is in the basement or something. If you dont have a solid signal, your phone will keep polling - which will kill the battery quickly.

-Screen time
The screen will be the killer on this phone. Typically, people are seeing around 3 hours screen time before their battery starts to crap out. It's a large beautiful screen, and the higher the brightness, the more juice its going to take.

Currently, the screenshot OP's setup is unknown. A lot of syncs (twitter, facebook, gmail, exchange push) can call certain bis of code that run non-stop that are grouped weirdly (as in they show up under AndroidOS and not the app in the battery usage)

More technical:

-suspend failures
GS2 guys were the first to really dig into it, but as of 2.3, the suspend failures were grouped into the AndroidOS loggroup. This could be the issue *more info is needed.

-Android OS
That current screenshot is troubling. As you can see, the phone never went into a 'deep sleep', Android OS has been running non-stop before the phone was unplugged from the charger. This could be a potential kernal issue that some of the GSM folks are experiencing. If an LTE GN owner or the screenshot OP would like to get intouch with me, we can go through some of your kernel logs to see whats going on. *more info is needed

tl;dr -
In short - more information is needed before everyone goes the way of the Dodo (jumping off cliffs).
That's nice of you Steven, but I think the majority of us know what "leak" means and take the news with a grain of salt after the roller coaster ride we've been on. Don't sweat it! :)

I'm not being argumentative, but there is a huge difference between the word 'leak' and the word 'rumor'. The former can be much more associated with accurate info whereas the latter can be anything from urban myth to fact.

I sincerely appreciate Steven changing that word. IMO it dramatically changes peopel's expectations when just scanning the thread title to see a capsule version of he 'latest & greatest'. :)
I think he was using the ceil() function not round() :p

OT re:above :

I was helping one of my friends who is a TA for a freshman programming class. A student had contacted him for extra help, and he "said sure you just have to come to me as I am busy". Since he was busy working with me, the student came and we both helped him as I have better-than-average programming knowledge for your random non-CS major. The student had his whole program written badly, with one of the weirdest idiosyncracies being he refused to use ceil(). It was java, and if he wanted ceil(varOne), he would write floor(varOne+1). He also did other things like to concatenate strings he would do something like:

declare array
for i from i=0 to i=(stringOne.length+stringTwo.length)

if i>stringOne
j= i-stringOne.length
array[j] = stringTwo.charAt(j)

array[i] = stringOne.charAt(i)


then convert the array into one string

Obviosly his was in real code and not psuedocode.

Now, he was technically correct, but an idiot considering string.concat() had been introduced about a week ago.

The worst part was that he refused to understand ceil, and the final assignment he handed in still had the floor(varOne+1) instead of ceil(varOne). My friend spent at least 45 min explaining it, and it apparently was for naught.

My 3g dInc will die in 4 to 6 hours of heavy usage (netflix/gaming), if you're gonna use your phone as a mobile gaming platform away from a charger, get an extra battery. If not, you'll probably be fine just managing your 4g connection.

Yeah or stay near a plug lol. Thats what I do at work. Im streaming Gmusic all day and ill need a charge at 12 and I start at 8 fml... The screen is off all the time too. It blows, but i get used to it.
OT re:above :

I was helping one of my friends who is a TA for a freshman programming class. A student had contacted him for extra help, and he "said sure you just have to come to me as I am busy". Since he was busy working with me, the student came and we both helped him as I have better-than-average programming knowledge for your random non-CS major. The student had his whole program written badly, with one of the weirdest idiosyncracies being he refused to use ceil(). It was java, and if he wanted ceil(varOne), he would write floor(varOne+1). He also did other things like to concatenate strings he would do something like:

declare array
for i from i=0 to i=(stringOne.length+stringTwo.length)

if i>stringOne
j= i-stringOne.length
array[j] = stringTwo.charAt(j)

array[i] = stringOne.charAt(i)


then convert the array into one string

Obviosly his was in real code and not psuedocode.

Now, he was technically correct, but an idiot considering string.concat() had been introduced about a week ago.

The worst part was that he refused to understand ceil, and the final assignment he handed in still had the floor(varOne+1) instead of ceil(varOne). My friend spent at least 45 min explaining it, and it apparently was for naught.

Where the hell were you guys when I needed someone for my Algorithms and data structures analysis class
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